Oy Vey

>Suddenly hate the word white
> Says the name 'white race' was invented by the Jews even though the founding fathers mention it
>Says White pride is dumb
>Not funny

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His points were real if you actually listened. the term white is a blanket statement. Germanic White has different history than Nordic White. Using the term white pride is stupid and will lead to exactly what he was talking about. Gas yourself meme flag. Straw manning and taking out of context doesn't make you right.

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They did it to black people back in the day and turned them from MLK suit wearing actually trying to better themselves into Niggers but defining the word and makign them take pride in a made up term. How does someone from Jamaica have the same pride as someone from Somalia. They fucking don't and if you try to use one term to cover all of them you wipe out their individual cultures and History.

Don't play their game. Take pride in YOUR ancestors and YOUR peoples culture. Don't degrade it by dumb ass terms like "White Pride."

Fuck you kike fuck. There's Asian pride, Black pride but you can't have White pride because tribes! This is exactly why whites are dying out. ALL OF THEM ARE DYING OUT!

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Which White? You dumb fuck. Black people were turned into Niggers because they bought into "Black Pride" And forget their own tribes distinct and separate history. Be proud of your history and ancestors of course. But White pride is a dumb term. Use Germanic Pride or Nordic Pride etc.

that guy have mental problems

it's Crazy that you have Crazy rich whites right?

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Why are whites the only race that can't say that?

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So we should blindly follow terms and ply in a game that is designed to do the very thing you'retrying to fight. By labeling all white skinned people white, you erase the distinct history of each. If you ancestors were vikings be proud of your Nordic blood. But guess what, the white guy from France doesn't have that history to share with you. You can't label them the same.

Because we're smart enough to not fall for the fucking trap. Or I at least thought we were.

>Yo bro I'm fine with immigrants as long as they come here legally bro!

Irish are the supreme whites and 20,000 hooks died in the Holohoax and it was probably just a train crash or some gay dudes butt-fucking.

East Asians are smarter even though they constantly use ASIAN pride! Since when is loving your own race dumb?

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Owens the best thing going on right now.

East Asians don't use Asian pride. Hollywood uses that term to describe Asians becuase their regular viewers are to fucking stupid to distinguish Asians. Once again detrimentally forcing different races to mix under the same label. I never said don't love your own Race. I said don't play their fucking game and describe all Caucasian people as White. Actually read my fucking posts before replying you moron.

This desu

white is an umbrella term that erases the identity of unique and separate european cultures
it's no better than the globalist "we're all just humans" diversity shit

>category fallacy
Pls kys asap

Fucking This.

his PR bitch is literally mossad. he doesn't address fake holocaust. his content is rogan = same midget pic every day. he sucks, and boring.


What the fuck is wrong with you! I've not said whites should suddenly forget their tribes and mix, I'm saying whites are being attacked and demoralised as a collective and we should be able to defend ourselves. White pride has always existed. We should be proud of what our race has done or we'll die of like dogs!

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1. Anglo-Saxons
2. Germanics
3. Scots-Irish/Irish
4. Nordics
5. Meds
6. Slavs

He has always been like this you know
Fuck off no one cares about him Porsalin closed this book some time ago

He is a cointelpro agent anyway. Set up for Evangelical Zionism 2.0

This. Whats the fucking point of using the white term? I literally never understood this. You are limiting its greatness to a skin colour. A nigger can say Black Pride, wtf does that mean? But can he say European Pride? Can he say Roman Pride? Can he say Spartan, Macedonian, Russian, Greek Roman Pride etc etc? Fuck no.

Also, why should a Lithuanian, a Latvian, a Cypriot like myself say white pride? Fuck that Im not taking credit for others accomplishments. I can acknowledge the superiority of westerners due to having the freedom to do what they've done unlike us Greeks the past 7 centuries but it is what it is. When Greeks had the chance to dominate, they did. Im taking pride in that and the fact that Cypriots have participated in every greek war of independence since 1821. Im taking pride in the Eastern Roman Empire, Im taking pride in the Roman Empire in acknowledging ancient greek civilization. Im taking pride in Romans realizing how peaceful greek cypriots are to the point of not employing police on the island and allowing them freedom in exchange for small taxes and from Emperor Octavian Augustus paying for road development in Cyprus himself. I hope my point was clear.

Westerner is just the politically correct term for white. I'm not saying the subgroups of Whites can't be proud of who they are, all I'm saying is that Europeans are whites and they should be proud of their amazing, deep and diverse history

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By westerners I meant west Europe, not western civ. My bad.

actually it's mostly because jews created gangster rap and it worked a little too well.

>hoodie says coolest monkey in the jungle
Ho Lee fook

He's a jew. Never trust them.

Western Europe is also white.

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I never said they aren't dude, did you even read what I wrote?

Sounds like more gay e-celeb drama

I have white pride. Fuck the canadian kike trying to make us not be proud that we are white.

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Open your eyes and expand your mind you petty nationalist faggot. The world has changed. Petty nationalism leads only to Europeans squabbling among themselves over irrelevant, larpy historical bullshit (we wuz Romans!!).