Is it true women only want to be around you at your best? How do I trust them if I ever run into some life trouble? It doesn't make sense to me, I thought women were the fair sex. But you guys keep saying they are all shit. Which is it?
Is it true women only want to be around you at your best? How do I trust them if I ever run into some life trouble...
They need you to be there for them during their hard times. When you’re having trouble you need to be a man and deal with it, though. They’re not here to be your mother.
But I'm here to be there Dad? That's why I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this "equality" shtick.
I think things used to be different. These days, the man must be flawless or else the woman goes back to looking for someone who is.
They're allowed to walk away if your worst is actually abusive to the relationship. Both ways. The point is you're not supposed to abuse the relationship for benefits unless there's an equal and agreeable sacrifice.
>Is it true women only want to be around you at your best?
If you have a friend/gf/wife that ditch you when you have problems, never contact them again, they're not worth it
>How do I trust them if I ever run into some life trouble?
Only trust the people you can trust
>It doesn't make sense to me, I thought women were the fair sex.
It's "fair" as in "weak", "feeble" not "honest" and "kind"
>But you guys keep saying they are all shit. Which is it?
Most guys here are just bitter
Women are people first, women second
There's shitty people among both sides
So women are smart?
Some are, the same way as some men are smart
Its not equal. Woman expect men to do everything while they provide nothing but vagina. They just want to leech off of the success of men and will abandon ship once you become weak. You can circumvent this by dating ugly fat woman with low self esteem and fewer options, but attractive woman know their worth and use their looks to climb through society by piggy backing on high value males.
Based and redpilled. Absolute truth.
Give me the sause for that
Dragon’s Dogma, I think.
No, like the artist?
t. Incel
Prove him wrong, then?
Self made women exist
No way, if anything I'm a vocel. Woman are just too demanding and I don't have much to give without becoming just another paypig cuck or lowering my standards to the ground. I didn't say any of that as a jab at woman, but that's the way they are. Why do you think it is that whenever guys ask for advice on how to start dating they are given a self improvement program? Because everyone knows men as they are aren't worth shit to woman, you have to make yourself useful to them first before you even think about dating.
Yes, but women always date upwards, it's only in rare cases that is if they are millionaires or something that they date downwards.
Yes, and they will only date men they perceive to be superior to themselves. I never said woman can't do for themselves, only that they never do for men. Its common knowledge that highly successful woman have trouble dating because they struggle to find guys who meet their high standards. I'm not saying its a bad thing, but most woman only associate with men so long as its beneficial to them, loyalty and honor are male principles.
I hope she sees this bro
Some do, I guess, but not all. I've had three women that I've had strong feelings for and that have been there for me when I was acting emotionally erratic. I even confessed about my insecurities and how unsure I am of myself, and they were there to comfort me. Things only ended because I didn't trust them enough, because despite their best efforts and them being almost unequivocally nonjudgmental, I never trusted them in the ways that I said I would.
At least in my experience, when a woman has said that she doesn't want to be a man's mother and I asked her what she meant by that, it never meant that she didn't want to care about a man's emotions, only that she didn't want to be made to feel responsible for them. She wanted to feel a deeply intimate and personal connection, and she wanted to be able to comfort a man when he needs it, but she wanted to do it as an equal.
This has not been true in my experience, and I'm sorry if it has been in yours.
OP listen to me. You shouldn't ever truly love a woman, other than your mother, grandmother, sister( only if they were normal and good people). Just have "fun" with the women who like you. Hell, you can even try to have a "relationship" with them. BUT ALWAYS BE READY TO LEAVE HER. NEVER LET YOURSELF GET TOO ATTACHED TO THEM. They will leave you if they have secured a better option, without any remorse(not that it matters). Men are SUPPOSED to have steel hearts when it comes to this shit. Why do you think "men should be emotionally open" has been pushed so much in American movies, films, etc? It's so women can weed out the emotional men. At the end of the day. Women are more or less the same( in what they want in a man).
If I follow this, then I can never marry?
All the other spiteful over-generalizing posts (who are just someone's experiences) are getting replies yet this one (muh anectodal experience) is getting no attention
Have you (You) from me, not because you're white knighting but because you allow, as everyone should in the case of human behaviour, for plenty of exceptions because some do, some don't.
Don't worry, functional sex robots will be a thing within this decade.
It's not anyone's job to prove them wrong. Living in that bitter mindset only hurts them in the end.
If they were truly happy they wouldn't be like this, misery loves company.
Happy people don't want their company.
And in addition, we can't prove a negative, you should prove the positive. Show some proof incelites.
>is this how ugly people cope?
>I think things used to be different.
The only difference was that it was very difficult, socially and legally, to break up a marriage. People didn't really change, we've just been steadily changing the rules to prioritize selfish personal impulses over sticking to responsibilities for the greater good of a family & society at large
Women evaluate men on their value if the men go down in value it use to be that women would stay because of things like not wanting to be considered a slut. Another thing is marriage was more important back in the day now with easy divorce and people devaluing marriages is it any wonder women will leave men who lose value.
The thing is that internet has fucked up the standards of dating. And show me some proof of a woman dating a guy below her league.
Men are good at compartmentalizing their feelings and emotions. You can hate women and still enjoy the other aspects of your life.
>cope so strong
>drip too hard
>doesn't even make any sense
>record your face saying these things or you're a weak bitch
Say what you want but it's actually true. Google is your friend.
>has no proof
>surprised pikachu
Well there’s truth that certain women will bail the moment things get rough for you, mostly because they’re a money sucking whore. Not all women do that but money is ideally the reason they start to shut off emotionally. Also if you’re the one who approached her in the beginning just remember you’re just a choice out of many different guys.
The best bet is to attract a female friend to develop a crush on you, you won’t see it coming really but just be cool to them and sooner or later she’ll ask you out.
the reason you want to be in that position is so she feels more attached from emotional investment, than she would be if you just asked her out yourself.
>this faggot thinks the world is some happy place
I can already tell you that 90% of people aren't happy with their lives. Hell back in the times before the internet people weren't happy either but at least they had their spouses, children, decently paying job, big house, and a community. What do we have now? At best maybe $2000+ of tech lying around and maybe friends on discord and the like and maybe an apartment you have to share with 3 other people because everything has become so goddamn expensive because turd worlders are being brought in droves. And lets not get started on women, because thanks to feminism and metoo, no average man would dare to try to approach her in fear of brutal repercussions.
>tl;dr get your head out of your ass and realize that the world we live in sucks cock
Yeah. Men have no inherent value in the eyes of women. They care about what you can provide for them: wealth, resources, social status etc. You presume some kind of mutual relationship, which requires women to see men as humans in the first place. We're tools in their eyes. Do you care if your scissors had a rough day? Of course not, they're fucking scissors. Either they cut, or you get a new pair.
>The point is you're not supposed to abuse the relationship for benefits
lmao thats what most women do, especially in the west
>I thought women were the fair*er* sex.
First of all, FTFY.
Second of all, "fair" was used in a different context back when that idiom first came about. "Fair" in this sense means beautiful.
Thirdly, if you want support you must first demonstrate that you can give it, and then you must have the courage and humility to ask for it, and the strength to endure if you are denied. And if you are being denied support, that's how you know it's time to move on.
You keep trying until you find the one who can handle at your diddliest. Only that would deserves you at your doodliest.
Most people here just suffer from learned helplessness. There's literally nothing you can't learn on the internet today. What they lack is the WILL to take that knowledge and use it to improve their life.
People are individuals user, it's pretty simple. Some women will have your back and some women wont. Some are assholes some are not. You gotta learn to talk to them well enough to be able to tell the difference (I need to still work on it more myself desu)
>women are people first women second
Are they really? They dress like dum cumpsters so I have trouble recognizing them as equals.
That's more of an issue with you than with them.
No, I think it's more of an issue with them than it is with me.
the term is "fairer" sex. it means they are prettier, not more equitable.
anyway, do not ever trust the Jow Forums's opinions of women or racial minorities. a lot of the people here are misogynist conspiracy theorists who think everyone with a vagina is personally out to destroy them.
women are not a monolith. literally half the people on this planet are female. get to know some women and form your own opinion. And, thisn't just some unrealistic nonsense, like, "get to know a Middle Easterner!" the world is filled with literal billions of women. You would have to be a pretty repulsive person if you can't find a few girls you can talk to and get to know
You'd think that, but you're wrong.
that is the same about, literally, everyone. you might now have spent a lot of time in casual friendships with women, because they are not born into the world as gleaming diamonds. women are men with different junk, more fat, and more sensitive emotions. anything else is social pressure.
a woman still has to get herself pretty, learn to be good at conversations, be interesting, manage her money... all the same shit they ask men to do as a bare minimum. I have seen some disgusting pigs wailing about how they couldn't get a girl's attention. but, then, I have seen some smelly slags complaining that guys are all shallow and only talk to their prettier friends.
Humans of Earth: fix your shit
that guy is only half right. he is emotionally weak and overreacting to learning that the world is not made of roses and candy.
People who want love, also want to be loved. women want someone who appreciates them, and one way they feel appreciated is when that person is truthful and vulnerable to them. Think about that "bad boy" stereotype. what you don't often see is that a HUGE part of that stereotype is that when they are alone, that "asshole" guy is really mushy and vulnerable with the girl. She gets to see this secret side of him, and it really creams her corn.
but, some guys take it too far. they become needy and weak. girls don't want to date other girls. So, yes, hold your emotions in check. be ready to let go of something if it goes bad. keeping a little bit of tension, the sense that not everthing is perfectly settled, keeps people engaged. if she knows she can't just walk over you, then she won't. AND SHE WILL APPRECIATE THAT. but if you are a stoic rock, she will get her emotional validation fix elsewhere.
signal boosting
The only right answer
The cringe answer
so you would prefer if they dress like men? personally, I can tell the difference between a package and its contents. I require that my girlfriends be interesting and smart. I can't talk to a moron, or I will get bored. But I also want them to dress like sluts, because the female body is a beautiful thing. otherwise, I would just fuck guys.
what is wrong with them dressing in a way that makes them happy? because I am pretty sure it makes men happy, too.
most of them, anyway. clearly it makes you unhappy...
>getting married
>because I am pretty sure it makes men happy, too.
Maybe the cuckolds only.
What's the point of seeing something you'll never have? It only causes sexual frustration until one of us snaps. Rapists have just done what many men wish they could do.
You know how women complain about man-children alot.
Well, there are lady versions of the "man-child" and what you're describing is them. They want daddies to look after them rather than a partner.
Unfortunately, far too many of us are willing enablers for it. There are women who are different however, those are the ones you should be chasing (though 99% of the time some lucky bastard already got her married).
I really hope you're joking. Or are underage. "Fair" doesn't mean "with strong sense of justice and fairness". It's just somewhat antiquated term that in that context meant "pretty".
Many women only want to be around guys at their best because they're still relatively attractive, can shop around and if they aren't seriously into a guy and honestly at that, they just look for good time and someone to be their provider, not additional problems to deal with. That's why you SHOULD be very careful till they actually prove they deserve trust.
Same with the "equality shtick". Women currently seek equality in that they want "equal" (special) treatment (at least when we speak about those in western civilization) when it comes the most profitable and beneficial possibilities. They sure as hell are not for compulsory woman draft in the countries with such, don't enforce gender hiring quotas for less respectable or profitable jobs dominated by men etc. They want equal stab at all the good, but are unwilling to take responsibility and strive men had to get at to get the same.
They're not all shit. It's just usually on this board, when it comes to issues, it's very often due to a girl involved being shit. Still, it's not a joke that currently women are put on the pedestal and get quite a royal treatment on average (at least compared to guys), but it's not some unified front or conspiracy.
do you never shop in stores, or browse websites looking at things you could have, but lack the money? or flip through magazines just looking at the cool cars, games, whatever, just because it is fun seeing what is out there?
you only a cuckold if you think that women belong to you. women are not obligated to have sex with anyone, and the way they dress is not an invitation to anything. looking is not the same as possessing. Showing, and looking, are ends unto themselves. it is like art. just looking at beautiful things is pleasant, in itself.
What a faggy post.
No, it is not. Nothing is true for all women.
I was by my boyfriend's side through any kind of shit life threw at him. I supported him financially, I took care of him when he had huge mental issues (talking psychotic episodes that got him in a mental ward, not Jow Forums mild depression), I never left him no matter what.
Even if some girls are like you, they are still the exception. As a man you have nothing to lose by not letting your guard down and always making sure you stay in the advantageous position in the relationship. Adopting the redpilled mindset is like wearing a seat belt, you won't always need it, but it hardly gets in the way and you'll be thankful you had it should the time come. Woman do the exact same thing, they make assumptions about men based on a generalizations to protect themselves, and put men through a series of shit test to filter our undesirables, men are just now catching up.
I've heard of, and have witnessed female friends who find it disgusting when a man or their boyfriends show any kind of emotion besides happiness, anger or contentment. Some of these women you wouldn't even think to be the type and only one admitted she felt it was wrong to see men that way when they're being vulnerable.
What says is correct. You just risk too much when you're emotionally vulnerable with your girl and in the end it only makes the relationship more difficult.
If anyone here finds a woman they can trust and expose themselves to her like that without judgement, marry her. Otherwise get a dog because most women have no heart when it comes to these matters.
>signal boosting
Back to RetardEra/Tumblr
It's not that there are women who act like children, it's that we've been led to believe that women actually mature mentally to the degree of men. But that just isn't true.
No it's not that they only want to be around you at your best, it's that for many guys, it's only their best that's good enough. You can definitely make mistakes and even come into trouble around a girl who's into you and she's likely to help you out, but it's because she believes you're worth investing in.
you have clearly never met an actual female. I don't know where this meme of women being children came from, but it is so far from reality I am not sure that you aren't trolling.
maybe trendy white basics on Instagram are irresponsible and childish, but the vast majority of women are mothers, caretakers, teachers, and generally the ones who have to clean up messes men leave.
you wonder why so many women are in support positions, and never leadership? because that is something they excel at. rolling up sleeves and dealing with boring, difficult shit that needs to be done
doesn't stop me from getting laid. nor enjoying all the sexy, half naked girls I see around campus. just because I don't own a girl doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching her walk by in some tiny shorts.
>women excel at rolling up sleeves and dealing with boring, difficult shit that needs to be done
That sounds less than complimentary.
I think it might seem that way to someone who can't honestly look at their flaws and think about how they're more than just "little, temporary problems."
I hate asking for help, and half the time, asking a younger woman for help never even registers to me as an option. I have this tendency to try and do it all alone, because what I've noticed about my life is that it gets worse when I let other people do things for me. That SEEMS really mild, but then...oh, I'm trying to date a girl who's actually really capable and has my mindset in a lot of ways, and I want to do things for her, but I don't want the inverse, and I can sometimes poopoo her ideas. I don't care if I'm Harrison Ford levels of suave and macho. She is not going to put up with that forever, and I don't see why she should.
I'll give you this, though. From what I've seen about women in general, that is absolutely not true. I've seen them shack up bummy boyfriends that they've only been dating for months, and I've seen them put out for guys that "actually" smell like a dying fucking animal. It's just that a relationship is a struggle to build tolerance for each other and reduce the amount of tolerance needed. Look at your bullshit honestly and think "would I put up with this shit?"
This is what's pure bullshit. Anytime I've known a girl, the moment I show any of my vulnerabilities, they drop me like a rock.
Thanks man now I understand, it's good to show only relevant weaknesses regarding my emotions
Duh vulnerabilities aren't attractive. You need to tell your therapist that shit bro, not your life partner. Who the fuck ever told you that was acceptable behavior? Hit them.
This is absolutely untrue. Yes, there are shitty people that will bail when things go south, not everyone is like that.
My boyfriend has a chronic illness, which means since we have started dating I have probably seen more bad days than good. They pass though. He is the love of my life and even if things get real bad, I have no desire to be with anyone else.
Sorry for not believing it
It's just too good to be true
What are the signs of a mature woman then?
>Implying that person didn't fail to mention some selfish agenda
Oh sweet summer child
holy shit you seem traumatized
Nah, he's basically saying redpill principles just in a gay way.
Well it used to be almost equal that woman got a free ride but they didn't have the same rights. Sure men have to do everything and woman got slapped around every now and then but with power comes responsibility and vice versa.
Now women want all the power and none of the responsibility. So yeah women only want men at their best.
Personally I would love to be with an actual intelligent person who pulls their own fucking weight.
Women can not care for men the way you see in media. They are incapable of that level of empathy, and don't understand the struggles of being a man in this day and age.
Society has changed conditioned them a certain selfish way, and their own egos are in a nutshell, absurd.
Can either play the game as it's laid out, or become society's trash as an incel/misogynist unfortunately.