A lot of people are comparing Tarrant to a Christian crusader, but his carefree fury, dedicated tribalism and nature worship seems much more rooted in our ancient Aryan traditions. Is the stress of enemy occupation and the total dissolution of Christianity causing us to revert to our Aryan Berserker instincts?
>Berserkers (or "berserks") were said to have fought in a trance-like fury >sagas would begin to describe berserkers as ravenous men who loot, plunder, and kill indiscriminately en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserker
tarrant wasn't even a christian. read his beta-manifesto
Dylan Brown
I've thought this as well. I think it's an interesting concept
Christian Bell
A manlet bumblefuck who spent all his time in Pakistand, North korea, and Turkey programemd by kikes?
What the fuck are you on about you dumb fuck.
Alexander Murphy
An inappropriate comparison. Tarrant was absolutely collected while killing those people, aren't berserkers supposed to kill in an almost delusional battle rage?
Henry Roberts
>killing helpless people at prayer Sounds like the vikings desu. Niggers of Europe.
William Robinson
Learn to read the OP retard,
Adam Myers
I know, but I've seen lots of memes that incorrectly portray him as a crusader. We need more memes of him as a shitposting berserker. Tarrant's actions have no real precedent in European Christianity, but would be perfectly in tune with traditional European paganism. We need to recontextualize Tarrant as part of traditional European behavioral norms, outside of Semitic slave morality. Enemy trespassers should be made aware of our inherent berserker instincts. >Tarrant was absolutely collected while killing those people, aren't berserkers supposed to kill in an almost delusional battle rage? He wasn't yet worked up to full Aryan battle rage, he was only a bit irritated, but the idea is the same. The Aryan is slowly awakening.