Attached: download.jpg (310x163, 11K)
Anyone got the a link to the full video?
David Clark
Samuel Wilson
Austin Hughes
iv got the video but I don't know who will host it without a bullshit review of the content first. I also have some hilarious edits.
Ayden Johnson
cant find it
Dylan Murphy
of course a dumb fucking leaf isn't helpful
Colton Nguyen
Angel Rivera
Jason Fisher
Idk why these faggots don't want to show you. Search pol for the archive link. Im too lazy to show you
Logan Nguyen
I think they already have the normal video on the site. that or kiwifarms is were I first downloaded it the day it happened. but it says on the rules that thy will take down any gore videos that are set to music which I have done :3
Joseph Torres
Are you people this fucking retarded?
Colton Brooks
because I have some funny edited meme versions. most websites call it "glorifying it" who will host this shit >
Leo Mitchell
Here, you slow-ass faggot
Colton Hernandez
what website is that? I wana upload muh edits
Hudson James
Video should be somewhere in here
Oliver Miller
>what website is that?
are you serious?
its fucking piratebay.
Wyatt Price
Did you just tell me that you have the capacity to edit videos on a computer but don't know what piratebay is?
Aiden Campbell
Is there any website that will host it like youtube though? so I can just embed it into a thread and no one has to download it? no one will trust a fucking download from pirate bay of an edited version. they'll think its cp or some shit.
Austin Torres
I love this guy what a damn beast
Grayson Johnson
no one will see my edits if they have to download them tho
Daniel Hill
is there any vids after 16 mins?
Daniel Davis
Christian Adams
Just go on documentingreality or some other shock site ffs
Charles Ward
Watch the video. Spread the video. Read the manifesto.
Nathan Martinez
youre a fucking faggot user. you dont know shit. your edits probably suck dick too
Owen Turner
yeah everything stops just before 17 mins - wondered if there was a longer video
Gabriel Bennett
fine you fuckhead il upload it to piratebay. I don't have to know whit that funny edits and music make it funny. lets see your meme version then!
Matthew Allen
ITT glowniggers continue to ask for help in scrubbing the video.
Gavin Cook
I'm pretty sure Facebook shut down the original stream after 16 minutes, so probably not. Could be wrong though.
Carson Murphy
globalist pigs
Aaron Martinez
god damn it it says link was not approved when I try to register on pirate bay. I hope someone emp's everything
Asher Rodriguez
whilst ive got you lot in here - anyone know any good free VPN's?
Kayden Diaz
I already saw the video but do you have the manafesto?
Jackson Price
>any site like youtube
No you fucking dimwit.
Joshua Richardson
im trouble shooting my god damn pirate bay registration atm and someone suggested I use google chrome and gvn. I know theres ones you pay for though like nord vpn but fuck that.
Charles Kelly
I think I got piratebay working with chrome but I don't know how to upload the fucking video >< need help from senpai!
Brayden Ramirez
Thomas Rodriguez
the connection was reset! fuck it I give up! emp all electronics! REEEE!!
Jose Garcia
kek, he's a literal boomer