Fuck all of you who glow in the dark. It is obvious that this attack did literally nothing for white people, and only acted against us.
>NZ banning semi autos
>radicalizing the masses of Muslims in Europe, where it actually matters
>Pewdiepie has to live in hiding forever
>Israel considers this a victory, every Israeli flag is GLOWING over this event.
>Leafposters trying to convince Americans to do copycat shootings and mods aren't banning them for promoting it
>countless threads and posts BEGGING for the video to be uploaded, like they're actively trying to get Jow Forums shut down for having a part in it
I might get banned for calling out users as shills, but this is getting ludicrous.
There could be an actual user on here close to snapping and because mods won't ban the shills, there will be blood on your hands, jannies.
Whether or not this was a Mossad operation (it definitely was) there should have been ONE general thread that got pinned to contain all the shilling.
Do your fucking job, jannies.
Jow Forums is glowing
Other urls found in this thread:
>NZ banning semi autos
Someone hasn't read the manifesto.
You want to see shills? Check this shit out.
and by snapping I mean because he'll buy what the Leafs and shills are pushing that accelerationism is good.
Violence is not the answer
here's the leaf that's been here for over 12 hours straight trying to get people to do a copycat shooting.
The schizos that you see in every thread are paid posters larping as stormfags, it's their job to convince you this was an anti-white 'Mossad plot' and that 'Accelerationism' doesn't work.
>Jews must be removed
>Jews in Israel that don't subvert us are fine with me
HE'S A ZIONIST PLANT! .. said the stormnigger plant
What do you mean by "accelerationism doesn't work."
So you're promoting more shootings?
New zeland isn't banning guns. It's just in consideration but the government hasn't said anything yet. Muslims already hate whites, bring it on assholes!
are you or are you not in favor of more mass shootings occurring?
>when you kill your enemies, you lose
You don't understand how this works.
Fuck off fed
no what I'm saying is this NZ shooting is glowing and this fucking LEAF itt is going into every thread and trying to shutdown any discussions of Mossad conspiracy, and is actively trying to get somebody to snap and do an actual shooting IRL.
This should be a bannable offense. he's promoting anons go out and kill innocent people, and mods won't ban him.
You won't admit it but that's exactly what you're doing.
You're a fucking kike rat trying to get whites to go postal and kill innocent people to further push your kike agenda.
how can you live with yourself?
Fuck off fed
Nobody is promoting terrorism you CIA shill. I'm simply exposing your shilling operations and why you're doing it.
Wonder what business the shooter had in Israel.
Really jingles my jangles
So you're with CIA? Makes sense.
kill yourself
Hahahaah you're a fucking faggot holy shit. You need to leave, new friend. Goading people into sucide and murder is what we've always done best
newfag kike rat detected fuck off
the actual users on Jow Forums are in the Mossad link threads. you kikes aren't fooling anybody
No, Christ cucks, you're the newfag. I bet you don't even remember the guy who killed his dad with a fire extinguisher, or the guy who killed some women and posted it in r9k, or the guy who was in a suicidal episode and he was even live streaming himself in his car with his shotgun and we kept telling him to fucking do it. Elitot Rodgers? That asian kid who shot up tech uni? Even those Columbine kids would've found comfort in Jow Forums. You're the newfag, retard
That robe looks /comfy/.
didn't read, you already revealed yourself to be a kike shill by saying "we."
kek. WE
Why are you afraid of your minority status? We will continue to call for violence and there's nothing you can do about it
>Visits Israel
>Must be a mossad agent
How fucking stupid you need to be to say shit like this. He visited pakistan too. So what ? North Korea too ?
He must be a communist-sunni-mossad agent.
You are fucking pathetic.
Really makes you think.
>What is connecting dots
saved these kikes won't get away with this
Dam boy fucking jews bombs shit all the time. This is all proof for him being a mossad agent ?
Damn, intentionally obtuse straw manning is all I know how to do.
Imagine visiting israel, then imagine what kind of fucking person you must be to WANT TO GO TO ISRAEL.
What's your opinion of why he was in Israel?
Kike girls are pretty fuckable if you forget about their nose.
For the same reason to Pakistan , North Korea , Hungary (yes he was here) and shit ? I guess he wanted to see shit before getting locked away for good.
Nah , forget it he is a mossad agent. Trained in 6 fucking days really. That version is much better..
The hungrary and Leaf flags that appear in every thread are CIA niggers don't talk to them
so are Kiwis buying every AR-15 in sight or what?
sounds like good business for bushmaster
I dare someone to touch Pewdiepie...
As hilarious and ridiculous as it might sound... Something like that would actually make people, the literal 9 year old 20 million strong army would fucking go on a rampage.
Youre a fucking retard and thats you live in the retard shack
lol shut the fuck up boomer
the fire rises
Of course guy, Brenton was just like you and me, isn't it obvious? The memes were so cool, he really felt like /ourguy/ the whole time. OMG when the Remove Kebab song came on? I totally KEK'd, and it gave me those Deus Vult vibes! See pic related, that's my war face right now. Grr.
As for the manifesto, it is literally true. Muslims are the problem. Israelis and Jews are cool with me long as they stay in Israel. I mean I don't deny they dominate western civilisation and have their hands in all our nations, but as long as they cohabitat within the legitimate state of Israel then we can be bros. Heil Accelerationism, we march ever forwards!
Man, (((/ourguys/))) Tommy Robinson and Brenton Tarrant would really get along, something tells me.
it's cause gabriel can't attack true jews anymore
ie white people or get cursed by God so he's
getting the muzzies to do it through his irish toy
Amerimutts are so retarded.
your tactics suck. You're spending HOURS shilling and for what?
You can't convince Jow Forums to let go of the Mossad theory. You should be investing your time more wisely, you're only further pushing people towards the JQ. just letting you know.
You're so dumb, bot even being rude, just being honest. You're a fucking moron.
Thats coming from a Canadian might be a little harsh for them but i like it. Not everyone can be a braindead fat fuck murican :/
Yep. Gradually I began to hate them.
Visiting crusade battle sites?
This guy is 100% a shill, fuck you dude and fuck anyone who kills innocents. The shilling makes me think it was mossad or black cube or one of their subsidiaries more than anything.
Oh it was definitely mossad. Fucking 8ch is 50% mossad AT LEAST with the other half being their easily led useful idiots and golems. It's no coincidence he's from there, and it's no coincidence cohencidentally forgot to mention the JQ.
>naming the jew in his manifesto would have been productive
if you give kikes any ammo like that they can enhance their victim status for years with their control of media.
then, any criticism of jewish power would be associated with terrorism, which is a net negative for "our" interests
you're either a retarded boomer or a shill literally one of those two things
same vibe t b h
>200+ results found
>The memes were so cool
Dark humour is the best humour.
>Remove Kebab
>Muslims are the problem
All invaders are a problem, he made this clear in the manifesto.
>Israelis and Jews are cool
He said Israelis that don't subvert his people are fine with him. He was born, and committed his attack, in a colonial nation that mass exterminated aboriginals. Opposing Israel for colonizing would be obviously hypocritical.
>They dominate western civilization
Jews dominate the press and political financing sure but they don't dominate our civilization. Hitler crushed kikery with little effort once the people were behind him.
>Legitimate state of Israel
Your country was built on mass ethnic genocide and enslavement you retarded subhuman. Why don't you go back to Europe if you're so opposed to colonialism?
Brenton said he ultimately attacked Muslim men because they have the highest fertility rate and are hated more than any other group. His goal was to accelerate inevitable social tensions, gun seizures, speech crackdowns and the coming race war. Go pasta this low IQ shit in another thread, i'll see you there.
Tarrant's World Tour
>Australia Grafton
>North Norea Ryanggang Province
>Turkey 2016 March September
>Israel 2016 October 25-3
>Bosnia 2017 January
>Croatia 2017 January 4-18 Porec, Zadar, Sibenik, Dubrovnik and Zagreb
>Bulgaria 2018 Nov 9-15 Sofia, Pleven, Gabrovo and Bachovo
>Pakistan 2018 Highlands
>New Zeland 2019 Dunedin
This, OP's a fucking brainded. And I would the mossad report on their own agents anyway
he did it all with bitconnect money that didn't exist before he went all those places just like the Las Vegas shooter paid for his lavish lifestyle by winning at video poker
the facts about all these things are bizarre beyond any ability to comprehend
maybe he just used credit card fraud like normal people
The whole board has been swamped with UNATCO faggots for a while
>another skitzo boomer post
do me a favor...never ever post here again
The entire point was to back whites into a corner where there was only one means of escape....
Can I see a copy of the email they sent to you all that said to start using the word schizo in every other post?
Where did you hear of PewDiePie and Marzia being moved into hiding?
>One gunman killed 49 people and wounded more than 20 during Friday prayers at two New Zealand mosques in the country's worst ever mass shooting, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern condemned as terrorism.
>“This attack seems to be trying to enrage Muslims around the world and motivate them to take revenge acts for this shooting,” Scott Bennett, the American counter-terrorism analyst, told Tasnim on Saturday.
>“This of course would play into the Zionist-Mossad intelligence services which benefits from a war between Muslims and the West, and can use this renewed conflict to set the stage for a conflict against Iran, the conquest of the Golan Heights by Israel, and the Netanyahu military strikes against Gaza and Syria; as well as the Saudi Arabian attacks on Yemen”.
>The analyst stressed, “Conveniently, this shooting event in New Zealand seems to be drawing the eyes of the world away from the other events in the world as well”.
>He further said that the Israeli-Zionist intelligence agencies and military-industrial-police state in America and the West would seem to benefit the most from such an event.
>“I believe this entire event is a false flag event… so this seems to be a psychological operation designed to manipulate the public for a political agenda—which appears to be a Zionist operation,” Bennett went on to say.
>The Australian gunman behind the massacre, identified as Brenton Tarrant, broadcast live footage on Facebook of the attack on one mosque in the city of Christchurch, mirroring the carnage played out in video games, after publishing a "manifesto" in which he denounced immigrants, calling them "invaders".
>In his manifesto, Tarrant said he saw US President Donald Trump as “symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”
you are all going to die soon
enjoy your fun while you can
Dr. Scott Bennett, formerly of the U.S. Army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, attempted to blow the whistle by contacting the commercially-controlled media and writing to US politicians after being sacked from his job as terrorist finance investigator after he proved too zealous at the job. "He has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies." He was a Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation.
>muh jooooos!
>muh muh muh muh mossad!
kill yourselves!
fucking lunatics..
based thank you for the bumps
glowing CIA kike
>March, 16
the people who do these happenings don't tend to know that they are pawns in a game
they are encouraged and often supplied by state actors.
there are many weak minded people in this world that can be manipulated into extreme action. They don't have to be trained agents.
never mind, it is a real article with shit formatting:
>muh jooooos!
The only reason you're calling Brenton a glow in the dark agent is to discourage other valiant christian warriors from taking a stand. Well guess what retard, you're too fucking late. The fire has been ignited and soon every single Muslim living in the west is going to taste hot American lead. May Gd grant us the courage and valor needed to overwhelm these muzzie rats!
I think one of these for each shooting from now on should be made lmao
Yup the shooter fucked up and should have waited for however long. He weakened the civilian s and gave justification to the govco to take people's guns so now if and when they need them when shit really kicks off they are fucked.
fuck you too OP.
So you're upset with him because the PM of New Zealand is shit? Go fuck yourself. We need more New Zealanders.
>valiant christian warriors
Imagine believing this as legitimate and sincere
Come get me kike. I hope your talmud is thick enough to stop .30-06
>left israel 9 days later
Why is this so important?
I just came back from a 12 day vacation from israel. Does this turn me into a mossad agend?
>shills accusing real Jow Forumsacks of being shills
stop it
>I just came back from a 12 day vacation
>from israel
Did you just get 4 million whites disarmed and write an 80 page manifesto to justify disarming said whites while cohenveniently only mentioning the JQ insofar as to say that Israel is a-ok?
>it's a falseflag goy, i swear. now stop resisting and die already
Saved. People need to see this shit.
Nobody knows what the future holds
Milions of people visit israel each year.
Btw tel aviv sucks, dont go there
>Shooter visits Islamabad says how much he loves muslims
>1 year later shoots up Muslim mosque
>SAME DAY Intelligence Chief in part of Pakistan shooter visited is suicided
>staying in Hotel owned by Nizari people
>Being heavily outnumbered, they resisted adversaries by employing strategic strongholds and the use of tactics such as sacrificial assassination and psychological warfare.
you are glowing so bright. fuck you and everyone who works with you. the truth is coming to light and your time is short
Thank you for exposing the agenda point for point, you retard Jew
those fags are in every thread. it's their new shill tactic to combat the false flag obviousness.
>Milions of people visit israel each year
Yes, primarily Jews and Christian Zionists and a few Christcucks because muh Jewish Bible history. Remember that (((Jesus))) is Aryan culture btw, fellow white person.
>pic related is posted by a kekistani meme flag
>silence on the Jews is addressed in archive
You guys are getting really desparate aren't you?
What Brenton did was a courageous act. He is an aryan warrior that saw a problem and was proactive about it. He will go down in history. Pick it up use it, make the bad bad go away. Brenton was also fed up with how rapidly his country was changing, not just his country but the entire western world. Do it, grab it and load it, squeeze it and make them all go away. If we would stop and think about what Brenton did logically we would understand he basically culled future generation of terrorists in one afternoon.
KYS kike