Serious question pol, how did you end up meeting your significant other...

Serious question pol, how did you end up meeting your significant other? What advice do you have for those of us that are still single? We can't run the ethno state if we can't figure out this most basic problem.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't try to pick up girls at a bar
Ask your friends girlfriend if she has a sister or friend that is single
Don't tell them you play video games or use the internet

introduced by family

This. If a girl is willing to sleep with you after meeting you at a bar, she is NOT waifu material. Try to have interests outside of Jow Forums and vidya and bond with women over those.

I met her on an mmo. She was in South Korea but moved like 10 miles away form me.

I chased her brother home with an aluminum bat in an effort to beat his faggot ass for talking shit.
She sent him out with a note for me.
It was pretty fucking weird, but the 90's were a different time.
No advice really, if you're young just try to stand apart and hope for the best.

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i met my white girlfriend on tumblr back in the day you just gotta tell them you wanna fuck and then fly em out

Met my wife in high school. Really glad I did, seems like finding a wife otherwise would be a real pain in the ass.

How lucky.

I'm currently single, but have had quite a few qt's in
the past. Don't fuck with tinder or anything like that.
It makes the whole thing feel manufactured and
gross. You can't really try to hard. All of the best
relationships I've ever had began on accident,
after meeting someone face to face and just
being genuine with them.
Be honest. Lying about yourself or anything else
fucks up everything. If you're not confident enough
in yourself to tell the truth, then you should be
worrying about improving yourself more than
getting a girlfriend. Love isn't a game or a trap
you have to set. Love is beautiful and natural,
and the only way to approach it is honestly,
without any assumptions. I hope this helped.
Good like with your life, OP.