>So starved for affection that I'm posting naked pictures of myself for gay guys
I like it because they say nice things to me and compliment my butt. At the same time i feel bad because i dont like guys, so im leading them on and feel like a whore.
This only happens to me when I try to do nofap. What should I do to fix this?
So starved for affection that I'm posting naked pictures of myself for gay guys
Other urls found in this thread:
post nudes on >>/soc/ ?
And at the same time you're complaining about women on r9k, let me guess
No, im not one of those people.
I actually dont really hate anyone. I'm just isolated.
Please i'd honestly like help
kys yourself faggot
Be a whore for women instead.
You too, degenerate whore
Yes, that's very Jow Forums what's your point
Be a nude model for live drawing classes, earn some cash while you expose yourself.
Do you ever get tired of being like this?
Nah, you first, closet fag.
No, but sometimes I see the sheer volume of namefags and tripfags on this board and regret that I may have opened the door for that.
I don't believe you. I find it hard to believe that you never have moments where you look at yourself in the mirror and just ask yourself why. I can't imagine that being this creature that you are isn't exhausting at times.
>this creature
la luz extinguido
I mean, you are a freak. You do know that, right?
Hardly. Aside from a few unrelated quirks, you'd have no idea anything was 'off' about me if you saw me in person. You definitely wouldn't be able to discern my views, and those aren't 'freakish' anyway.
Drop kik and I'll give you gen advice other than 'kIll uRsElF'
>Aside from a few unrelated quirks, you'd have no idea anything was 'off' about me if you saw me in person.
Your ability to physically blend into society doesn't absolve you of being a freak. If that were the case then Ted Bundy wouldn't be considered a freak either.
>You definitely wouldn't be able to discern my views, and those aren't 'freakish' anyway.
Yes. Yes they are. I think on some level you know that. Advocating the execution of people who don't hold your exact sexual value system is a viewpoint that no reasonable person would describe as anything other than freakish. The definition of freak is "unusual or unexpected". You, sir, are a freak.
>Your ability to physically blend into society doesn't absolve you of being a freak.
If you define 'freak' as "someone who makes me mad", then obviously, but that's not the definition of the word.
>"A freak is someone with something strikingly unusual about their appearance or behaviour."
Your poor attempt at pigeonholing me into a label you vaguely associate with "bad" is on the same argumentative level as the phrase "you are a poopyface" (which you incidentally are, but that's not the point).
>If that were the case then Ted Bundy wouldn't be considered a freak
What the masses do is little indication of correctness. The definition of the word remains. Sure, you could argue like a true sophist and say that if enough people believe it, the meaning of the word changes, but at this point in time I've given you the "accepted" one.
>Advocating the execution of people who don't hold your exact sexual value system
Still on this, huh? While I've never done this, the willful continuance of this delusion is far more damning to the state of one's mind than anything I've done. Do I think certain actions should have certain consequences? Obviously. I would like to see consequences up to civil death for things like adultery, but one thing I've not done is say that it should apply to those who have different opinions.
Go ahead and explain why my beliefs are "wrong", much less "freakish". I'm sure you have no clue what morality is, let alone any understanding of my own thoughts. If the staggering mental incompetence of clinging to outright falsehoods is any indication, you'll just double down again and say I'm 'evil' because I did something... 'evil'.
LitHit, having been here since its inception,
>Jow Forums has always had tripfags, especially the girl, whose big claim to fame is being fucked by a dog.
>they have always been obnoxious and self-absorbed cunts with few or no redeeming traits
>they have never made Jow Forums better
You opened nothing, you just stepped in the same door as the rest of them. Don't you worry, Jow Forums has always been 100% a total shithole.
That makes me feel slightly better (and if you were hoping for it, slightly insulted as well). Still, I can't help but feel that their numbers increased since I showed up. One of them outright admitted he got the trip because of me.
You’re a freak because you’re wasting your life on /advice/ as a cum drinking tripfag
>implying implications which were not implied