Will HRT change my life for the better? What's your experience?
Will HRT change my life for the better? What's your experience?
Only if you have gender dysphoria
but if you want to be a hrt taking femboy it's your choice either way
If you want to be more feminine, yeah. If you have dysphoria, yeah. Otherwise not really.
On a side note, why is it so hard to find a dom who will blackmail me :(
No. Don't be a fucking idiot. HRT will ruin your life. Stop now while you can. And don't listen to any faggots that try to convince you otherwise. You will never be a girl.
But I've heard from a few people that it'll "save me" and restore my happiness, why would HRT ruin my life?
contact me on discord op we can talkk about it
if u are serious i can send u some hrt maybe
Do you want to be a girl yes or no if yes then probably it will help if no then probably no
hrt won't magically make your life better dude
No, but increasing your testosterone levels will change your life for the better. Eat meat, lift, run, get sunlight.
I've always thought of it as some cheat code that'll instantly make things better...at least that's what I've been told
you asked this yesterday its stil lsame answer
If you have doubts about it don't do it
Do you guys ever feel like you're in ground hog day when lurking on Jow Forums? You see the same threads with the same OP images and almost identical replies all the time.
I'm still very uncertain and this topic's been keeping me up, lately
If you had to even ask you should try and see if it ruins it
I'm sorry if I'm bugging anyone. I want things to get better
>I've always thought of it as some cheat code that'll instantly make things better
it's cruel to manipulate someone with 80IQ like this.
I've posted about this a couple times so anyone who lurks these kind of threads has already heard me talk about it, so I'll give the TL;DR version. I was a lonely, desperate, loser who just wanted someone to like me so I took HRT for years (mostly) to please a guy I met off /v/. I was convinced at the time I was trans, but I think that was just a symptom of my BPD. He eventually dumped me for a real girl who lived near him.
The effects of HRT are honestly a bit overstated, but I was self-medding and probably at an improper dose. I feel like I didn't change significantly at all, but now I have breasts that look extremely out of place on my male frame. What bothers me more than anything is the lost potential I had as a male before taking it, I feel like a boy around men my age. It's also impossible to meet anyone willing to date me, gays/women don't want a feminine guy with tits, and chasers don't want someone who presents make, so I'm probably going to die alone. Also my family knows about the HRT, it's the elephant in the room whenever I talk to them and it's kind of alienated me from them.
I'm sorry.. It must be the people I'm in contact with, but right now it feels like I've been getting indoctrinated by all the transgenders I talk to.
I don't want to be a girl I just like being a cute twink and wanna drag it out as long as I can
if you want to be more feminine? yeah and you don't even have to start dressing up like a dude, bica+ralox is good for femboys because you get no tits and you preserve fertility
Do you want people to magically start liking you? probably no
Don't fall for the meme. It will destroy you.
Not just r9k, but much of Jow Forums as well. Jesus, it's giving me a headache.
Can you detransition though? Like you can just have the tits removed or something and you'll just look kinda like a twinky guy?
I'm sorry to hear that, user. I'm glad you contributed your experience to the thread. Since I am not yet 100% sure I will definately not take any meds or even undergo HRT
Yes but I also chalk this up to the fact that I browse for hours and hours every day for probably about 8 years now
I can't afford to have them removed and I'm most likely sterile. I'll also probably never be as masculine as I would have been had I never taken them. It's depressing.
The people who push meds are just trying to feel good about their shitty decision. Don't fall for the meme.
Mastectomy is the word you're looking for, but that won't manage his now lifelong hormonal changes. Testosterone patches would help, though.
If you have to ask that question, the answer is no. If you weren't convinced you were the wrong gender from your earliest memories, you're just being memed into making a very poor life decision.
>i wonder why
if only mods would put lgbt content in the lgbt board
What's that server? Maybe they can help me, if you're unwilling to.
I started a year ago and I would say only if you are uncomfortable with being a male otherwise it's a meme. I've always wanted to be a girl so hrt was a no brainer for me.
I'm happy that your satisfied with your transition! How was your mindset before taking it? Did you still notice signs of concern in yourself?
Yeah there's hard days and good days but I'm passing most of the time I think and I haven't had any surgeries yet. It has def sucked less since I started passing more.
why are these obvious troll threads allowed to stay up? they violate a global rule of Jow Forums.
Dont fall for the discord trannies bro. Its all a lie.
It'll make you commit sudoku faster then you normally would have.
This has got to be bait.
Im trans, and I'll tell you, if you're cis, HRT is a terrible mistake. It comes pretty close to chemical castration.
For trans people, it works wonders in the sense it gives us progress and shapes our body to be something we can stand. But for a cis person, it's a complicated medication with permanent effects you don't want.
I don't know what trans people have been telling you otherwise, this is the prevailing wisdom of the medical community and at least the portion of the trans community I was familiar with.
>that pic
Holy shit the vitriol is real