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very nice. finally some lawmakers that get it
Fuck yeah.
Leave it to the S*uth to have government issued heavy assault rifles
>Mad Manlet thought deaths in NZ would accelerate gun grab
>Instead some states are imposing people to buy more guns
This is getting better everyday.
>Arm the niggers with rifles
Bad idea. White people are already armed. They don't need a bill telling them to. This bill would end up forcing enemy non-whites to arm themselves.
better than govt issue HIV in the w*st coast
Wars coming
Healyeah maor guns
My town just banned all semi-auto firearms from county limits. At least I had a chance to grandfather my AK74
Hey you get out of here cunt
>heavy assault rifles
where the fuck do you live
>tfw everyone in the mosque is strapped with an ar-15
Boulder, CO. I knew where I was moving. And at least I don't sperg out about my beliefs, so nothing to worry about until the time comes
Assault Rifle? Stop getting your information from CNN.
Outside of St. Louis and KC niggers basically don’t exist here. And they’d run the fuck away when every country bumpkin in state has a brand new state mandated Semi-auto Coon-Be-Gone.
They can’t shoot worth a piss. Why do you think they drive explosive laden vehicles?
Pick one you liberal faggot
God willing.
My only issue is how are they going to mandate that? Are they going to require them to purchase one? That's communist as fuck, demanding someone spend money on a government program. That's Obams care tier. The other option is using tax dollars to purchase them for the citizens, which again is absolutely retarded because that money could be spent on better things like improving infrastructure. Either choice is fucking dumb.
I hope MO does it. Bout time the kikes pay their little games.
Felons are exempt (not allowed.) it's fine.
Tax rebate. Done.
>heavy assault rifles
Again, that would be giving them a tax rebate and then forcing them to use that money on something else. Literally ObamaCare tier.
>buh is ok if I like what they're forcing me to buy it is not same
What is the penalty for not owning an AR? Did they go over that?
Anybody who thinks firearms are going anywhere in the USA is a delusional faggot. Want to know what will happen if this bill passes? Crime rates will go down.
No, it wouldn't be.
>send in your receipt for an AR with your tax return, you now get those dollars back in your taxes
This isn't difficult.
> Includes St Louis
> Highest murder rate in country for last 10 years straight
> Everyone ends up strapped
> Murders stop completely because gangs know they will be ventilated if they so much as spit
Oh no no no what’ll happen if I don’t want to exercise your 2nd amendment? Illinois is next door you faggot.
Ok, that's fair. Now stop ignoring the second part of the question. What is the penalty for not owning an AR?
A right isn't a requirement. I have the right to use my 5th. That doesn't mean it's illegal if I don't. I have the right to exercise my 2nd amendment. that doesnt mean it's illegal if I don't.
So happy I got this timeline.
Missouri isn’t really the south
What about saying you are too mentally incompetent to have one? That would stop all discussion right there.
>his head was full of water
I was just there this past week. Well I stayed in Denver actually. What is it like living there? College student?
semi-automatic sporting rifles.
Turning an ar15 into a proper select-fire weapon requires heavily regulated parts and profound modification to the lower receiver.
I'm 30, moved here because I loved the atmosphere and people are chill, not super intrusive with their liberal agenda. Most importantly ~90% white and it changes a lot for me after living next to Mexicans and other types of Indians.
I'd assume there are restrictions such as mentally unstable people, felons etc. I don't care about them as far as the law is concerned. They already have laws against that, so I'm not going to pick that fight. Im just saying this law is full of holes and is fucking stupid just like the new green deal.
>How are we going to pay for the new green deal?
>We'll just figure it out
No, that's fucking stupid. Figure it out now. I want to know the details of this, especially if then government is going to get involved. I dont want some ambiguous "we'll arrest people and then decide" type of bullshit. That gives the government too much power.
I have heard Boulder was shit when it comes to politics but it didn’t seem that bad to me either. I didn’t spend much time there though. I went to the fucking tea room and it was a Persian nightmare. I have to say, I was surprised with the amount of whites in Denver and boulder. I saw it coming but being away from South Texas is quite amazing. The boulder mountains are crazy. Other than the mountains and legal weed though I probably couldn’t stand it
It won’t pass, but I like based MO trying
Look I’m not claiming to know the answers. But it’s a great start and what if it’s just dealing? Start big on your demands and then talk them down to compromise on what you really want in the first place. Politicians already use this tactic to ban certain things about firearms anyway. Why not come at them from the same angle?
What are you doing with that clothes hanger user?
Who has to pay for the gun?
Commie detected
RIP in peace St Louis
>I have heard Boulder was shit when it comes to politics but it didn’t seem that bad to me either
I actually go to local uni political discussions from time to time. While students are obviosly leftists, most attending boomers raise questions that being discussed on Jow Forums
You do but get to use the purchase as a Tax credit
That's the way to fight, make the gungrabbers play defense for once.
brb moving to missouri
Do you commute to Denver or are there jobs?
The issue isn't that you don't have the answers. The issue is the government doesn't have the answers and will make you a criminal without having the answers. That is my problem with this. You're not an elected official, it's not your job to have these answers. It's theirs and they don't.
Probably because it’s a bargaining tactic.
dog bless america
Not many jobs to be honest. I work in IT and fully from home, but most of local IT companies are lefty trash like Google, Twitter and such so no really good prospects for me. I'll probably start my own thing anyways.
You still can get a decent job here, just be sure college kids won't compete for this position with you.
Just seems stupid. How are you going to make someone a criminal without even telling them why? That's not a bargaining chip. That's straight up communist bull shit. Our legal system doesn't work like that. It's insane to me you people are defending the government having this much power.
Then you don't get a tax rebate and a free AR. Are you intentionally trying to make this more difficult than it has to be?
The law states it is required to own one. Not that it is required to own one to get a tax break. Do you not know how the law works? There is a thing called unconstitutional vagueness. They have to write the law in a certain way. I'm not making this difficult, you clearly are just not educated enough to be involved in the conversation. The way it is written is not about a tax break, idiot. It would have to specifically say it is not a tax break. The way this law is written, it is REQUIRED BY LAW to OWN an AR. Jesus dude, our legal system isn't really that difficult if you're not retarded and can read.
>thinks criminals will follow gun laws
based and redpilled
You're joking, right? I've lived here my whole life, people are fucking pricks lately. I've never been to a place where people hated each other this thoroughly, it breaks my heart every day. This town used to be amazing, it's been utterly ruined thanks to people moving here to be "Boulder" and smoke pot. Thanks for killing my beloved home, fucking hippy swine. Not you (maybe) just in general. If you are here I assume we have at least something in common.
Based and Patriotic.
I know what state to move too (not a Califag either).
Holy shit
Not a bad law that
Nigger there are literally thousands of fucking laws on the books that are not enforced AT ALL. I offer you one more, one that would get you a free AR and would likely require cuts to state welfare, and you fucking bitch like a woman.
Have a look at their K/D ratio and results against significantly smaller forces of pajeets in armed warfare
I'll give you a hint, it aint too good
There is no penalty for not following
Wouldn't there be a First Amendment opt-out necessary for it to have any legality? Refusing to own one on political/religious grounds would likely be considered an exercise of free speech
There's no penalty at all actually, he has autism.
is that a famas
fucking kek
Missouri is pretty cool I live in KC and it's funny how fucking square and faggots people are on the Kansas side compared to the based Missourians
So it's just a symbolic statement really fair enough
>I've lived here my whole life
Yeah, that's a difference. I don't mingle that much with the locals. My wife and I go out of course, but we're redpilled enough to filter crazy people from our environment
You are immature. It's like you never wanted to give up childhood toys and grow up.
What about anyone 35 and over that wants to get an AR-15?
Have fun protecting yourself from ZOG with legos.
honestly it was a win-win situation, as it always is with self-reinforcing rights
i prefer my ak 47
That's the east/IL part of STL, however the north isn't better. West/south is pretty white considering the population size.
You could by buy it legally from a FFL store after you fill the ATF form IIRC.
No need citizenship proof if you can get a hunting license.
And it gives people a tax credit for 75% of the value of the gun
That's fucking sweet dude
The AR-15 is the modern musket. In the old days it was expected that every adult would be armed.
>Cry about gun right being an infringement on freedom
>wants to force people to buy weapons
You fucking idiots are incredibly short sighted.
This is too much
Senator Hawley from Missori doing God's work, shining light on Evil.
I would like to purchase one Assault Rifle 15 please.
>Guns = toys
Aren't guns difficult to obtain in the UK, there was an increase in knife crime along with an increase in immigration. On top of this, people want to impose even more knife restrictions too. learning to use a gun is a right of passage for a lot of men.
the law mandates you have to buy an ar-15 (unless you don’t want to)