Schizophrenic austistic sperges thing everything is a false flag

>travels around the world to like 40 countries
>visits Israel too


And whoever that retard is who always replies to threads saying >Israel is dead this year, B-b-Bibi is fucked! I posted it again mom!

Kill your self now

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Other urls found in this thread: say that Brenton Tarrant/ Brenton was just like you and me/ attack seems to be trying to enrage/

You know Israel is fucked when Israeli shills are making threads COMPLAINING about regular users that think it's a false flag...because it is. israelis are so inbred they lack the self awareness to understand how stupid this shit is.

Point out that there were no Yang Gang threads while shills were posting "false flag" for 2 days and they stop bumping.

Our jewish and non-jewish elite are terrified of copycats so they're spamming this shit everywhere. The schizos that you see in every thread are paid posters larping as stormfags, it's their job to convince you this was an anti-white 'Mossad plot' and that 'Accelerationism' doesn't work. say that Brenton Tarrant/ Brenton was just like you and me/ attack seems to be trying to enrage/

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>inb4 no Yang Chang threads when this were happening
You're obviously lack knowledge of Jow Forums by saying this. Of course happenings like this kills the shills and brings the board together - except schizos.

>You're obviously lack knowledge of Jow Forums by saying this.
Newfag detected.
Also why didn't /ptg/ die during the happening, then?

Shut up isralure

jews are obsessed with using "schizo" as an insult because schizophrenia basically only affects them. Each of them will have an uncle or cousin with it. Whites will say things like "crazy" "psycho" "lunatic"

Boomer q tards need to get thrown of a bridge

IS there ANYTHING that isn’t a false flag dumbass


>my ass

(((Accelerationist))) shills just switched gears from spamming forced meme yang gang threads to shitting out threads about how some pro-israeli edgelord who murdered a bunch of women and children ought to be considered a hero of white nationalism.

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You mean they switch gears to claiming it was a false flag while also spamming threads about how he's a zionist.
Like you're doing right now.

>tfw the Christchurch shooting was so successful and met with enough widespread support that Israel is trying to take credit for it

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>terrified of copycats
>muh /ourguy/
Shut the fuck up, retarded glownigger leaf.

>enough widespread support
You mean from pro-terrorist stormfag retards like you?
Yang gang retards have more in common with pro-Tarrant shills than people claiming it was a false flag.

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fuck me did you have to blow the dust off that insult?

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He said he supports Israel
Visited Israel
Supports Communist China
Went to North Korea (somehow???)
Went to Pakistan (loved it!)

And his manifesto reads like a psy-op impression of Jow Forums.

>he's a zionist.
I agree

He’s right you know, look up ashkenazi schizophrenia statistics

What is the name of this mascot?

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The dude you're talking about even made a fake "leak" of a jewish document so he could post it on all of the threads he doesn't like, but absolutely fucking everyone called him out for making such a low effort fake.

>Oh shit, we got BTFO in other threads. Let's create our own!

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Posts like OP's are mossad at work. This is called MK ultra. They are trying to use anime as a lure. The far right is a controlled op. Its all right here. Emily didnt make this.

Ok retarded schizoposter
post when you have actual proof ya dumb cunt
>i'll prove it's a conspiracy by talking about another one

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Fuck you stinky austroloid. It was an obvious false flag. It's getting so obvious that even mainstream conservatards like rush limbaugh and vox day are saying it was yet you gimps can't figure it out.

Rush Limbaugh Raises Prospect That New Zealand Massacre Was False Flag Attack |
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

It's like a self-defense mechanism. "Oh no!" they say, "We would never actually DO the things we advocate! It's just the kikes trying to make us look bad!" There'll be a reckoning for these retards who want to fucking ethnically cleanse their homelands but are too cowardly to admit the fact that they're fucking nazis.

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The real world is not Jow Forums

>Jews must be removed from the west
>Jews in Israel that don't subvert us are fine with me
HE'S A ZIONIST PLANT! .. said the stormnigger CIA plant

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Okay I lol'd at dropping the mags. Well done to the drawfag.

>>travels around the world to like 40 countries
>>visits Israel too

With all that Bitconnect, right?

He's clearly a CIA NOC. They use "traveling" to cover the true purpose of the visits.

Wrong. The yang shills started making threads in support of the shooter

CIA are Zionists. They work for the Fed, who are the Zionist bankers.

No true Jow Forumsack would say stormnigger, kike

Shit guys, they got me.

I’m totally a Mossad agent, be careful dude. Just some advice.

Your phone has been logged, it’s been recording since 2016 and we know you talk to your phone when nobody is listening.

Just a sample,
>I know you’re there Mossad, you can’t scare me

>can’t tell sacasm

He was a PT, they get paid decent money in Australia

The cost of all his travels would have amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, with many of them just coincidentally being hot-spots for Western and ME spooks.

It's far more likely that he was a CIA NOC. I doubt he's even Australian; that would be his cover.

Those "hot spots" are major cities lad. People visit those for all sorts of reasons, most of which have nothing to do with glowing in the dark. Do better.

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Yeah, no. Educate yourself more.

Look into where he didn't visit, and you'll get your answer.

>Look into where he didn't visit, and you'll get your answer.

I'll give it to you.

Russia. They would have broken his cover at entry.

Nice glownigger meme image you falseflag Zioshill