Earlier today, Jow Forums defended a man who lacks the basic composure not to harm a child. The boy didn't even retaliate, yet they pushed him off his feet and detained him for a good while. Why?
Earlier today, Jow Forums defended a man who lacks the basic composure not to harm a child. The boy didn't even retaliate, yet they pushed him off his feet and detained him for a good while. Why?
nice trollbait
the kid did swing at the bald dude
He wern't even charged or handcuffed
Walk up to a nigger in the ghetto and plop and egg on his head and see what happens cunt.
eggcuck got smashed by an old man.
Lol if i got egged like that i would make sure the kid ended up in hospital. I praise the senator for keeping his calm like that.
If the situation was reversed and it was a lefty politician, I would laugh but would still find the reaction reasonable.
Acting like a nigger has consequences.
Because zoomshitters need to learn that the real world isn't a high school cafeteria and if you touch someone there ain't gonna be any security guards to help you.
To the Communists: YOU made life intolerable and created villains out of ordinary people. Now you reap your bloody harvest and be assured that this is only the beginning. You can blame the Black Sun for this, you can blame Pewdiepie, you can blame "toxic masculinity"... but what you do not have the courage to blame is your own poisonous policies that engineered the suicide of your civilization and how you fiddled while Rome burned.
Then what's the point of detaining him at all? Do you support political action against minors?
the kid broke the nap
Not wanting a boy to be beaten for behaving like a boy makes me a communist now? How the fuck?
fuck off memeflag zoomer get choked
so tough, probably a noodlearm irl kek
this "kid" is a military aged male. He engaged a Senator in physical contact...dafuq you think would happen?
Jesus, those replies. You guys are absolutely pathetic.
The worst thing you can do to your kid is raise them to not respect others and to not think objectively.
He's seventeen. There's no way you'd consider that anywhere near adulthood unless you're even younger.
Fucking perfect Mr. Peace is just another triggered fuck... Why so serious?
That's why Based Anning only gave him a little slap rather than a punch.
Did you seriously just type out that 17 isn’t close to adulthood? are you having a stroke do you need help?
uhhhh ... the left kills babies, then sells the baby meat.
I'd say the majority of people doesn't reach full adulthood before 30. That's a personal opinion and doesn't matter though, the only ones with no excuse here are Fanning and the retards handling the kid after the fact. They're grown men and can be expected not to short circuit like this.
Look at the face of the twerp.
He was obviously waiting for a reaction, and got it.
God bless. Kids need to learn their place.
Fraser smacked the fuck out of him like a proper legend
it'll be great when the next muslim attack kills a bunch of zoomers
>The boy didn't even retaliate
You're right; Fraser retaliating at the boy's assault on him
like you should. A firm hand on an unruly adolescent so they learn their place
Fraser Anning literally nothing wrong you retarded idiot. If anything his hits were too weak
It's nice that they are increasingly afraid of being hit back now.
What a beating that mummy's boy lefty needs
>assault someone
>don't retaliate after getting smacked for it
>but seriously, white folks. BEAT YO' KIDS!
Start shit get hit
Should have been executed on the spot for attacking a good patriot like Fraser. It was an act of treason.
After Based Fraser slapped him and stayed sqaured up, the kid sqaured up too and moved forward and stretched an arm out which Fraser easily mitigated.
You could tell by his body language, this wasn't Fraser first rodeo.
This. You assault someone and don't understand that there is a chance at any sort of repercussions, your an idiot
Youtube comments are nothing but 3rd worlders with handicaps
Once again we see the white supremacist take out his rage and impotence on a mere child.
In both Aussie and new Zealand our age of consent, and military service is 16.
You should probably stop assuming that the rest of the world are still living in their mom's basement eatigg nuggies and considered a child until their late 20s,like you are user.
>I'm a leftcunt!
>I can enact violence against people at will for defying my worldview with no repercussions!
>deliberately used an open hand so as not to hurt the kid too much
Mate you've lost your connection with reality.
Like I said, go to one of your beloved multicultural havens and walk up to one of your beloved nigger or spic pets and plop an egg on his head and see how he reacts.
I'm gonna slap an egg on your head while you're talking, how'd you like that?
I would have punched that little shit as well, if he did that to me.
The kid didn't even whinge about it when he streamed himself after. He was also given the option to press charges and chose not to.
cuy they're disgusting nazis
>snickered at Alf Stewart
Surprised nobodys meme giffed with senator as "otherwise reasonable people" and the teen as "failed neoliberal policies"
>commit assault
the kike cries out in pain as he strikes you
You can't tell me he doesn't look, sound and act like him - I wish the read doodleburger would come back and voiceover this shit.
Be the change you want to see.
it was a slap you incel zoomer
You would try to murder any white person who so much as said they wished they could live in an exclusive white community, so you don't have a leg to stand on. What's the last nice thing you have ever said about white people who want to be white? Nothing? My point exactly.
I view that kid the way you and your people view whites that want to have exclusive white communities. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. I have no more pity for that kid than you have for all those aborted children whom you don't even recognize as being alive. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it too.
Based and ancappilled.
i cant even imagine being this fucking dumb.
You have never seen a soldier...of any nation at all that is 17 years old? Do you not think a 17 year old is capable of taking a life or committing assault?
I am an actual veteran of war you fucking moron.
I have seen dead combatants younger, and smaller physique than this turd. I would have done much more than a slap. The senator didnt know what it was initially, and he reacted to being the victim of a violent attack.
To be honest, if you're being blindsided with what could have been anything, a broken beer bottle, a hammer, a bag of anthrax, whatever, you are an absolute cuck if your reaction is anything but I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU WHERE YOU STAND.
Fraser should be commended for not choking the life out of that boy then and there. Incredible self control. I could not have contained myself in that situation.
>I am an actual veteran of war
Of course you are, buddy. I believe you.
of course not. as a right winger, i have kids and i don't care about them at all, nor my family. I'm invested in myself and i believe in individual rights above all else.
Should have turned that little shit over his knee. But then the left would have just turned it into a sexual fetish thing.
i honestly fucking despise children.
OP is a faggot.
Well, if I was in that situation, I'd blame security. Not an underaged kid without the agency to know better.
I've seen mass eggsecutions of innocent women and children, their sticky bodies dumped in shallow graves. I've seen men egged by drone strikes, completely saturated with yolk and unrecognisable. I've had to egg a men in cold blood while they slept; their kids asleep in the next room. You don't know shit about war kiddo.
And that's why a severe beating is in order. He will learn about consequences.
why do liberals hate the elderly?
children don't understand politics
Never change, Australia. Never change.
i dont care if you do or dont.
I know where i was, and what ive done.
little dogs like you do nothing but bark.
another cucked kiwi.
Nice hijab on that cunt PM of yours, lmao.
Wipe the tears away from your eyes and look again you fucking dopey cunt.
I’m actually kind of a annoyed he didn’t punch harder
He slapped, open hand, no need to go apeshit on a kid with the physique of a stalk of corn.
Please help pay legal fees we are only up to $21,000 so far
Hope that little cunt gets scoped
its more a humiliation thing. Slap a bitch. make him feel like the child he is.
am happy he was sat on. though the dead face afterwards shows hes pretty used to it. same thing. bunch of convicts that colonized some islands. USA is back to back world war champs.
you didnt deny your country was fucked though. you guys cant even complain about how bad your politicians are publicly. nice freedom of speech, faggot. No guns, no speech and no way to fight for your rights even if you weren't a cucked little bitch wit all the fight drained out of ya.
Pretty based guy. Removes kebab, creates jobs for his people.
do libs not care when muzzies run kids over? part and parcel
>no need to go apeshit
He didn’t learn shit, assaulted and embarrassed and public official on live television. This is why China laughs at you.
lol absolutely seething. way too easy.
He literally said "don't try it yourself" afterwards, those sick cunts really choked the shit out of him.
They shouldn't throw the book at him, they should topple him with the entire fucking library. Let this kid get into a cell with one of his muslim/black boyfriends so they can turn his ass into silly puddy
He is a rather pathetic public official, though. Don't tell me anyone actually takes this list of horrible ideas seriously.
Imagine thinking you can turn Jow Forums against such a man? He is perfect.
That’s true
Jewish media memory holes it.
>Ariana Grande Concert
>French truck of peace
>San Bernardino extremist couple
I want to like Israelis and their nationalist conservative policies, but then you look at their diaspora the world over and how diaspora jews are largely responsible for covering up Islamic crimes in the west and literally funding shit like the South American illegal caravan into the US and boatloads of illegals into Italy...
If there are any Israelis reading this right now, why aren't you speaking out and distancing yourself from the diaspora hypocrites that work to make everyone hate ALL jews?
lmao..i knew this comment was coming. get smashed and then you think i'm actually upset by this?
Im going to the gun range today to enjoy my freedom..u should try it! Oh wait, you don't have any.
Well you better run off matey, i think you need time out before someone reports your for hate offense or whatever bullshit laws you fags have.
what a bunch of pussies you guys are, lmao.
>assaulting a powerful politician
>on camera
Hahaha enjoy prison faggot
He used an "at the time" unidentified biological material to attack a public figure in the head from behind. He was lucky Anning didn't have security who would have been quite in their rights to shoot him.
Post a pic of your nose.
its a egg
it was a egg
so dangerous
a egg
>The boy didn't even retaliate,
The boy started it you absolute fucktard.
We need a rule against memeflag starting threads.
literal dorftrottel
>interest free government bank
I'm surprised he has not already been killed.
Nope. Fuck off, memeflag.