Fuck Yang and his shills!!!!!!!!

Seriously, can you name anything that the Jewish people have ever done wrong? No. Because you’re just a stupid nazi blindly following orders like that funny new npc meme that the kids are into these days. You are all just a bunch of crazy traitors to America and Judeo-Christianity! I wish we never saved those ungrateful yuropoors from enslavement and extermination. They deserved what the GERMAN nazis did to them. They probably helped the wicked Germans when they killed innocent Jews. Sickening

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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Bait thread but remember that Japan and Australia are actually our biggest allies

Make RetroWave New Again!!!

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Real americans DEFUND Israel, amIrite?

Y u mad

Fucking shill.... You make me so mad!!!!!

Real Americans advocate for nuking Israel.

Most Americans already know that Israel is our closest ally

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Shut up you nazi, racist, yang supporting, Israel hating, African American hating, racist, al righter!!!!!!