Here's a brief history of me. I'm a brown guy living in east asia, I think I was red-pilled 5 years ago. I used to watched some right wingers you know the likes of inforwars, stefan moleyuex, milo yanopolus, and etc, and then I abandoned them and started listening to likes of varg, TGO, richard spencer, etc for more enlightenment.
Now here is the problem. I fully aware of our race differences but I couldn't stop my self from having a relationship with a white chick.
Here's our story, I work as a computer programmer in a multinational company, and one of our clients sends their user/representative here in my country to act as a mediator. She's a 27 year dutch with blue eyes and blonde hair, and she's 3 inches taller than me. I admit it that was the first time I saw and met a white woman in person. and I admit that she's really gorgeous. And you know, seeing those pale skin, piercing blue yes, and golden hair makes me happy all the time staring at her.
I always tried my best not to stare at her but in fact act as if she does't exist and act normal. I do admit that an average white chicks are prettier than average woman in my country. I'm pretty much sure she's just average on her country but here, she's around 9.
Now lets cut to the chase, she's my gf now. and I've never felt so happy in my entire life, having a white chick as your gf/wife has a social impact on it. I got praised by my family, friends, and coworkers, I suddenly became popular, as if having a white chick is a "status symbol". It is a status symbol.
Now, it's been 1 year since we're on relationship and sex is pretty much part of our day to day stress reliever(working on I.T is stressful).
My point is that. Sometimes even thought you're red-pilled, sometimes you're going to fall into white woman's beauty.
Sorry for my English.