White Libs attacking a Muslim WOC again

Reminder to all POC and WOC who are reading Jow Forums - Libs only love you when you act as their pets. The moment you step out of line they will attack you and attempt to destroy your lives.

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The video is hilarious, but her post is what caused the big backlash against her.

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Noted. Which is why I became a socialist. Many retarded libs called me a White Bernie Bro or Russian bot for saying I hate the Clintons/moderate Democrats/Don't believe in Russiagate

she's amazing. She called out war criminal Henry Kissinger


Why do people of colors like socialism so much?

She also hates fags so I like her

Free shit paid for by WYPIPO.

because socialism is the only system that doesn't screw us over

Zionists are having a lot of trouble hiding the fact that they are the jewish version of Nazis

But it never works, leaves everyone poor.

it's time the Christian black community woke the fuck up.

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Libs truly hate muslim women.

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Also the Muslim chick had a great point. Chelsea Clinton spent a week bashing Ilhan Omar for her comments then shows up to an event full of grieving Muslims... WTF was that dumb bitch thinking?

"Democracy has never worked and never will work. Like I mean, look what democracy did to Rome & Greece! It destroyed it."

-Most people during the dark ages.

I asked yesterday to no answer: quick rundown?

>>Chelsea Clinton showed up at a NYU vigil for the NZ shooting victims
year old Muslim girl confronts her and screams at her for stoking anti-Muslim sentiments during the Ilhan Omar fiasco.
>> 19 year old muslim girl blames Chelsea's family for killing Muslims(fact check: Her dad and mom are responsible for more Muslim deaths than the shooter)
>>The video gets posted on twitter
>>Blue Check Mark libs come out of the wood work to defend their queen Chelsea Clinton and send death threats to 19 year old Muslim girl
year old Muslim girl doesnt back down and doubles down.
>>Blue Check Mark libs send more death threats.

Because capitalism reward people with higher intelligence. People of darker colors have low IQ that can't compete in a meritocracy.

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Chelsea clinton getting berated by muslim for "inciting violence" or something. Ofcourse all the Clinton dynasty ever did was humor these freaks but now the far left is eating the neolibs like candy. Schism in the democratic party, Zogald has basically already won 2020.

So, we are on the mus girl's side?

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The enemy of my enemy...

Hillary Clinton is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Muslims through her destabilization and destruction of Libya. Because of the Arab Spring we had the Syrian civil war and the complete destruction of functional Arab states. This has directly caused the migrant crisis. Also because Libya is now a fucked up cess pool they are allowing Sub Saharan Africans to freely travel through their lands and into Europe.

we are on the muslim girls side, but only strategically. this muzzie is insane, but what ever splits the party even more is the best option. Bernie will never win the nomination but if he gets cheated out of an election again then lefties will probably try to kill some neolibs.