It's Wednesday my dudes, welcome to another chill thread!
How's the week going so far? Any plans for the weekend? Wanna just talk about something that happened to you today/yesterday? Post about whatever you'd like,I'll try to reply to everyone that posts for the next ~10 hours.
Previous thread: Need to get some work for a project done today so that I can have the rest of the week for studying... Wish me luck!
>For those that are interested in joining a new Jow Forums discord server: I'll be posting an invite to my server at the end of today, lasts for 24 hours, so check back later if it isn't up yet!
Just about to try to go back to sleep, but after getting pretty unpleasantly rejected by a girl last week, I have a promising date for next week. I'm a little nervous about reveling in this too much and setting myself up for a fall, but honestly I think I'd rather just allow myself to enjoy it for the time being.
David Clark
Ah a fellow eurofag as well, neat.
I always have my saturdays set for weekend, i met some very cool people from my tabletop hobbies. So saturdays i always look up to. However we are all dudes and all we do is literwlly talk and drink for several hours, usually leaving the bar at closing time. I like this immensely, just regret it not being a chance to meet girls thats all.
The main issue i have is that i steered my life to a point where i just dont meet that many new people. And this has retarded my academic and business prospects, i know i can still fix it. But i just sometimes feel discouraged since i am in late 20s and it feels late. I am a very late bloomer in many things but for a few stuff it just makes it very hard.
But we will see, sometimes i am hopeful, here is a wholesome image for your troubles..
Don't be so hard on yourself user, good things happen sometimes too, might as well enjoy them! Just remember that there's no reason to be nervous about having a date, they're suppsoed to be fun after all. So remind yourself that you're gonna have some fun next week and go back to sleep.
Elijah Moore
I don't think that it's ever too late to start meeting new people or women, you just have to be at the right place at the right time with the right attitude you know? Life is as empty as you set out to make it user! Maybe suggest to your tabletop pals doing some bar hoping if the bars you drink at are sausage fests, it's a nice way of refreshing the rng odds of scoring a qt.
Lincoln Parker
To be honest, i actually dont want to "pick up" girls, i would like to proper fullfilling romantic relationships. I really doubt i can score a qt from a bar.
Also, bars in my country arent really places where you approach strangers, you go there with your group, sit at a table and drink and talk. And we talk a lot, like we go in at 8 pm leaving it at 2 am and literally just talk to each other. I am not bored with them or anything, but since our connection point is a tabletop game our lives are quite different normally. So we got lots of to talk to where peoples stories are all over the place.
The main issue at my age it is already way past to be awkward in a goofy teenage way against somebody with opposite sex. But i improve what i can, and learn to love with what i cant..
When you're in your late 20's there's really not that much you can do in terms of meeting women without picking them up, you either meet someone through your work and you two get along or you're pretty much waiting for a chance encounter with someone who'll pick you up; the first is fine but you shouldn't shit where you eat and the second is unlikely.
You don't really have to pick up women btw, knowing how to talk to strangers and not spilling your spaghetti goes a long way by itself because 80% of people don't do it and would rather stay in their circle or alone despite being lonely. Why don't you try establishing some form of routine where you can go somewhere and try to start a conversation with people? It's only weird if you make it weird by pushing the convo when people don't want to talk.
As for romance, pretty much forget everything you've seen in a movie, that's not how that works at your age. People can be romantic, but adult romance isn't like people envision it as teens. I'll link a video about it:
Lucas Miller
Ah, i watched that interview, back when it was first published. Good performance by both sargon and jbp.
I do meet new people z good amoutn actually, i missphrased that in my first post. I attend a good amount of international events where i meet fellow hobbyists and since we have sth in common it is super easy to bond. Met with hundreds of new people.
The main issue is i think is i am on my way to self improvement, but i am on that weird gap period where i still havent reached my goals and my mind is still on my earlier state. Confidence hasnt caught up with reality. And my main issur might be since i never had a romantic relationship i just couldnt learn the ropes yet and dont have "just get over it" mentality set in. I need to just bite the bullet and ask people out and get rejected and ask other people out, but it is taking slower than i would like.
Hey, don't ask me, it's up to you if it's happening or not! But from what you said in this post you should be fine, try to focus on developing relationships first and letting things progress naturaly to a point as opposed to just asking people out.
Getting rejected definitely helps though, another thing that helps is getting over crushes and just seeing women as other people.
Jackson Jones
Asking a girl out tomorrow potentially. No plans but homework for the next 9 days (finals week next week)
Eli Wilson
A prick popped my tires and I wake up pissed off knowing he got away with it twice. I want to get revenge on him but don’t know how
Mason Diaz
I wouldn't fuck with the idea of asking a girl out before exams desu. Focus on your work first user, then go for the kill!
Landon Watson
Definitely sound advice, but I probably won't see her again after tomorrow so it's my only chance unfortunately. She's also a student so i'm sure she wouldn't mind the necessary wait.
David Hernandez
Ah well I am a bit unprepared for today. I have a test I didn't studyenough for I will do my standard last minute craming as always. Weekend is studying for two tests early next week. After the test today no matter how I do I am going to reward my self with weed gummy bears.
Jonathan White
Shit like that is hard to deal with unless you catch them in the act or have them confess it. Try making a list of everyone that had a reason, no matter how small, to do it and narrow it by who could have done it. Include strangers too, it might just be that you pissed off some psycho neighboor and now he's fucking with your car over some mundane shit.
Grayson Morgan
Are you the same weed gummy bear guy from last thread?
You need to work on your work ethic user, if you study a little bit every day you won't have to cram.
Nicholas James
An ordinary week.
May go pellet gunning on the weekend.
Daniel Garcia
What kind of air guns do you have?
Joshua Gonzalez
In classes bump.
Brayden Adams
Finished watching "Frogs" and now I'm offfor the night. Thanks to everyone that posted, see you guys next thread!