>date qt girl
>find out she uses social media
Every fucking time. Are instagram and snapchat crack?
Date qt girl
They're where people interact with each other you boomer faggot
Also not politics
They're where people interact with each other you boomer faggot
Also not politics
Ur not interesting enough get over yourself shit lord chauvinistic pig
Yeah well its fucking degenerate and bad for society.
>Are instagram and snapchat crack?
Pretty much. A girl can get that nice dopamine hit from posting a picture of her butt on insta and get showered with complements from hundreds or even thousands of beta orbiters. Blame the people who comment, they are the enablers.
Its the equivalent of video games for men. When woman get likes and shit its like when you get a satisfying headshot and the green money pops up in Counter Strike. They always think about it and they base everything based off of popular things on instagram. Places like twitter and even facebook are dying in comparison to "Insta" right now bc no one cared what women have to "tweet" or say or post and whine about on facebook, but post a cute pic (with hundreds of tries and optimizing the best angle, in a way related to fps aiming? lol) on instagram is way easier than interesting tweets or fb posts etc.
Boomer here, I feel you brah. Grew up with it but never got into it the way all the kids do now. It tickles their extraverted side, but dailed up a thousand fold. Study basic neuroscience to see how the brain works and these things begin to make more sense. A normal person has a need for at least some recognition and a feeling of integration into society, which is the niche these applications feed on, and kids now are plugged into that shit from the cradle.
You and I are in the same boat, user. Every girl nowadays (that is remotely attractive, at least) are all social media-obsessed, celebrity-worshiping people who are on drugs or set to be on drugs before they pop out little Latrayvius Jr. in a few years, get, fat, shave half their head, and live in section 8.
I gave up long ago.
gas yourselves
fix your bots kikes
Why wouldn't they use it?
blame the people who don't beat their woman for attention whoring
Social media is to women what porn is to men.
The real question is how long until people realize how bad it is?
White MGTOW is the future
>date guy
>find out he posts on Jow Forums
Fucking dropped lmao
every millennial/genz is a thot. prove me wrong
thats illegal user
You aren’t wrong
>date woman
>she's not autistic like me
how is that being autistic
I can't.
>Date guy
>He posts on reddit
>Look up his username and see all of his embarrassing posts and likes and weird porn and bitching
>go to dating site
>all the profile of people looking for marriage are posted by men
>go to escort site
>most profiles are from women selling sex
You wouldn't be asking if you weren't autistic.
>dating sites
Hello, boomer. I am the early 2000s.
>escort sites
You mean craigslist, right boomer?
brainlet detected
Are you that possessive?
>Are instagram and snapchat crack?
Yes. Tiny dopamine hits are a hell of a drug.
your social media just happens to be Jow Forums, you're literally making a blog post about your life on an anonymous forum for (You)s