Lets be civilized

ITT lets discuss peaceful solutions to race problems. Been thinking about this for a while, NZ prodded me to actually start a discussion. Jow Forums tards are constantly spewing kill them all kind of solutions, have you really tried to come up with something better?
I can't speak much to the issues other countries are having with muslims, but I don't think it is much different from the issues we have with blacks and latinos in the US. We have our own muzzie issues too but nothing like Europe has. contd

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The main sticking point I think society as a whole has to get through their mind somehow is people of different ethnicity have certain abilities and inabilities. White countries insist on ignoring this important fact. European and asian men have an innate talent for making things. Black men have innate physical strength and hand eye coordination. Since we live in a world where money is exchanged for things, more than it is exchanged for athleticism the white and asian men make more. What I want to point out is, when actually producing the good, the white or asian man designed, the black mans athleticism could be worth just as much in the end. However the process would have to be geared specifically to take advantage of the black mans ability. Both groups benefit in this scenario. The problem is people aren't identifying what their strong suit is and applying their ability where it belongs. Everyone is trying to be the white and asian man.

. Whites and asians are perpetuating this destructive idea through affirmative action and race quotas. They are being pressured to do so
because the other groups are jealous. I posit it doesn't have to be this way. I think both groups can be successful, however exactly what the black, arab, latino's place is and where and how they are valuable needs to be identified.
Lets drop the hate and make suggestions for what the minority class in your country could do to benefit everyone. Maybe its time to look at this through a different lens and figure out a way we can live in harmony.


White guy is faced with material handling problems in his plant. Automating would be a huge expense. Pushing things from station to station on carts is too slow. He develops a system much like a relay race where a teams carrying small amounts of parts sprint components to different stations for further processing.

>ITT lets discuss peaceful solutions to race problems.
All niggers go back to Africa.
All Muslims go back to the Middle-East.
All Jews go back to wandering the desert for 40 years.

That would work, never gonna happen though. Thats why I think people need to come up with another approach.

Mate, good cardio doesn't mean you have "innate physical ability"
Blacks run fast, but if you look at the majority of strongmen, if not all, they're literally all white.

I'm glad another fellow of class is weclomeing a civilized discussion on the matter. my thoughts are thus:


Please do not forget to also gas the kikes.

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Well, you just admitted that no peaceful solution would ever work.

I have one more suggestion. Chemical castration of the before mentioned individuals. The government pays them $1500 cash for each castrated male and $4500 cash for each castrated female.
This way they won't reproduce and will eventually be weeded out entirely.

To add to that the best way to get them to go back might be to educate them on exactly what it is they can do to better society and in turn their own lives. Maybe they would return then and turn their homelands into something livable.

1. End fractional resreve lending
2. End usury
3. Nationalise the Fed
4. Dual Israeli citzens forbidden from taking part in politics
5. Jewish advocacy groups fall under the same foreign agent restrictions that everyone else has
6. Free Speech extends to private companies that host services which allow the general public to discuss matters with each-other
7. Stop assassinating black leaders any time they try to get organised
8. Instead, try to find people who have an interest in improving their local community rather than living on welfare handouts and blaming whitey, give them positions of power
9. Instead of dumping welfare on all the niggers, give it to these community leaders for them to organise.
10. Tax them.

Debt slavery and the chains of the welfare system are a powerful force, and are but one arm of the Jew.
Remove the tools by which the Jew keeps the negro enslaved, and ... well he'll still chimp out a lot but now he has a realistic chance.

>have you really tried to come up with something better?

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>Well, you just admitted that no peaceful solution would ever work.

no, read the op. I think there is an alternative to sending them all back


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Also most blacks have such bad blood pressure they become impotent at 30 and the risk of cardiac diseases raise exponentially.

Why no one talks about this?

good cardio is an innate physical ability, being strong is a different innate physical ability.

If you are saying good cardio is a strength blacks have think of how they can use that to contribute more, think of how we can create situations where they can and we both benefit

Third solution.
End all dual citizenships. If someone has a second passport that isn't a US Passport, then revoke their US citizenship or Green Card immediately and deport them back to whatever shit hole country they glorify.

No doubt, has nothing to do with all the ones that have been here for generations though

don't know, but an early death is great for an employer that pays retirement benefis

Of course it does. Dual citizenship means zero loyalty. No loyalty means GTFO.

how many black people in the US do you think have dual citizenship? Or even a passport for that matter?

You said race problems. There are more problems with race than just Black people. Mexicans, Jews and whatever Middle-Eastern assholes that trickle in across the border.

In any case I have given you three peaceful solutions.

ok, not what I was hoping for but thank you for contributing

the solution is simple.
>stop demanding special right (sharia zone) and start accepting universal modern human civilization.
that alone is impossible because m-muh peaceful religion demand caliphate.

Collapse the economy by refusing to participate it is the only way to be sure. The system thrives on your labour.

Found the nigger.

You are right about this, and know I am not advocating giving special privileges to anyone in anyway. I also wouldn't oppose segregation. Segregated or not though I think it is important to identify where each person can contribute in a mutually beneficial way.

Reparations. One million dollars to all blacks in USA but they must return to Africa and relinquish citizenship and NEVER return I support this in an instant. Even at 10 million a pop.

The solution is require sterilization or long term birth control for people to receive government assistance (and for felons). This will reinstitute darwinism and end the decline into idiocracy.

Also its humane, the people can choose whether they want to fight through their problems or trade in their breeding privileges for helping them survive


>ITT lets discuss peaceful solutions to race problems.

Here is a simple solution....

Stay in your own fukkking SHITHOLE!

Afreekans stay in AFREEKA!
Mudslimes stay in your dune coons!
Gooks stay in your rice paddies!

Problem Solved!

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you don't think it would be easier to just figure out a way for them to work here and make money? Maybe even something they enjoy? Everyone makes money then.

I'm not opposed to your suggestion but it isn't a real solution, that might actually happen, so its kind of a waste of time to jerk off over

Low IQ thread.
Whites are a global minority with below-replacment birthrates.
We cannot coexist with non-whites. We cannot afford to have them in our countries, period.
Doing so means that whites will cease to exist within the next 100 years. The only solution is that they leave and go back to their own homelands. Failing to do so will result in them being forcefully removed from existence.

You see Chinatown, everything happens there stay there.. The chinks are keeping their shits to themselves.

If you give a special zone to moslem, next thing they will do is to patrol around, killing neighboring area dogs and threatening to rape women for wearing indecent clothing.
So no, nothing will work for this snowflake group. The only solution iis for them to have their own country.
I live in one, I know how they think.

The entire world belongs to the white man. Every non white every where is our property. We naturally lead and they naturally follow.

A few should be kept alive as pets and for zoos.

I don't completely agree with this. Jews are a global minority too but they aren't suffering. They are using their small numbers, and their allegiance to each other to gain power.
Other races out numbering whites is only a problem if whites race mix, if whites are supporting them, or if the other group is creating strife. They are creating strife, in a bad way, which needs to be fixed. I'm just saying all this edgelord gass them or send them back shit isn't going to accomplish anything. This is a difficult problem and difficult problems require a lot more strategy and creativity than
>group x is here send them there
>group x causes problems so exterminate them

kill all niggers spics abd jews


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>Thats why I think people need to come up with another approach.
They are, it's just not peaceful

>You see Chinatown, everything happens there stay there.. The chinks are keeping their shits to themselves.

Whites visit there and spend money, they then pay taxes. I've got no problem with that. Plus they are renting space from white landowners.

>Whites visit there and spend money, they then pay taxes. I've got no problem with that. Plus they are renting space from white landowners.
nobody ever had problems with Chinese, Japanese or Korean Immigrants ever, except Australia with Philipine Subhumans

Well that's your peaceful option that would work.
Since they won't do that without force though the "kill them all" option becomes the only viable choice for progress.

Shits just going to get worse now, idk what's going to happen next but I'm glad I'm far away from it all.

Islam is not a race. Come back when you've purged your degenerate leftist ideology enough to understand that simple distinction.

At this point, not much can be done. Barring something like an alien invasion or a multi-dimensional being stepping through a star-gate, some cause that the whole world can unite behind to fight a common enemy...Evolution of technology will eventually get us there, when the masses start realizing the luddities may have been onto something...

exactly my point.

but that will never happen to moslem sharia zone.
just look at UK and their halal zones.

I can only conclude that the only solution for muzzies is for them to have their own country..

just have an honest discussion without getting angry about anything. don't be attached to any outcome and be willing to change your opinion. it's not hard really.

like, can you prove without doubt your god exists? no? ok, well let it go then. that's something to leave behind

most/all problems in this context come from holding too strong to cultural traditions. if it doesn't serve everyone, can't be proved to be useful or helpful etc, just get rid of it. this will always be the natural result of an honest, solution focused discussion anyway, acknowledging shortcomings from all sides, especially yourself

basically just grow up and get smart i suppose

Wisdom is learning to "Let Go". Let go of what? EVERYTHING

the problem comes from moral conflicts too, but this really is just a secondary product of holding too strongly to something that is either right or wrong. it can't be both. so just have the discussion.

genital mutilation? can it be shown to be good, or useful, or not harmful? no? is it good, or bad? it can be shown to be bad. ok, then get rid of it. just do this for every perceived distinction. there's no moral grey areas really and the perception that there can be based on tradition or religion is a massive barrier

the problem exists because there's someone who says 'no i won't get rid of this provably bad thing because of X'. and if that X is 'my religion' or anything that isn't 'based solely on the product of the honest discussion' then they are the issue themselves

people just have to learn this and not be so stupid and stubborn

I'm with you, but I think the issue with these groups that are causing problems is they are not capable of thinking in the same terms. With that said I think whites need to stop expecting them to do so.
If whites are capable of higher thinking they should be presenting realistic long term solutions for how to deal with these people. I think that could come in the form of identifying strong suits withing these groups that can be monetized for everyone's benefit. That said I am against race mixing. I am not someone who wants a browning of white countries. But the fact is they are here, and they aren't going anywhere soon, which means we have to coexist separately, preferably in a symbiotic way.

It’s okay to be different and diversity could be a strength if common goals were shared. The problem stems from leaders of communities and governments. US politicians, and especially Democratic politicians, like to keep people divided. If this continues there will never be a peaceful solution.
To fix this, the leaders need to start acting like the adults in the room instead of the children.

I know islam isn't a race, and I understand islam presents a whole set of challenges. And you might be right, maybe nothing will work. Or maybe you are stuck on that idea and not working through ann alternative to outright removal.

I'm not a leftist. Leftists created this problem by insisting everyone is the same. That is the polar opposite of what I said in the op.

Kill all white people

>remove scapegoat
Who’s next?


And the politicians will never solve the problem because the instant they suggest people with different ethnicity are..well different, everyone crows they are racist. This phenomenon prevents non whites from ever succeeding because they are effectively trying to be white and trying to out do whites at what whites are best at.
All of that said the solution could lie with industry and not politics. If we suggest things certain groups could excel at, and they recognize it, and industry sees potential for economic gain this competition between racial factions could dissolve.

There is no political answer my negro friend, the plan is to eliminate race through miscegenation. Most likely it'll be slowly worsening conditions until things are so bad for the average person that civil wars will break out, then who knows what will happen? Balkanization is my guess.

I for one disagree that dialogue can convince Muslims to discard our culture. Assuming all the logical debates fall in your favour, you must take into consideration the community and spiritual aspect that Islam provides.

The promise of God's blessings and Heaven in the Hereafter/resurrection. They're what gives muslims strength in our hearts, to persevere amidst all the challenges. They're what motivates us to build a happy and prosperous family. They're also the source of spiritual fulfillment, among others.

Unless you can provide something from Western ideologies that can fill the gaping hole in our hearts you can never take Islam(ic values) from us.

Wish you the best in solving the problem.

>solutions to race problems
wtf are race problems?

individual people do different things. what does their race matter?

I don’t see any reason to discard muslim culture. I also don’t see any reason another culture needs to change for them. I’ve worked and have befriended many muslims.
I’d really like to have this conversation face to face. Tough getting points across via text.

Listen to the first couple of minutes. Wisdom from a native american.

No one is saying you have to discard your culture, though I do think clinging to some of it is counterproductive.
What I am saying is there is strife between muslims and native non muslims in a lot of countries now. Can you as a muslim suggest a way to make that stop? Do you think the only way for that to happen is for muslims to stop being muslims?
My suggestion is for both groups to maintain their identity but must agree on mutually beneficial economic partnership. That said I don't think the muslim populations of these countries are going to take the bull by the horns and make that happen. Nor do I think US blacks will. But I do think the mature approach for whites in these countries is to find something these people are good at, and then take advantage of that skill.
Can you suggest something your people are good at, where if they existed en masse in a european country they could benefit an industry and bring prosperity to themselves and the native group?

bible says all non whites are dead meat at the
end of the age, there is no discussion.

I have no problem with Muslims in Muslim countries, just as we should not impose our western religions on you, stop trying to impose Islam on us and we can work together peacefully with neither of us messing with eachother.

I think race relations can be better in the future, but the problem is the current system has already distorted things beyond redemption.

As a result of this, western civilization will be brought down. There is no avoiding this. There will be a new civilization, probably Islamic or extinction. The West is so corrupted now it is literally dying out on its own.

the wahabbist simply will not comply to other than sharia living, living under western law is equal to discarding culture and religion.
just accept it. the malay muz himself had stated it clearly.

Not sure if our muslim fren is going to respond. It was looking to be some comfy dialogue. I agree with a lot of what you are saying; at least in the spirit of it. US blacks have taken steps backwards because a rap and hip hop culture. Inner cities I see as a different issue that I believe they need to take some ownership of to change. I would help them if they too would take some responsibility. Our US media and politicians are a large part of the division here in the US. They lack wisdom, full of greed, and preach envy.

I am sitting here phonefagging along an 8 mile trail near my house. I see a nice middle class neighborhood in front of me. Within it are first generation chinese, first generation Indians, blacks, and whites. It is a community where people are friendly and talk to each other. I could drive three miles away and I will see areas where first generations will not assimilate. They have no interest. Are quite rude and mistrusting.


I am all for people havinf other cultures and will support them in keeping it. However, if you so not treat me the same in regards to my culture then we have a very concerning problem.

The tribal leader who introduces the band in this video sums up my beliefs pretty well. If you want to hear what native american rock opera sounds like, then welcome to Brule.


>Lets be civilized

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This, we've been civilised with the foreigners for decades now and nothing works, the only thing that did sorta work is segregation (apartheid) and there's always some shekelberg that infiltrates it so that they can push to outlaw it.
Just dump them into their own countries far away from ours, with no ruling whites in it and call it a day ffs.