Voting age

Why are they so obsessed with the voting age of 16? Recently they just started pushing this agenda what's your thoughts on this?

Attached: cf4e401a50beee2f4c549e005e58de5c.png (420x420, 26K)

It could backfire

It's cheaper to buy votes from minds that haven't developed yet

Only men over 25 that pay taxes should be allowed to vote.

I'm open to the idea of married women being able to vote but only if she has a permission slip from her husband and she is only allowed to vote the same as he does.

Voting age should be 21 with hard restrictions
need at least 2/3
-military or reserve
-own business / land
-have kids

I haven't seen that push recently OP, but the obvious reason is, 16-18 year-olds mostly vote Democrat and Democrats do whatever they can to scrape up additional votes even if it means creating them.


Attached: age your brain matures at everything.png (1200x481, 54K)

>getting people to vote who are still in the indoctrination system
It's the same shit with mandatory voting. It's designed to push more people into the voting booths who simply don't belong there. People who don't spend a single second thinking about political issues themselves. They're more likely to hear some lefty talking about RIGHTS and EQUALITY and maybe even FREE SHIT and just accept it at face value. Who the fuck would vote for someone trying to be fiscally conservative. I mean they were indoctrinated for 10+ years already to know that rich people are bad. Fiscally conservative? Less spending and tax breaks???
That's how you get those people. Voting never should have been expanded to these people.

Having kids and being married should be together because what does it take to knock a bitch up these days?

Very easy answer if you take two fucking seconds to think about it. Easy and cheap votes. If colleges have gotten to the point that they are basically just brainwashing centers, think of how easily, and cheaply they could do the same thing to high schools.