AUSPOL Sky news edition

Ive been sitting here watching sky news for 3 hours and they just got done interviewing Ed Husic,a bosnian muslim MP who spent the last 30 mins saying out loud that right wing people whould not have ANY rights to free speech. Called out sunrise and other new platforms for allowing what he called 'extremists' being allowed to use their platforms to voice their opinions. Mentioned how google and facebook are now using algorithsm to block hate spoeech and implied news organisations in Australia should all block right wing people from using their platforms to voice their opinions.

Is this it? Are we going full orwellian?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Theyre not talking about ending anonymity online. Jesus fuck what the cunt.

Can’t wait to be dumped in a mass grave

>fuck off we're fu--

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It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Wow are people really falling for this media set up??

I really hope Labor doesn't get into power

Followers of violent ideology should be deported from the country. Once all the muslims and communists are gone we won't need right wing politics.

yeah but the government won't let you build in any of those areas so technically full as fuck

They'll get the house for sure. The only hope is enough Australian Conservatives/One Nation/Liberal Democrats senators to block the worst bullshit.

I live in the US. I think we are going to eventually have to take over all you guys one day. Best your guns are gone now some have them instead Haha

i will be helping them

The guy was a fucking leftist for fucks sake

She looks like the head of the navigator from monkey island

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>Are we going full orwellian?
Mate, that happened fucking years ago. We're well past being persecuted for wrong think.

>Is this it? Are we going full orwellian?
No, only you roo fuckers!



Scott Morrison had lunch with the Australia/Israel chamber of commerce today. Hmmmmm

I agree.
I hope clivey gets atleast one seat in each. Squimpy Electricity Bill is going to soften this country right up otherwis

haha based mass murderer who wants to fuck up world politics even more to have muh revolution
wtf guys everything is going to the shitter now


We need to ban boomers from the internet, somehow. Things will only get worse as they get older and even more retarded.

what a fucking shit auspol

no "aus/pol/" in the title, no links, no memes, just some fags opinions

Rise up faggot

Theyre interviewing some jew right now he just said that if you want a semi auto for shooting animals you dont deserve to have one and need 'your head read'.

Based caller on 2GB

The fire rises brother.

They're now openly talking about censuring and banning anyone with a right wing view from politics. Sky are virtue signalling hard.

>muh sky news after dark

Lefties getting outflanked by the """conservatives"""

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 15.png (320x374, 219K)

>be searching for jobs like a fag
>we would like you to have
>a bullshit cover letter (no one reads them so why?)
>50 years prior experience
>a PhD in Aztec history
>a submarine licence
>4 billion references
>teehee what are your hobbies?
I'm so sick of this shit! I just want money and they make it so goddamn complicated! And I can't just walk in and shake the manager's hand because he'll tell me to apply on the company site and I'm back to square one. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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You also have to deal with unfair algorithms online, shits fucked

I know that feel man. All of this online shit is tiresome and even entry-level positions want some sort of fucking experience. How the fuck am I supposed to acquire said experience if you won't hire me ffs.

Who told this cunt that she could take off her hijab?

>getting lift with bro
>has triple J on and Hack is on
>security agents: “we have agents on Jow Forums”
Not here though, surely?

>please upload your cv and cover letter
>now fill out all of these pages worth of info that are in your cv already, but we are making you do it all again because fuck you
>we do not discriminate based on anything
>are you an aboriginal or torres strait islander person?
>"why are you interested in this company?"
>followed by several questions that are the same as above just worded differently

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That's the plan.

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Im one of em cunt.

If you're reading this Larry, I need to knock off early tomorrow

Ya can’t live in any of the areas that aren’t inhabited you dumb yank

Just want to go on record and say I love the police and thank your for keeping us safe

Scott morrison is an absolute cuck yet I hate labour.
>yfw labour are going to win

And to think Sky NZ blocked Sky News Australia for not being woke enough.

>tfw got this in the mail today

since when have these pizza merchants been in this country?

>cant upload file

fantastic. it was supposed to be a flyer for little caesars

just as the shooter(s) intended




>Bill "BIGG WILLY" Shorten

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Not enough water ya spaz.

>tired as fuck
>will be so full of rage after q&a theres no way im getting to sleep before 2am

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She reminds me of Shelley Duvall with the gum smile.

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The commies, and ex-commies soon will have more internet freedom than us.

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You still watching sky op? The kikess Sharri Markson just said fortnite is to blame for NZ

>tfw labor are going to win both nsw and federal this year

will the union im apart of become all powerful?

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Just reported a lebo muslim that I used to go to high school with to the National Security Hotline for making remarks which allude to possible retaliation over the events in New Zealand.

This is in addition to the lebo I reported awhile ago who also made remarks alluding to a terror plot (his cousins were arrested, they were going to kill as many people as possible at Fed Square).

I went to a school with a lot of Lebanese muslims. I encourage everyone to report suspicious activity to the authorities, it is astounding how many other muslims "liked" their jihadist comments.

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Oh shit infinity chan just got condemned by the kikess. Good thing only boomers watch sky and it wont worsen the influx

Dont know any lebs, but good job lad

>online job seek
>”we need qualifications and experience”
>advanced search: janitor
>”you need a dangerous chemicals certification, no we will not train you for one on the job”
What’s better, maccas or hungry jacks?

Always so cringe when I see a woman leading a country through a difficult time. But then I think of Canada and Trudeau.


Ed Husic (Labor Party - the liberals in AUS reality) is close friends with Josh Frydenberg ex Treasurer of Australia and now Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party (cuckservatives in Aus reality).

From JEWkipedia:

"Frydenberg was born in Melbourne and educated at Bialik and Mount Scopus Colleges. His mother, Erika Strausz, is a psychologist and University of Melbourne professor and his father Harry is a general surgeon. His mother was a Hungarian Jew born in 1943 who arrived in Australia in 1950 as a stateless child from a refugee camp after escaping from The Holocaust.[2] His father is also Jewish, and emigrated to Australia from Poland."

Ed Husic is triggered because of the “Remove Kebab” song.



BOLT report is on guys.

Muslims are right wing lmao

Can the Drum get any more onions than it is tonight?

>We can't address the islamophobia issue until we address the indigenous issue!
>The War on Terror is responsible for muslim violence!

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The virgin Foxtel subscriber

The chad Sky News on Win viewer

I wonder what the ratings are?

She is pretty.

She looks JEWISH, am i right?

>Only getting the first half of pml

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50k-ish iirc

Soooo.. she's beto orourke?

>5secs in
>Ive BEEN to jewish schools, ive BEEN to jewish meetings

Yeah, i know cunt


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Will a new Labour government be able to get considerable changes to the current broken Fair Work Act, through the Senate?

I'm genuinely curious to who key senators are to holding back or pushing for changes to the Fair Work Act as it is s huge thing among the Union movement at the moment, for better or worse I dont really care, I'm curious to see what it will take to reverse the poisons part of the Fair Work Act that are left over from Howard's work choices

>Hey you know that group of disenfrachised white men that we have been telling they have no future or right to their nations? The ones that are being told they are evil and cant hold any opinion except for suicide and have a social life or job? To the point that our leftist rhetoric is creating murderers out of people that feel they have nothing left to lose? LETS CENSOR THEM EVEN MORE


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THE FIRE RISES. These cunts just keep playing into Brenton "4D" Tarrant's hands

only good thing about Labour getting in is I won't lose my neetbux, but that gives me even less chance of getting a job.

rather not.

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Couple of gronks I know were going on s out it saying how >xyz caused the attack

Cunts are retarded, he literally gave a 70 page report on why he committed them, fuck some people are stupid, they genuinely dont see the scumminess with trying to twist the attack to pursue their political agenda

>3 muzzies

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>tfw moved from Cairns to Brisbane for work
>tfw I don't get Win anymore

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Following their mainstream media pied piper

Two of them appear to be converts. They should be the first to swing

lmoa@ this bitch on sky schooling Bolt on free speech

Almsot as bad as our own PM here. Another anorexic woman who has never done a days hard work in her life. At least our May is a cunning old evil bitch, this one has the dull eyes of a herd animal. Wenches were a mistake, time to revoke equal rights.

>sarah saleh
>board director of get up
>seppo accented hijabi

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Fucking spot on.

No one gives a shit faggot

Ffs im tryna watch that and the drum.
Hate viewing overload

not many days left in march, your heinieness

where the fuck is my money?

or do I have to talk about how henery now has aids?

>our brown and black bodies

The state of shitskin talking points

Hear hear

A false sense of security is not an excuse for deprivation of liberty

who is his doctor, and how well does he keep his lips zipped under tourture?

Do you have a job? 30% of workers are currently covered by enterprises agreements, changes to the act will drastically effect them. A whole lot of people care, the issue of a potential change to the act has already effected hundreads of people

all I know is that they will open the floodgates and allow a human tsunami of shit to wash over this once great land