I support the single state solution

Palestine is the only legitimate state, prove me wrong dipshits

Attached: palestine.png (1920x960, 5K)


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I think Trump is purposefully pushing Israel towards a single state solution because the end of zionism is at hand.

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nobody cares what shitskins do in their shitholes fellow white person

lies, palestine never existed

There never has been a Palestinian state and there never will be!!

You're right

You need to find a compromise, something that would actually work for both sides. Not a solution that you specifically want.

Attached: 34t23t23t.jpg (200x200, 8K)

>prove me wrong

Attached: Palestinian-Children-Killed-By-Israel02.jpg (580x428, 61K)

Why should I support anything?
I only want kikes and mudlimes both gone from my country.