Why are you against peaceful immigrants?

Immigrants who don't interfere with other races in the area and just go about their day not causing crimes like the chinese.

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I hate dog-eating insects.

Fuck off Boomer we're full. Pay your own god damn funny money debt.

new zealand has twice as many chinese immigrants as all muslims

(Just disregard them radicalizing their youth teehee)

im not

i want a fucking latina gf

When they start out breeding us they become a serious problem. Also racemixing is disgusting.

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>not causing crimes

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immigration is not a human right.
welfare colonization is still colonization and colonization is an act of violence in all circumstances.
-in all fields.


I don't want my people to become extinct nor my way of life?There is a reason you are coming to my country and not staying in yours

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colonization by others sucks, end colonialism!

White men try to make people appeal to immigrants due to how fuckable they are, sick bastards

One can argue colonization is not peace.

I'm not.

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why do retarded burgerlards think just because someone is white and muslim they're ok? have you not seen a bosnian or albanian in your life

peacefully collecting welfare
peacefully taking up low income housing
peacefully not teaching their children to behave
peacefully throwing trash in the street
peacefully given preferential hiring via gov subsidy
peacefully spraying grafitti on churches
peacefully bringing in extended family to tax health care and education system

Because I'm against any immigration period

Because the Ottoman empire did not work nor did it end well.

Because Soviet union did not work and did not end well

The Leftists want to make the world into a communist Ottoman empire

what about academic ones? the exchange of ideas in science is a good reason to accept inmigrants with a degree that will contribute to the glory of your nation and they probably they are well behaved

Don't even get me started on these low-life scums. I feel bad for the 1% of them who are actually decent, but get shat on, because the 99% turn everywhere they go to into a shithole ghetto.

People use them to justify flooding a nation with immigrants.

And the only problem the Chinese have created is the water bottling plant and the blame for that is on john keys. Fucking slimes want our local sports ball team to change their name because kek Crusaders.

Because you raped theirs like a true savage.

No one gives a fuck.
grow a dick.
it has been happening since before you were born.
you are gonna get killed talking dumb.
God bless

this is a joke.... right?

I'm pro immigration but I'm against mass uncontrolled immigration. Immigration is one of the reason why German economy has not stagnated like Japan's and why Germany still has high wages, reaosnable work / vacation ratio etc. unlike Japan where people are being overworked to death.

Demographic replacement. They can come and work but they should all be sterilized before hand and eventually have to go back

why cant your peaceful migrants stay in their shithole and stop leeching on taxpayer money

Sorry to break it to you but in order to immigrate to US you need to have money to qualify for a visa

im not, im open borders
but also im pro authoritarianism, pro death penalty, pro torture and anti human rights etc.

>give away your lebensraum

you need to go back