>get job
>buy insurance
Why is this concept so difficult for socialists to understand?
>get job
>buy insurance
Why is this concept so difficult for socialists to understand?
Other urls found in this thread:
Insurance is just a health tax by private entities. I thought you lot hated taxes?
Because socialists are the natural enemy of a good economy
when you get hit by a fucking ice cream truck while tryna flag traffic so your decrepit grandmother can pull the Winnebago all the way out, you'll be like whoa it makes sense now
Or you could just like, you know, keep some money saved for a rainy day and insure yourself???
Wouldn't it make more sense to get a loan than get insurance? Long term I think you'd actually save a lot of money.
but money falls from the sky I don't need a job
Why is it so difficult for you dumb fucks to understand that any socialized healthcare system is cheaper than any private insurance you can buy? Why do you voluntarily waste your money on parasiting insurance companies that make zero (0) contribution to your well-being?
62% of bancruptices in the us are due to medical debt. 80% of those are people WITH insurance.
I only make 100K a year as a Tradesman, and my Insurance company just covered 100% of my wifes 187K spinal surgery.
Sucks to be a Socialist.
Wow great argument insurance salesman! My grandma being hit by a truck!
Medicare for all is good for America. Muhhhh insurance company, muh insurance company love me, fuck you
Well said fuck the faggot nigger dumbfuck socialists i hate them
Because conservatives are human trash.
Cute meme boomer you should share it with your grandson
Thing about making 100K a year as a tradesman. I only get to take home 58K of it, because I have to pay for all of you Deadbeat Socialist Medical care as well.
No Work
No Survival
Where does the free stuff come from? Like who makes it? Who buys the stuff? How is the currency of the country produced? What is it backed with?
All of these questions and more make you a god damned fucking retard.
>100% of my wifes 187K spinal surgery.
I just realized that this is something Americans consider bragging-worthy. In any country with universal healthcare it would just be unthinkable for the public health insurance not to cover 100% of the costs of medically necessary treatment, lmao
Why is it so difficult for you dumb fucks to understand that any socialized systems will inevitably led to one portion of the population sustaining the rest? Why do you voluntarily seek to undermine the West and reward people's ignoble habits?
Primary this bullshit gets shared around boomer facebook groups.
Cute post Neet, get off your fat ass and get a job.
Tits drying up.
A commie arguing with a leaf. Gotta be a feedback loop joke in there
>Why is this concept so difficult for socialists to understand?
I dunno they hate guns
>Why is it so difficult for you dumb fucks to understand that any socialized systems will inevitably led to one portion of the population sustaining the rest?
Why don't boomers know that this is how private insurance operates anyway while training to make a profit off people's misery.
You are a keynesian waste of skin.
And I haven't even touched the inflated hospital prices that are basically used to cover bankruptcies and people bouncing in and out of ER rooms.
What trade? I do damn near all of the trades and have no health insurance, I suppose it's a good thing I don't have a wife with a spinal injury.
>be medical company
>raises prices massively so people have to get insurance
>call socialized meds a meme because they cut into profits
>people unironically support you
>In any country with universal healthcare it would just be unthinkable for the public health insurance not to cover 100% of the costs of medically necessary treatment, lmao
My wife would have been permanently paralyzed in the 18 months she would have waited for surgery under Socialized Medicine, but you know that, shill.
That's basically the gist of it yes. No one profits from the current arrangement except a tiny elite comprised of the pharma and insurance lobby. Uninsured and lowly insured people obviously don't benefit from the system. So don't normally insured people just because they are just led into believing that 'at least they are better off than all the others' while they pay for inflated hospital and med prices without even knowing.
In America, this.
Insurance is nobody's friend.
Anybody who has done any real work would laugh at the leeches who supposedly work at the insurance company. Maybe somebody can Brenton Tarrant an insurance company.
>Why is it so difficult for you dumb fucks to understand that any socialized healthcare system is cheaper than any private insurance you can buy?
Beacuse it isnt lol
This is what i dont get about leftists
You claim you are advocates for the "working class", that you are trying to make the lot of the majority of society better. And yet your solutions
lead to the same government run corperate bullshit that happens every other time you fucks get power
and healthcare is a PERFECT example of this
For one, any person who doesnt understand the inefficiencies of third party government employees being thrust upon those in the healtcare market whether they want it or not CANNOT INTO ECONOMICS
but lets drop that for a sec
and lets go with your great glorious leftist idea
>single payer health system
by which the government would by the inssurance of every american man woman and child in the united states
destroying ALL incentive for corperations to EVER compete for price as their premuims WILL be paid by the government regardlessly
and giving them NO incentive what so ever to compete with other brands to offer better services
>price fixes, set conditions
and how long will that fucking last?
I thought you liberals understood that almost all US presidents were bought out by "muh evil burgerois"
You really think the upper class of this country will NEVER be able to buy over a succesful candidate for president who will lower the standards of national healthcare while raising rates on the working class if for no other reason for them to save their own taxed ass
Leaving us with a country of lower and middle class people needlessly over paying for sub par healthcare just like you say is happening to day.
You want to know why health care is shit in the united states?
Do you really?
Or do you just want to continue being a brainless lefty pol foot soldier for the globalist eliete lol? 1/2
>implying medical companies wouldn't love having a no questions asked gravy train of federal funds
Look at how well the MIC is doing and that doesn't have anywhere near the demand healthcare does. No one in federal government actually gives a shit about frugal spending once they've decided they're going to pump money somewhere.
Insurance is unaffordable for young white families. I worked a trade job for 5 years, and could never afford the insurance plan offered by my employer. It was breaking my families back. I gave up, and quit to pursue self employment. Now I make the same amount of money, and get Medicaid for fucking free. Fuck playing by the rules, if it means being bled dry by insurance companies, and greedy kike business owners.
Not really. Waiting times are more of an issue of spread-out countries with warped population distributions than public/private system like Canada. Most Western European states for example have waiting times on par with or even lower (like in the case of Germany and France) than those of American hospitals. But keep repeating those talking points fed to you by the insurance lobby (and keep doing it for free).
>Beacuse it isnt
Share of health expenditure as of GDP:
America: 17%
Germany: 11%
France: 11%
UK: 11%
Japan: 11%
Didn't even read the rest.
The bit where the USA capitalist run healthcare system is the least efficient in the entire world. It's almost like the need to make private profits makes it MORE expensive not less. Weird.
>can't get job
Why is this concept so difficult for troglodytes to understand?
Not a commie here, but the problem is most job today don't pay enough for food and rent let alone decent insurance. This is the fault of us letting our manufacturing go and embracing a consumer economy. Socialists recognize the right issues but always pick the wrong solution.
Fuck off boomer, you're the reason the world is the way it is
Inflated hospital prices are due to the fact most hospitals are owned (or heavily regulated) by the government.
Economist Milton Friedman that in the 1990's, 90% of hospitals were basically government-run.
In addition, Emergency systems since the Reagan administration are free in some cases, resulting in tragedy of the commons which hospitals have to jack up everyone else's prices.
Health Insurance has been distorted by the Federal Government since the 1940's, when World War 2 rationing led many businesses to provide health insurance through the company to the scarce supply of labor during that time.
Due to modern day tax incentives, corporations now provide health insurance, on the whole however this is more inefficient and leads to higher prices than if individuals bought for themselves.
Since the 1960's, Medicare and Medicaid have caused medical prices to soar. Because of the size of these programs, medicines can now be priced higher without losing customers, leading to higher prices for everybody. Because governmental systems don't have an incentive to lower costs, medical costs have only gone up.
In addition, FDA regulations are intense and very costly to incur, leading to less competition in medical innovation and higher drug costs. This is explained here: youtube.com
In addition, the drug war has led drugs to be more expensive and dangerous that necessary due to the restriction on business in using certain kinds of drugs.
Right now, off-label prescriptions, where drugs verified for one disease are supplied by doctors for another disease, pretty much run the show. Alex Tabarrok, an economist at George Mason University, studied this in his latest book he co-authored. He gave an interview on this here: bobmurphyshow.com
These are just some of the many costs that are incurred by businesses in the healthcare market.
>get job
>doesn't pay for insurance
checkmate boomers
>You want to know why health care is shit in the united states?
mother fucking cock sucking
You se the federal government has this law
passed after, what is called in political science, a fuck ton of mid size and large health inssurance corperations lobbied so that healthcare couldnt be sold across state lines
What this led to was damn near 50 corperate healthcare monopolies across the united states or at best 2 healthcare compnaies forming an oligarchy in each state.
You want to fix healthcare.
Take down the bullshit reglatory faggotry that democrats pased in the name of "protecting health care jobs" that ended up choking out ALL competition in the market
this is basic fucking shit
and ill tell you what
further more
if state lines do get abolished?
and our healthcare system is not the cheepest
most perfect
most efficient health care system on earth after 5 years of this policy being in place?
I myself will go and support online single payer healthcare
I will nigger
I swear to fuck
But we both know thats not going to happen
Because we both know that you're a corperate communist jew dick sucker who WANTS the country to go to shit, even more then it already is, so you can justify a communist revolution to the whtie poplulace and ensure their own suicicde
As Gnome Chompsky himself admitted
Any serious marxist revolutionary tries to work for as many social programs as possible so that they can weigh down the state to its breaking point and replace it with a marxist one
in essence faggot
and this really is the crux of this post
best argument against socialized health insurance: fat fucks.
change my mind. hint: i work in the medical field and i see the destruction that fat fucks lay on our healthcare system.
Human labour is obsolete and insurance is just betting against yourself. Welcome to 2019
Yes. Don't pick the solution that literally works on every other developed country on this planet. Because 'reasons'. Because the US is uniquely culturally more distant to countries like Japan...UK and uhm Australia? Lol
Neck yourself.
You're illiteracy is trully a source of awe and wonder
but if you would pry yourself from your ineracial pornos and bernie sanders "tributes" for a while
do try to learn something while you're hear
Austrian economics are based on Praxeology which is basically a form of economical theology that directly rejects empiricism aka it's unscientific humbug.
>the problem is most job today don't pay enough for food and rent let alone decent insurance
The problem here is that most of you kids want to work a McJob only the hours you have to to barely scrape by, and spend the rest of your waking hours gaming and cybering.
Some self sacrifice and /sig/ would improve your position greatly.
Your incoherent ramblings are barely readable. Can you please form a coherent body of text with a consistent text format?
america is fatter, dumber, and lazier than those four countries. Try making only 11% of the health expenditure when you have to take care of human garbage, 20% obesity, alcoholics, and drug addicts. This is all not to mention the illegal immigrants, and racial differences between the two countries.
Hope Americans realize that in civilized countries even McJob workers enjoy universal healthcare.
Socialized healthcare with severe tax penalities for being fat. Also mandatory euthanasia for anyone with terminal disease over the age of 65. Would drastically lower healthcare costs.
Nowhere in my argument did I mention austrain economics, but like many things you've responded with, you seemingly don't have any understanding of it.
Austrian economists simply claim that empiricism is itself invalid in social science due to the compounding of an incredible amount of factors. From that view, empiricism is unscientific due to the lack of separation between variables.
But that's all beside the point. Economist Milton Friedman won a Nobel Prize in Economics and was a Monetarist, while GMU Economist Alex Tabarrok is not an Austrian (likely just a neo-classical).
And America's median age is about 15-20 years younger that some countries on this list which blows all the reasons you listed out of the water when it comes to healthcare spending. Keep trying to rationalize all your short comings.
Sorry my nigger
cant do that
please do try to suffer through a bunch of standardly written english words in pixilized text written one after the other and atttempt to come back with a coherent response
and i suspect this is the more likely of the two possiblities
continue to act like an illiterate nigger instead of reading the fucking argument you stupid brain dead reddit cuck
because I don't want to wait in a 7 hour line to get my broken arm put into a cast, we are too rich to wait around like some commie 3rd world shithole
>But that's all beside the point. Economist Milton Friedman won a Nobel Prize in Economics
More bullshit. There is no Nobel Prize in Economics.
This. People really, really, really fucking don't understand insurance. You're gambling that you're going to get sick, against a corporation that statistically is designed to win.
Alright you are just a schizo then, ok
But this is all beside the point to this debate
>As it is not one of the prizes that Alfred Nobel established in his will in 1895, it is not a Nobel Prize
Guys, stop spreading this bullshit. You are embarrassing yourselves.
>Socialized healthcare with severe tax penalities for being fat.
with 66% of the country being fat, who is going to vote this kind of policy in?
>Also mandatory euthanasia for anyone with terminal disease over the age of 65
>giving the government the power to bureaucratically decide who lives and dies
yeah, nah
Ameritard, why do you suppose it is that every other fucking western country manages some form of socialized healthcare and it hasn't, you know, destroyed our economies? Maybe because we don't reflexively shit our pants at the mention of the word "socialism" the way you trained monkeys do?
You really are scared of reading something you disagree with hu?
My lord you're world view is fragile
Instead of reading my argument and debating me you've LITTERALLY devolved into actual ad homs for over 10 minutes now
jesus christ its no wonder the right wing is winning the youth so fucking much
when they're are retarded fucking spineless creatons leading the left refusing to engage in debate when they litterally came to a website for debate
my lord this is fucking pathetic
this is beyond the pale
we have found advanced atutism laddies and gentlemen
and my money is it comes from reddit
nobody gets insured because "I'm going to eventually get sick so I should be insured", people get insured because "what happens if I find I have cancer tomorrow fuck"
insurance is a joke
This is all beside the point, its a nobel prize because it is called one, and it is in recognition for the advancements of an individual.
If you actually want to debate, respond to the arguments that are presented rather than hopping onto all these tangents that serve no purpose on this debate other than to distract from its purpose
>As it is not one of the prizes that Alfred Nobel established in his will in 1895, it is not a Nobel Prize.[
>embarrassing yourselves.
"Guys i didnt mean I disagreeed with what you said"
"I disagreed with what I PRETENDED like you said"
yeah faggot
we're embarrassing ourselves
this from the nigger who litterally COULD NOT read an argument that hurt is tiny little dick brain online lol
Lol, libertardians simply cannot be reasoned with.
wtf i support republicans now
I'm 24 with no insurance
Dam nigga can't afford it
It doesn’t work as well as you might think, waiting times are fucking terrible here, some people have even died waiting at hospitals, the staff are often undertrained or just careless, but that’s what happens when you replace all the nurses with foreigners who don’t give a shit, every retard that’s breaks something, cuts something, bruises something comes walking in because they know full well the NHS is free, so why not, and it fucks up waiting times even more. Also Democratic Socialism only works in homogeneous civilised nations, not fucking monkey tier US.
It literally says so in the article. It's not a Nobel price.Do you lack basic reading comprehension?
>If you actually want to debate
Sorry but if you make shitty appeals to authority don't whine when said authority gets attacked and exposed for being a hack.
>I only get to take home 58K of it, because I have to pay for all of you Deadbeat Socialist Medical care as well.
sounds like a you problem bud, not the government
Nigger try me
I really really REALLY would love any of you brainless fucking socialist faggots to try
but we both know you wont
because much like thisretarded peice of shit
you cant
you simpley cannot into economics
and this is why you fail
because of your chronic autism lol
heres the rest of the argument btw
incase you actully stumble into the intellectual ability to attempt to come up with coherent responses
if you need medical care, do not pay your bills. period. you will be grossly overcharged because they want to shift the cost from all the illegals and other poorfags who get treated and don't pay to you. if you pay, you're paying a 500-2000% mark-up, and you're effectively paying for the care of 5-20 other people. just let it go to collections and then fall off the face of the earth for the next faggot to pay for
Serious question, do you have a full time job?
Dude take your meds. Your very existence is enough proof why socialized medicine is needed.
>The problem here is that most of you kids want to work a McJob only the hours you have to to barely scrape by, and spend the rest of your waking hours gaming and cybering.
is it possible for boomer to understand the problems of ours society without thinking that we are living in a timeloop of the 50s and 60s?
Yeah, no one wants to work a McJob period because its work that doesn't pay well but also makes up like 70% of the job market for uneducated workers. There aren't manufacturing jobs like there used to be where you can have relatively unskilled labor make enough to support a family.
It doesn't work in the southern euro countries where there is an insane amount of debt. Not to mention that shit is going to stop working rapidly with all of the immigrants entering the country leeching off the system. The US didn't lose its industry as early as Europe did, which is why we never had those systems.
>It literally says so in the article. It's not a Nobel price.Do you lack basic reading comprehension?
It's a recognition of achievement, and its called one. That's all that matters
>Sorry but if you make shitty appeals to authority don't whine when said authority gets attacked and exposed for being a hack.
I actually made arguments you can respond to, hopping onto tangents is your specialty as you've shown clearly by not being to produce a single argument or counter in your favor against mine.
If I were dictator, the first people I would exterminate are libertardians. Niggers are retarded but at least they have the excuse of not being able to help it. Libertardians have brains, but they use them to spread - as the commie here called it - "economic theology", which in practice translates to damn lies. Fuck off and die already with your anti-human bullshit.
>Free healthcare
Why is this concept so difficult for republicucks to understand?
Those things are all results of cuts made by your government comprised by the Disaster Capitalists to artificially justify more privatization efforts.
nice bait
Hey dickhead, America has the LEAST socialized healthcare in the western world. So why is America the MOST obese country in the western world?
>Sorry but if you make shitty appeals to authority don't whine when said authority gets attacked and exposed for being a hack.
user i did not make ANY fucking appeals to authority
just admit that you are incapable of debate
its okay
plenty of guys cant do things
some guys cant make their wives orgasm
others cant read long boddies of text without their tiny npc brains frying
and still others cant argue their points without comming off as some liberals 12 year old ideologue kid
its okay if you're three for three
im sure someone still loves you
even if hes gay lol
>America has the LEAST socialized healthcare in the western world
You argue for welfare benefits that breed social and moral incompetance and drive up costs across the board.
It's also interesting for you to say "anti-human", as its simply the libertarian idea that every person has a right to themselves and their properly.
Ideologies such as whatever yours are simply rely on violating someone else's rights in favor of yourself.
If you want to understand economics, learn it. Calling it theology is not an argument.
>So why is America the MOST obese country in the western world?
niggers and spics
Pretty small compared to any other Western state actually.