A Question For White Nationalists

Do you play games like Wolfenstein, games in which those who hold similar beliefs to your own are the antagonists?

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Yeah, everywhere in culture, music, television, media, politics and of course video games all of the propaganda and brainwashing is against you. You just get desensitized to it after a while. I've played wolfenstein. I wouldn't want to pay for the new games though and give money to the companies who are putting it out. But you can DL the OG wolfenstein for free.

Of course they do, they're all fucking hypocrites and they flip their opinions multiple times per day

Fuck off Dugin

I wouldn't know, I'm not a white nationalist. I love all people. I want peace and love in the world!

I play wargame red dragon. Redfor for life.
That doesnt make me a commie

Attached: IMG_1336.png (1920x781, 573K)

i play with your moms tits

>Respecting the Nazis as the only enemy superior enough to be an actual threat
>moon bases, magic, and supersoldiers

Who else even comes close to being a proper villian? Like God of War, if you weren't fighting actual gods they're would be nothing. It is a place of high honor.

If they released a Jew Simulation it would grow tiresome after turning all six if your grandmothers into lampshades.

Here on Jow Forums the only game we play is Spyro 3.

"Who else even comes close to being a proper villian?"

Hm. I dunno. What about Communists? They have a much higher body count.