Help Me Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums, I am a new faggot here, in fact this is my first post. I am an American, not a Romanian - shocker. I visiting Romania right now with my family. I post to ask for help but long story short, my parents look down to me because I am simply skeptical of what I am being taught about religion and politics.

I barley scratch the surface of being conscious, being skeptical of my religion has given me thoughts about the world and I recently became aware that my cable news have the same agenda: Left - good, Right - evil. I wonder why?

So, I have come to ask for education about any political topics. Possibly you can tell me what books to read or online courses to learn- it doesn't have to political; it can be any subject that can help me.

I am desperate and cynical about the world for some apparent reason.

I am tired of my parents restricting everything in my life, telling the same bullshit about god, and all of my friends seem to be carbon copies of each other - such an uninteresting life

Please Jow Forums, fucking enlighten me (this in not fake, I am actually desperate).

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Other urls found in this thread:

book - alexandr soljenytsin the goolag archipelago
also here take redipill

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Lurk, give it time, and enjoy the ride.

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Look at this book about the life of Jesus, I do not know if it is true but it is impressive as it is described

the book is called, the urantia book

Book: Blueprint -- how DNA makes us who we are

This book should be able to help educate you -- I highly recommend reading it.

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Remember, youre here forever

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book - richard dawkins, the selfish gene

A cabal of very evil people who are predominantly jewish run the governments of the West. Pedophilia and murder blackmail is how they control our politicians and journalists if they're not already dual Israeli citizens.

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Read, and do a lot of it, the news, different intellectuals, old and the new . If you don't like reading listen to podcasts, be wary of bias, and check what is being told to you.

You'll eventually develop an idea of what does make sense and what doesn't.

Listen here you unthinking gypsy. A cabal of ancient international deluvian pedophiles rules the world using usurious central banking techniques taught to them thousands of years ago by sand demons. Everything you have ever read is either by the CIA or this post. You're either with us and Jesus, or your helping moloch devour infants, there is no grey area. Now show me your fucking tits

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also this is now an infographic thread.

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Look into the "VRIL SOCIETY".

Hitler was in contact with "inter dmensional beings" (which is spoken about in the Bible, aka 'Fallen Angels' from the days of noah).

Hitler used these beings information and was able to bbuilt the first UFO' in the 1950's!

Everything aside, Jesus really is the way, the truth, and the life.

Its unfortunate that he's been turned into this "religious cult" of "going to church on sundays" and some non sense.

P.S: Si eu eram crescut ca tine. Dupa mult timp, si multe droguri, si multe prostii, am venit sa il cunosc pe isus sii mia dat o viata neua - una plin de bucurie si scop.

I wish you the best journey ahead of you.

Here is a good video that may help guide you in the right direction

You need to be 18 before posting here.

My god that thread nailed it. Jow Forums in a nutshell and its awesome. Im saving that.

user* not thread sry

Read this need, need baby steps before really getting into the JQ

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Nah, you’re not American because your English is fucked. Also if you’re a newfag be aware of the merchants

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The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan

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You're being Jew-taxed through a kosher certification racketeering scam, user.

>Kashrut in America is a $12.5 billion mitzvah, according to a market estimate by the consulting firm Lubicom...more than 60% of products carry kosher certification. The figures are staggering, given that strictly-kosher Jews in the US number only a few hundred thousand.

In Israel, Rabbis in the industry have shown a pattern of not even showing up for the job while drawing a salary.

>In May and June 2007, Israel’s state comptroller made unannounced visits to 54 businesses under the supervision of Jerusalem’s religious council. During morning hours, investigators found inspectors present in only six locations; in the afternoon, they found none at all...allegations of nepotism in the employment of kosher inspectors and described cases of inspectors drawing multiple salaries by holding several supervisory jobs simultaneously while working at none of them.

The total population in the US as of 2017 was estimated at 325.7 million.

Do the math, user.

>$12.5 billion divided by 327.5 million

That's roughly $38.38 taken from every goy man, woman, and child and given to Jews every year.

Jews are roughly 2% of the population.

>2% of 327.5 million is roughly 6,650,000
>$12.5 billion divided by 6,650,000 is approximately $1879.70 stolen per Jew in the US.

This is only one of the ways you're forced to pay tribute to Jews, user.

Remember, user. Whenever people ask "can't we all just get along?", the answer is NO. Jews are the proof. They refuse to stop parasitizing you, and they're racist as fuck. The "Can't we all just get along?" meme only works if everyone answers "Yes", but Jews always emphatically answer "No", invalidating cooperation for everyone. Don't let them victimize you, user.

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Jow Forums is 18+

Do you have a source on this one, interesting stuff

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leave while you can

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Unfortunately I do not, someone posted links to all these graphs on mega, some of these are new to my eyes too.

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reverse image search should be effective though.

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this won't be easy but you need to watch all of this

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Natsoc is retarded, eco-fascism is based.

Never EVER ask help from Jow Forums. None can be found here, and what little there actually is can not be told apart from all the shit.

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Don't take anything you learn here to heart. I'm serious son. Take nothing at face value, and take nothing to heart. Everything is satire.

With that said, religion is a lie to control people. Governments intrinsically are corrupt and that is utterly inescapable as human nature dicates. Anarachy is not an option.

You will learn a lot here. Just keep in mind everyone on earth has personal motives and bias- myself included. While you will often find profound truths here, they are almost always buried beneath a mountain of coded shitposting and propaganda.

Have fun. Try to be funny. Know you are going to get mind fucked repeatedly by puzzle pieces which are miscut, misplaced, or upside down... the puzzle is a beaut when she comes together though

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do you have anything that compares gibbons and cement trucks

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dumping in order so we'll find out

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its simple
lurk moar
you are welcome

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sick. hopefully there's a few in there somewhere

I'd like to see a similar graph with UK for whites vs Pakistanis and Arabs

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>I am an American, not a Romanian - shocker.
>I visiting Romania
>my parents look down to me
>my cable news have
>telling the same bullshit

You don't sound American.

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>I am an American,
>look down to me
>Possibly you can tell me

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kiddo, you're gonna get memed on a hundred times (starting with this thread) if you don't grow a critical thinking, always double check everything people tell you, remember "of what you see believe half of it of what you don't seee don't believe a thing". All in all jews are in power and their agenda is to put an end to our homogeneous white communities and traditional values. They want to make us into a minority, and an opressed one at that, throguh white guilt and other tools. Jews are your enemy, remember that, just research the Rothschilds, their power moves arround Napoleon's defeat in the UK, etc. They own the world and are Zionist kikes. What you should do tbqh is GTFO this site, it's a terrible timesink and will get you addicted and reduced to memeing nothingness don't let it happen to you like it happened to us RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Live a fulfilling life, go out with friends, meet girls, get a gf, marry her, have childrens and a good job, if possible in a position of power from where you can help your fellow redpilled whites. All in all don't be a fuck up, GTFO of this place, it's poisonous.

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It will change your life

>1 post by this ID
heh, well memed fucking shill

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we now have an infographic thread so do not despair child.

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don't let the argies get a hold of this

I was like you, do not lurk, do not read, do not watch the videos, it will give you more knowledge and knowledge is power, but it is also a burden.

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>stay ignorant goy

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SAGE this bs right fukken now or else

Read "The Progressive Virus: Why You Can't Permit it to Go Forward" By Dr Anthony Napoleon. It explains the SJW mind virus in laymans terms and also contains other redpills and breadcrumbs.

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This is why Jow Forums is a shithole they’ve basically become a stomping ground for idiotic alt right cunts thank to this board being over run with these idiots

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sage isn't a downvote newfag

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there is a piece of the berlin wall in the middle of my home town, in leaf land. i look at it sometimes and think of how beautiful a wall denying entry of unwanted invaders to a country is. there are few things more beautiful

Walls represent protection and unity with those inside.

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