>i have no friends and cant get a girlfriend
>it's because the Jews have shaped culture to make people dislike me! if it wasnt for the Jews I would have a social life and girls
is this what you guys actually believe?
>i have no friends and cant get a girlfriend
>it's because the Jews have shaped culture to make people dislike me! if it wasnt for the Jews I would have a social life and girls
is this what you guys actually believe?
>blaming jews for anything
I have a girl. We love each other and have sex. I also think the Jews are bad.
r/T_D is that way
I do have friends and im gay so suck my balls leftiecuck.
I keep seeing this on Jow Forums a lot too. How pathetic must someone be to think that there is a worldwide Jewish conspiracy that is preventing him from being a functional member of society.
get out newfag
>Everyone who disagrees with me is an incel!
Sure thing sweaty
>>i have no friends and cant get a girlfriend
>>it's because the Jews have shaped culture to make people dislike me! if it wasnt for the Jews I would have a social life and girls
>is this what you guys actually believe?
Nah. I just hate everyone.
>Look mom posted it again!!!
Why? Why you keep doing this?
haha good one you trolled le nazis epic style XD
also you Jow Forums guys, who hurt you?
>go out to club
>first time since uni
>music is too loud
>it's all American corporate garbage
>fat women drinking their weight in cheap pisswater
>Chad and Stacie in the VIP area laughing at fatties vomiting and getting molested by darkies
>gang stabbing outside when rival drug dealer shows up
I guess I'm the problem.
Lol I'm only sweaty because of all the sweaty sex I have. Virgin.
yes you either go clubbing or post on Jow Forums there are no other social hobbies.
>is this what you guys actually believe?
we blames jews for real social, economic, and political problems.
Jews were behind feminism tho
And their endless degenerate social engineering has fucked women up
And has led to the decay of the nuclear family.
no, its r9k or reddit thing. Most of Jow Forums is not virgins.
I've gotten a girlfriend and the jews still run banks and media.
Really makes you think.
there also tabletop clubs and anime conventions.
Lol that is the truth. Much better to go out to a pub and have a few beers with a meal. Clubs are as degenerate and Jewish as it gets.
My gf hot AF.
>Be human
>Historically known for going batshit crazy as a species over simple rumors(see:witch trials etc, etc, etc)
>Internet comes into existence, bringing Facebook, etc
>It's all run and operated by Jews
>The Jews in our schools and jobs and media say we must have these internet related things or we are weird(for example let's use the term witches)
>Because we refuse to participate, this draws a pre-programmed visceral reactions from those that are not witches
>Red hat marches
Humans are widely known for group insanity and the Jews play into it very easily, sucks to be the group that the humans have gone insane against. In the past it's been witches, now it's us.
>straw man
keep tryng.
Patrician tier.