What kind of games do girls play?
What's a good game where I could meet girls?
Girl gamers
girls don't play videogames, it's not a negative thing but videogames tend not to appeal to girls. if you want to find games that girls play check normie shit like Overwatch or Fortnite, i know thots at my Uni that play both, they're not going to be 'muh gamer gf' for you though. the ones that are actually like that have probably havepersonal flaws that prelude to you wanting them as your gf and/or crippling social anxiety. if you're really willing to creep out go to game forums and seek out women to befrend and asskiss.
>What's a good game where I could meet girls?
You can't. All the cool gamer girls try to keep the fact that they are girls on the down low.
I assume you mean video games.
>What kind of games do girls play?
Alone it's either old games from their childhood or games than are reminiscent of them, but you probably don't care about that.
Online it's games where social aspect is placed above the gameplay aspect, most notably: MMOs and popular multiplayer team games (genre doesn't seem to matter).
They can be found in every game, just in much lesser concentrations to men.
The above examples is just where there's significantly more of them (there's even some MMOs where female population exceeds 50%).
>What's a good game where I could meet girls?
If you ask me - it is, and always been - MMOs.
Not just because there's more of them there, but because there's infinitely more opportunity for social interaction than in any other kind of game.
As a side note you shouldn't look for a girl in games. Ideally you'd want to be interested in the game itself, and meet a girl with common interest there by chance.
Consider that "non-gamer" girls can be just as keen on playing when introduced to vidya, and RL is usually the preferred way of meeting new people.
>What kind of games do girls play?
Online shit like mobas where they can collect orbiters
just go to VR Chat thats where girls be these days
The same kinds that we do, they just don't advertise it by going on the mic. They get creepy fucks desperate for an online girlfriend, who scream, throw a fit, and potentially start stalking them when they get refused. They get shouted and screamed at for sucking at the game, and women are generally not used to being told by men that they suck at something in real life, so many think that it's a personal attack/bullying. They get accused of being attention whores because of the sad "gamer gurl" stereotypes which *tend* to ring true. The actual gamer girls, rather than mindless fucks playing COD on their boyfriends XBOX, generally don't fit the stereotype, but get accused of it anyway. Alternatively, if they're really good, they'll get accused of cheating. But then again, anybody good gets accused of that by crappy players.
Basically, take real life socialization, shrink it down, and put it online where people feel free to be dickheads. Women aren't going to admit they're even there for fear of reprisal.
Met mine in high school 10 years ago. Married to her now.
She plays more shit than I do, and it's exhausting, not to mention expensive. All pokemon games (both versions every time), lots of micro transactions on games like Warframe and League of legends, constantly looking for new multiplayer games to play, obsessed with early access shit... I can't remember when I last had time to play a single player game, and I don't even want to play multiplayer games as often as she does, but she always leashed me in to do it anyway.
I love her for a myriad of reasons, but being a gamer is not one of them. The silver lining to it is that she doesn't complain if I buy a game I want, but I imagine the difference between
>stop playing video games!
>Stop playing single player and play this game with me instead!
Is very small.
Only Discord trannies use VR chat
Gamer Girls(tm) are easy to spot due to how much they whore themselves out. You will never spot the actual girls. I never correct anyone calling me a guy, and I never use voice, and I have no identifiable thing that makes my gender clear. Ever. If a game wants me to pick a gender, I choose Male just to be completely sure.
I do *not* want to meet guys through games, and I do not want some retard cyber stalking me. There are no girls on the internet, because you will *never* fuck a girl you meet online, so it's better to pretend we dont exist.
play major league candy crush
>If a game wants me to pick a gender, I choose Male just to be completely sure.
If a game wants me to pick a gender, I choose Female because I like girls.
fucking based
take my money
That means you want male attention and that's gay
I create hot female avatars and wank to them lole
>I choose Female because I like girls
I'd be lying if I said it wasn't partially due to how hot some of the male avatars are.
I spend most of my playtime in FFXIV zoomed in close to my Miqo'te. It might have caused me to die a few times (thankfully easy not to, game is super easy)
This make me feel a little better about the world, than if you were forced to chose an avatar purely in regards to dickbags.
Tabletop Simulator
But most of them are bitches, like a good 50/50
Nah. Playing female characters doesn't matter, only preteen dumbnuts think a female avatar = female player.
From what I understand, a lot games are filled with preteen dumbnuts.
Single player shooters. Gotta let the angst go somehow
Yeah, but you dont really have to worry about those. The problem people are the ones who manage to somehow sneak your email from your in game name, dig up personal details, and start sending physical letters to you. Those are typically 30 year old creeps.
The preteens aren't a problem.
They play the same shit we do.
Some genres just have less than others. Girls tend to play the more social games, party games, MMOs, games that aren't a mastery thing. Some even play card games and shit.
As for how you go meeting one? That's the tricky part. The ones that you know are girls up front are "GURL GAYMERS" the sort that think they are special because they play what's hot at the moment or really they in the shallow end of the pool. Never really get anywhere too far.
The other? Is the actual girl that plays games. This one doesn't mention they are a girl until later. You have to make friends with them first, and if they trust you enough will eventually let out they are a chick or something. For the most part you'll end up actually playing the game with them.
A friend of mine found his wife playing CoD on Xbox like that. I found my fiancee playing MMOs, FFXIV specifically. Keep in mind I wasn't looking for a gaming gf, just wanted a friend but thing went further.
I play shit like fallout, far cry then Ill play Kirby or Zelda. I also like final fantasy but fallout is my fave.
>fallout is my fave.
Marry me.. oh, you meant Fallout 3+, never mind.
>oh, you meant Fallout 3+, never mind
Bitch, say that to my face and I'll claw your eyes out.
So only garbage aside from Fallout