How do people drink so much they black out...

How do people drink so much they black out? Usually when I get drunk I end up getting nauseaus super early causing me to stop. I could go drive easilly no problem but the motion sickness gets me. How do people drive super drunk without throwing up and realizing they should stop? I'm 5 foot 7 and 145 pounds.

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You shouldn't drive when you're drunk..

As for getting black out drunk it's not that hard, drink a lot fast on an empty stomach is how it happens to me

Most dont people get the throwing up part early unless the drink is terriable.most of the reason people drink as it goes by steps like this,drink 1 this is nice,drink 3 this is giving me a good buzz maybe it will make me happier,drink 6 same as drink 3 but more dumber and so and so fourth.its that or either or u just wanna forget about life for a bit

I drive fine drunk, if I feel like throwing up then I know I'm not able to.
>drink a lot fast on an empty stomach
This sounds like a shitty time.
Maybe tolerances are something to consider? I'm not a regular drinker but I do drink and seem to get sick if I don't pace myself, even so I'll still feel like throwing up before being unable to drive

Strong liquor/spirits is the key to blacking out, your body doesn't realize how much you've consumed before you shut down

Like sugary fruity drinks? Rum is nasty enough as it is. Thoughts on cognac, specifically Hennessey? It's all I drink

This. I never get blackout unless I am drinking a bunch of hard liquor. If you drink too much too quick you will black out before you feel the worst physical effects that would ordinarily make you stop

I've never been blackout drunk desu, maybe it's for the best it never happens.

You're lucky, there's nothing fun about it. You just wake up the next day stressed the fuck out because you don't remember what happened to you on top of being hungover. There's not much of a point to getting drunk if you're not even going to remember the fun times you had.

>I drive fine drunk

i don't think you have really been drunk my young friend

>can veaguely hear engine or feel transmission shift
>radio and commercials are great
>extra cautious but calm at same time
Yeah nah, you're a cunt.


the "drunk" driver is calling me a cunt. too good.

I have plenty of drunken miles, was that reddit spacing necessary?

this "reddit spacing", as you uninitiated call it, will always be necessary.


always, and forever.

>always, and forever
Just like your retardation, go report some underaged posters you fucking dork.

i think retard is your first language. sorry , i don't speak it, so i am havign a hard time understanding what you are trying to communicate.

>so i am havign a hard time
Oh I know..

Yep - Nothing worse than wondering how the fuck you could drive the 5 or 6 miles home from the bar and not remember even getting behind the wheel.

>I could go drive easilly no problem but the motion sickness gets me
Believe me, you couldn't, you think you could but you have never tried, you quickly realise how fucked your control and reaction times are, it's horrible, I did it once after a couple of drinks (I am 6'2" and 225lbs) and felt stupid for doing it even once.

>How do people drive super drunk without throwing up and realizing
They aren't realising anything, they are making a choice to drink and drive

To answer your initial question of "how do people get black out drunk", it's easy.
Don't eat much before drinking, be dehydrated (dancing in a hot venue helps with this, alternatively go to the gym before you go out) when you do drink, drink a lot in a short time.
Triple measures of a decent whiskey will get you fucked up in no time.

Reasonable, rational people don't usually get blackout drunk because they understand drugs well enough not to abuse.

this. people who do so regularly are called alcoholics, and most have no control of their actions after a couple of drinks. it's a wild ride living with or being with one of them. they are shitty selfish people.

>Believe me, you couldn't, you think you could but you have never tried.
How do you know for sure? What constitutes as "drunk" for you? blacked out? As long as I don't feel like throwing up I'm fine, one time I put my hands on the steering wheel and said to myself "I'm fucked" I got an uber and had a friend drive me back to car next day. I know my limits

>What constitutes as "drunk" for you?
I'm tipsy when I feel the effects of alcohol (I wouldn't drive if I felt tipsy, I'll get a taxi if I'm going out drinking), I'm drunk when I'm not able to walk/talk/conduct myself as I normally would, I'm blackout drunk when I hit the deck. I've been blackout drunk once.
I've been drinking for over 10 years, I have worked as a doorman too, I have a pretty good idea of what constitutes being drunk.

I wouldn't gauge how intoxicated you are by if you feel sick, I've drank an entire bottle of whiskey pre drinking and not felt sick at all, but I was definitely drunk. You're clearly new to drinking, please don't tell yourself that you know your limits or if you are fine, if you're drinking at all you shouldn't consider driving for at least 8 hours after you stop drinking presuming you didn't drink a lot.

Kek, I always drive tipsy, a bit after tipsy is where I start to get nauseaus, and a bit after feeling nausea is when I should not be driving. I have been drinking since I was 16, I'm 26 now I know my body well enough. It's not a matter of just feeling sick, I know when I shouldn't be behind the wheel and sick, 100% of the time is where I'm at the limit. I drink the same shit so I know what I'm talking about

I used to black out from two to three drinks. I haven't drank because of this in 8 years.

>a bit after feeling nausea is when I should not be driving. I have been drinking since I was 16, I'm 26 now I know my body well enough. It's not a matter of just feeling sick
>I always drive tipsy, a bit after tipsy is where I start to get nauseaus
>I know when I shouldn't be behind the wheel and sick, 100% of the time is where I'm at the limit. I drink the same shit so I know what I'm talking about

You have to be a troll, if you aren't I hope you wrap your car around a tree or veer off the road into shrubs where your car isn't found for weeks.

I've been doing it since I was 17, have never been pulled over in my life because I know how not to drive like an idiot and control my alcohol. Stay mad you have shit genetics.

Don't drink and drive. I did it quite a bit and thought nobody could touch me, then one night i had too much. I was in the car about 5 minutes when i realized i couldn't drive so i started looking for a place to pull into and park until i was good. Well i was going too slow and swerving, got arrested by a state trooper. Shit wasn't fun.

I like to turn my steering wheel both ways and shift gears around while stationary and look over the shoulder few times. In that time I know if I can drive or not.

>have never been pulled over in my life because I know how not to drive like an idiot and control my alcohol
Lol get this guy, did you meditate to control the alcohol in your blood or did you manage it through your genetics?
You have been lucky so far, it only takes one time to be pulled over or veer off the road and you're fucked.

I've been drinking for 12 years since I was 16, the time you've got in means nothing, if you do crash into someone you will be the fraggle in prison who gets bullied claiming that your sentence was too harsh and you drove ok all the other times.
Stay mad and keep trying to talk yourself up on an anonymous image board :)

I only drink Hennessey and know exactly how it affects me and more or less how much I should drink. I guess you were too much of a dumbass for alcohol.

This fucking guy.

Practically everyone who's drunk and driving thinks that they're totally fine to drive. Being drunk impairs your judgement.

Let me know where you live, I want to run over your mailbox after a few shots.

I live up in your mom's bed

My mom doesn't associate with scrawny dicklet lanklets.

Is that why she disowned you

Well, if you could read you'd know I was a 5 foot 7 as stated in the OP

I only read the posts where you were trying to sound cool because you drive drunk, and get totally mad at people who tell you that you shouldn't drive drunk

You're the only one mad, I will continue to do what I do and you will keep crying about it.

>replies to nearly every post on the thread with something like "you're a dumbass stay mad you don't know me you're a cunt"

well you certainly sound mad

We're the only ones ITT, just leave or keep bumping my thread I guess.

There are 12 posters in this thread

We're the only ones that remain, you drinking right now? You're not thinking very clearly it would seem.

This is a slow board, there are rarely more than a few people at a time in any given thread.

I don't see what that has to do with anything though. I just find it funny that you get offended at people calling you out for drunk driving.

What offends me is people like you acting like you know what you're talking about. I have my alcohol consumption down to a tee

yeah bunch of moral high-ground preaching know-it-alls who think that driving drunk is bad

>yeah bunch of moral high-ground preaching know-it-alls
You're getting closer

My boyfriend has been drinking a lot lately. He likes to use his Irish background as "an excuse" for being drunk all the time. I get it - but at the same time, he was fucking born in Seattle and is the child of two life-long bar patrons who got drunk and fucked in the bathroom one night.

I think I might consider pulling the plug on him if he doesn't quit coming home reeking of panther piss and trying to molest me.

Take care of the lad

Get out of there, dumbass

Take care of your own damned self

Tequila shots did it for me the first and only time

For you guys talking about drinking and driving here's the thing. It doesn't matter how great a driver you are, or even how you feel, it matters what your BAC is. So get a breathalyzer and see where you stand if you really feel like driving. Or be like me, drive drunk 1000 times get pulled over once. I'd rather stay sober, get a ride, stay home or stop at 2 drinks those 1000 times to take back my DUI. Just think if something worse would happen. Someone else could be at fault and if your drunk it's going to come down on you.

Give him the ultimatum. If it doesn't save his life it will better your own.