The cuckold abyss

Gentleman, i think we need to have a conversation about the ultimate form of cuckoldry aka Twitch.

What causes a man to give money to another man to watch him play a video game?
Back in my day we used to fight over who got to play the game. Yet these people who i assume are zoomers are giving their money to MEN for NOTHING in return. This is worse than guys who donate to whores for nothing in return, this is fucked up. Twitch donaters are literally more cucked than american enthusiasts. Twitchfags even act like gay groupies to these fags who put their face over half the screen.

I think this is the final blackpill for me. Anyone else feel this way?

Attached: e991f93e-4ec8-4e4d-8db3-c2384b166abe.png (3992x2160, 505K)

valid points? yes. final blackpill?
>checks flag

this is literally the gayest thread ive seen today and i was on >>>/lgbt earlier

It's worse when it's twitch thots.
Anyone giving money to a woman they aren't fucking needs to be punched in the face.

I've literally never understood twitch for this exact reason
one of you faggots explain the appeal of this shit

The final blackpill is just like the event horizon of the blackpill. There can be way bigger blackpills but all it takes is one more blackpill to reach critical mass. This was it for me.

T. Twitchfag

This is literal findom. Kikes are raising an entire generation of beta male zoomers who will grow into paypigs later in life.
We're fucking done as a race lads.

but it just feels so good to see my name on the screen and have them thank me with a low effort 2 second response.

Watching someone else play video games is the stupidest fucking thing imaginable.
GIVING MONEY to said people is ever fucking worse.
All the arguments in favor of it make no sense.
>muh background noise
Just listen to music or fucking Seinfeld
>it's like when you watched your older brother play
You guys were cuck faggots back then, too? When I was growing I used to fight with my older brother to play the SNES. I NEVER watched him play. If he wouldn't give up the controller I would find something else to do