Taqiyya isn't unique to Muslims-

All minorities obey the majority.
All majorities rule the minority.

The difference between the West and Muslims is simply their religion.

Westerners have Climate Change and Social Justice.
Muslims have Islam.

Which has the higher birthrate?

Attached: sexy_cute_muslim_scarf_girl.jpg (640x853, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who is this semen demon

>who is this semen demon
Don't know.
But what I do know is that she, considering her dress, is probably on her 6th child, aiming for 9.

absolutely halal

Muslim women are godly.

Attached: 62ff56427409ea948c0fc39ceba15e44.jpg (360x540, 45K)

What’s gonna happen when Muslims meet pure, unfiltered Latin American and Anglo violence and depravity on their home turf?

>Et in Arcadia ego

Attached: CE7640E5-56EF-4E53-9173-136771BD9E7A.jpg (640x800, 61K)

then stop being mooslem

This has happened long ago...

>not allowed to show cleavage
>find clothing design that emphasizes breasts another way
This is the definition of following the letter of the law but no the spirit.

How about we look at wealthy sharia states and compare?
UAE, Bagrain, Quwait etc are all below replacement level.

Deceneracy and collapsing birth rates hits islamic nations harder when they get wealthy.

Saudi is heading in the same direction.

do milk

Intelligence in children is partially measured in how soon they lie, how often, and how deceptive the lie is.

We can either accuse the enemy of being dishonest, or beat them at the game of intelligence.

>we'll out-lie Jews
You don't have the benefit of religious backing, though.

>wealthy Muslims don't reproduce
Hence why they must remain poor in the West.

I fantasize of a situation where Muslim conquerors organize in the American Southwest, bent on bringing the region to its knees. Masculine men with thick heads of hair, so *sure* that Allah is with them and that victory is theirs setting out to bring the heathens to the sword. But what they’ll find is an inhospitable wasteland full of feral, raggedy devils forged out of hundreds of years of brutality and warfare, Man in its purest forms. I literally stroke myself to the idea of virile Muslim men falling at the hands of depraved Anglo, Amerindian and Hispanic men, whose ancestors may have once been noblemen, aristocrats, respected clergymen, mighty hunters, now broken and rebuilt into something more than Human. My dick gets rock hard on thinking of Muslims Warriors face down in the dirt of a land so far away from home, their bodies racked with pain from bullets and knives of the demons who inhabit this God forsaken land, their pants soiled with their urine and feces, tears and blood rolling down his face as the revenants of a time long forgotten take their scalps from their heads, the last thing going through their heads as the evening redness is washed over their living bodies on last time, “I should have never come here”

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for once, the kike is right.
The majority-minority dynamic is always a struggle for power

Last one I saw was real gutter trash

This is why all religous groups hate athiests the most. We can hide amongst you god botherers following your customs, even pretending to be the most devout of your faith all without divine reprecussion.

Persian women are godly ive seen quite a few muslim indos that could be thrown back.

Not really. Your fedoras and neckbeards are dead giveaways. Don’t even get me started on your stench and your word choice and how awkward you and your kind are during social interactions.

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>t. gated community Jew surrounded by other Jews

Most Muslim women are spherical blobs of pure annoyance who can't drive, can't see where they're going and can't get out of the fucking way in the supermarket

Attached: anime disgusting.png (211x248, 20K)

It is because Persians are white. Every shitskin in Iran thinks it is Persian when in reality Persians are like 5% of the population. The rest are arabs.


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>Which has the higher birthrate?
If humanity is really as advanced and intellectual as we think, then why do subhumans survive just by producing more aggresive and retarded offspring, but white people, wo are clearly more intelligent don't?
Nature and primal instincts chooses quantity over quality.
Shoulkdnt it be vise versa?

>Muslim women are godly.
No, they are inbreed cunt. Every woman can look pretty with enough make-up and a decent dress. Kys.


>knowing better than nature
This is why Germany fails

Lying for the faith is Abrahamic. They all do it. In fact, Christianity begins as Jewish taquiyya meant to misrepresent the true nature of Jewish Messianism and Jewish attitudes regarding goyim.


Thats Eusebius, one of the Fathers of the Church. But he's only sort of partly correct, since the whole fucking thing is a pack of lies.

Attached: quote-it-is-an-act-of-virtue-to-deceive-and-lie-when-by-such-means-the-interest-of-the-church-eusebi (850x400, 59K)

Germany fails because of you and your wretched ilk known as the Synagogue of Satan.

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i mean we can easily document things that prove whatever shit hes talking about, its not knowing better than nature you simpleton, it's just knowing specific facts about nature. stop grouping entire countries with 'failure' too you slack jawed baitist

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Imagine believing this and thinking you are a man of God.

>defending an appeal to nature

>Which has the higher birthrate?

Climate change means two things. An increase in carbon emissions creating unsafe air, and foreign humans invading the United States with the express purpose of creating conflict (see also Serbia).
Social Justice warriors are the Communists that Uncle yuri spoke of back in 1984; they are unfit to 'rule'.

>Muslims have Islam
Islam, as a religion, absolutely ruined the Middle East. Promoting Islam in nations not native to the concept are infiltrators of the highest order, and are also unfit to 'rule'.

>You didn't answer my question regarding birthrate.
You are an Israeli; you are lucky to get any replies at all.

>ACC bad
Nice appeal to the past- as though the past had the better climate.

>Muslims are bad
You're speaking of nonWhite Muslimsm

Muslims are bad from the historical context your people created.
You created a religion you cobbled together from other ideas. Some people bagn to buy it, other did not. Those that did not decided to make their own in opposition to yours; so it's just liars telling lies to liars.
Religions spend too much time arguing over 'who' God is, and not enough time on 'what' God is; this is why you fail, this is why they all fail.
There is no such thing as a nonwhite Muslim, are converts do so out of either fear, pressure or lack of information.

Eusebius of Cesarea is not a father of the Church. He was a historian and an apologetic but he lost his way by becoming an arian, he was never counted among the saints and what he says ( moreover I would like the source) is in total contradiction with the Bible, the apostolic fathers and fathers of the church as well as the official doctrine of the Church. Nowhere is lying encouraged, on the contrary ( Psalm 119:163; John 8:44; Psalm 34:13; Colossians 3:9; Proverbs 12:22; Ephesians 4:25; Leviticus 19:11-12; Proverbs 6:16-17) Saint Augustine made a treatise against lying: newadvent.org/fathers/1313.htm

Saint Thomas also: newadvent.org/summa/3110.htm#article3
It's a horrible sin, a mortal sin.

Even at the risk of losing his life, a Christian cannot lie. For example, Jesus Christ cannot be denied before men because lying is a sin and He will deny us before His Father if we do.

The Ebonites, heretics, allowed lying and they were criticized for this by Epiphany

Another article on lying newadvent.org/cathen/09469a.htm

All shitskins arent trustworthy.

Dude you can lie like a fucking dog, you lack a pulse on the spiritual truth of Christianity. The only truth is that we are here to multiply happiness and route evil. That's it.

You can enjoy anything thru irony, so if you want to have a more radical time being a Christian, then be a little more radical.

Okay, Nietzsche.

It is.

>only Muslim faith is cobbled from other ideas

>all religions fail, as they fight over believers

Consider that religion is a living phenomena, that survives through spreading.
A 'non-spreading' religion is one that will never sustain itself.

So we should remove all minorities and exterminate their fiercest advocates?

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>nonWhites will never want Islam
What you mean is that by the time Whites want Islam, that they have already began intermarrying with Muslims- and aren't White anymore.

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>So we should remove all minorities and exterminate their fiercest advocates?
Only if you prefer to keep your culture- and your religions of Climate Chance and Social Justice.

And really, the religion that survives is the one that multiplies its believers.

>Last one I saw was real gutter trash

Attached: islamic_thick5.jpg (1200x1200, 71K)

Noted. Those who brought them in will not be spared

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>we will fight
Truth is that it's not up to any small portion of the population- Muslimization of the West is inevitable.

I feel like this post deserves more (you) s