Am I going to lose a lot if I marry the first gf that is perfect? Should I try fucking several girls before getting married? I'm talking about whether it's worth trying different vaginas and also having experiences with other girls.
Am I going to lose a lot if I marry the first gf that is perfect...
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It's worth getting an idea of what you want. This is all dependent on what you actually want most.
No, it's not worth it.
But if you have this mentality you're going to cheat on her and fuck her over, so break up with her and do something else. You'll regret it a lot.
I've been the girl in your scenario, got engaged to a guy who cheated on me 5 times during our engagement because he "wanted to try more things". It broke my heart. He still regrets me and writes me sappy texts and emails even if I'm married and happy.
What if you don't know what you want? Not just out of a woman but your life as a whole. Is it wrong to bring someone along as you discover who you are or want to be? So long as you actually care for them and aren't just leading them on. Also taking in consideration that in the future they might not like who you become, or you want something more than they provide. Am I just describing a relationship?
married my first gf, no regrets, no sex before
Do you have that gf yet or are you just speculating? When you meet a girl how will you know she is perfect?
things like this only matter if you think they matter. Maybe you gotta grow more, maybe not.
I got so hung up on this girl that I had to leave home and fuck this plain Jane rando to realize that the feelings I had were real.
I don’t think it mattered though. What held me back from having a happy relationship with this girl I cared about was doubt and anxiety in myself, and while fucking someone else fixed the problem of being able to tell her how I feel, it never solved the root issue. It’s something I’d be dealing with either way.
Pussy is pussy man, you find someone you love who loves you back, however you figure is best for you
Male count is just as gross as female count.
My ex, only guy I've been with and wanted to be with, wanted to sleep with more girls.
So he left me, found himself some girl willing to give it up, slept around, had a good time.
He got tired of it, came back to me, I knew about his sexual adventures and turned him down.
His count is all the girls he's been with plus all the men they've been with.
>Am I going to lose a lot if I marry the first gf that is perfect?
No, but if you think she's perfect, you likely will marry her prematurely, without knowing her well. Everyone has some shit to deal with, it's just succesful couples are able to manage it and work through or around it.
>Should I try fucking several girls before getting married?
If you want to but if you already found someone awesome, it's worth more than sleeping around
>I'm talking about whether it's worth trying different vaginas and also having experiences with other girls.
It has worth, and can help you with the decent girl you'll want to be with once you'll find it, but since you already found it and if you're not mistaken about her - you can start learning with her.
So I need to fuck the girl right? Just knowing her does not help?
You for being a girl is easier to get involved with and just be with a guy.
How did you do it? Was it luck or did you really know how to choose the first gf?
I think I have because I have no experience with other girls, so I do not have a model of what is perfect, for me it has nothing bad that is serious.
So I do not know if I need to grow any further.
So is it really true that just fucking does not lead to anything right? Just carnal pleasure and no worthwhile memories
>Male count is just as gross as female count.
I know, I'm a Christian, but I feel like I'm going to miss something and I will not have a chance to go back, that's my fear.
So how do I know when I can handle her faults?
Finding someone amazing knowing there might be someone even better ... is it silly to be anxious about it?
The problem is also that I'm 25 years old and I do not know if I still have time to try other women before I get too old.
>How did you do it? Was it luck or did you really know how to choose the first gf?
I didn't actually plan on marrying my first gf, but I did plan to wait for marriage with sex, so I wouldn't have done any of that trying out stuff
we both "knew" that if things went down well, we would eventually get married, and things went very well
so, in conclusion, I'd say it was luck and dedication
>You for being a girl is easier to get involved with and just be with a guy.
It really isn't. And even if it was, I didn't deserve getting my heart broken just because he's an insecure, trashy cunt.
If that's your idea of perfect (or if that's what she looks like minus the jewelry crap), then she must be a pretty good looker.
I think that leaving sex as something new for you has also helped to maintain the relationship.
I don't care, women break the hearts of guys much more
She's everything a guy wants.
>I know, I'm a Christian, but I feel like I'm going to miss something and I will not have a chance to go back
The absolute state of "Christians"
Don't marry. Ever. EVER. Marriage is destruction of capital. Marriage rewards women for leaving their husbands. You might as well just hand her over half of your money right now. That's effectively what marriage is.
Yes, I'm desperate to know what's good.
But if I do not get married I'll be an old man alone waiting for death in my bed, I will not have the pleasure of having children of my blood and watching them grow. There has to be a way for me to hack into this matrix.
Stop overthinking this and just keep dating your gf and see where it goes.
While many modern laws around it are retarded, if you don't marry a whore (and aren't a manwhore yourself), marriage presents very little risk compared to demonstrable benefits towards overall quality of life.
As just one (but certainly not the only) example:
>" Controlling for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, the death rate for people who were unmarried was significantly higher than it was for those who were married and living with their spouses. Although the effect was significant for all categories of unmarried, it was strongest for those who had never married. The never married effect was seen for both sexes, and was significantly stronger for men than for women."
Keep in mind that divorce rates are far lower for those who wait--if you're acting like a manwhore, which MGTOW types seem to advocate, then you're just shooting yourself in the foot and more importantly degrading society as a whole.
You know what's good? Waiting until marriage and having the standard that your spouse does the same. You're not missing anything by whoring around, unless you consider willing corruption of oneself to be a worthy 'experience'. I hope this thread is bait.
It depends. I've had two whole sexual partners, the second of which I'm still with.
Don’t get married young, it’s just asking for a shitstorm.
Imagine being so pathetic as basing your entire life and identity on a bunch of old discredited meme graphs.
>basing your entire life
I don't. Caring about something is quite distinct from being consumed by it.
The data goes up to the 2010's, and considering the delay in any publications, it might as well be concurrent.
By whom? Plugging your ears and shouting 'tralala' doesn't change the validity of the data, and conversely, if you have absolutely no data to back your own positions up, they aren't entitled to much consideration. I know it's an easy mental substitute to just dismiss things you don't like as 'debunked', but it is, in the end, a delusion that doesn't do much to help you.
>meme graphs
Call them what you will. They're a quick way to condense a lot of information, but by no means the only way to deliver it.
And I may very well be 'pathetic', but I'm still right. Don't conflate the two.
So there are your choices: be miserable in life or be miserable on your death bed. If you're so afraid of dying alone, just save the money you'd otherwise spend on a woman and organize a big prostitute orgy on yoru death bed. Chances are that at that age you'll die of a heart attack and people will call it an enviable death.
So the argument here is "just put your head under the guillotine, bro! A GOOD woman won't execute you!". Half of all marriages end in divorce. NONE of those men went into that marriage expecting to be divorce-raped. But let me guess, it was totally their fault because "hurr durr they didn't find the right woman". If that's the logic you go by, you admit that your odds of finding a good woman are effectively a coin toss (and that's presuming all marriages that don't end in divorce are happy marriages and not "cheaper to keep her" cases).
>Half of all marriages end in divorce.
You're just as delusional as the whores and their enablers. If you marry a whore (or are a manwhore yourself, which is likely given your 'prostitute orgy' comment), this is true, but you shouldn't be doing that.
>you admit that your odds of finding a good woman are effectively a coin toss
If we go by overall statistics and just picking a woman at random from the population, it's about 1 in 20 (being extremely generous and always giving the benefit of the doubt, 1 in 4). However, if you end up marrying that woman, then your odds of divorce drop to 1 in 6 at most. Iff you see nothing wrong with whoring around, yeah, you're going to have higher odds of divorce since any woman you're with is necessarily going to be a whore. But that's not on women as a group but on you.
You're determined to be angry, as my previous point went right over your head, so I suppose it's best for everyone if you specifically don't get married. Marriage isn't a guillotine, immorality is, and the only one who can pull the lever on it is, again, you.
It's shit like this that makes inexperienced guys seem more likely to flake than a guy who sleeps around.
I slept with around 20 women before I settled down. One, maybe two of those women loved me for who I am. That is the only thing that will really matters. By the time I met the one I'm marrying soon, I had learned not to piss away the love of a good woman. You are probably going to have to learn the hard way, too.
>That is the only thing that will really matters
Thanks man, so it was not worth it to have taken advantage of these other women, right?
>You are probably going to have to learn the hard way, too.
I don't want to, it could be a waste of time, I need to make sure that only one is enough.
I definitely regret taking advantage of those women. It makes me feel guilty - not that I ruined anyone's life for a good time, but I wish I hadn't been a complete asshole who only cared about himself for 7 years in a row. It was just a waste.
So user, confirm for me, imagine that you had not stayed with these women but only with your current, would you be satisfied? Can I take this weight off my conscience and only have one? Sorry for insisting on it
>"I'm a Christian"
>I don't really care about the revealed word of God or two thousand years of tradition, but the anecdote of a self-proclaimed sinner might sway me
Can you get any more vile?
How can I know the answer to that? All I can say is that all the wet cunt in the world won't bring you happiness like being in love will. I can, however, guarantee that if you dump a girl who really loves you to go fuck around, you'll always regret it.
Thou hypocrite, remove first the beam from thine own eye.
Now what I can do, I do not know many guys who slept with so many women, I need to understand the point of view of this type of man
I realize now, thanks user
>So long as you actually care for them and aren't just leading them on.
That's qualitative of you being able to take care of your mental and physical health to a degree of self responsibility for your relationship.