Yellow fever faggotry is deeply rooted in self hate and denial. You can't one one hand extol the virtues of being a white, Christian male while your sons look nothing like you. Coalburners are the same, but they don't try to pass off their mongrels as white.
Imagine an Asian man walking around your house calling you "dad"
Jackson Hughes
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John Cox
If it's good enough for the Cage then it's good enough for me.
Ryan Cook
This triggers the yellow fever fags.
Joshua Anderson
You remember that time clit made that movie dying for some gooks?
I member
Nolan Foster
yeah right
Wyatt Torres
Ayden Turner
I agree. Now the black pill is the final redpill.
Dominic Ross
Unironically one of the best movies
Robert Clark
> Imagine an Asian man walking around your house calling you "dad"
that would be fucking weird unless he was my son
Angel Adams
>creating disgusting mongrels with mongoloids