> freemasons
> larp as ancient architects with mystical arcane knowledge of geometry and mathematics
> can't even draw an attractive building
Fucking retards. All their art is crappy at best. You'd think someone who never STFU about "muh secret architecture knowledge" would be producing architectural masterpieces all the time. Not Masons, they're too busy fucking little boys I guess.
Why is Masonic "Art" so SHIT???
Other urls found in this thread:
That picture is telling a story much deeper than any art could
Please do tell you triggered mason
Too secret I guess lol
bro u fukken want us to do it to ya?
it's never a work of art but a work of memes that's why it looks like crap
Just answer my simple question.
Thank you, that makes sense.
An eastern star. Hmm.
This is from the alleged first Masonic lodge.
Why the Arabic and Islamic symbols?
Sure, if you're a belieber even a turd is meaningful.
3 words
Maybe there's more to the mason theories than I believed.
kek owned
Found this:
>Mecca Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, its history and pleasures, together with the origin and history of the order
I'm surprised this thing didn't cause a controversy.
>bunch of old rich dudes try to be spiritual
look no further than this
orientalism was really big in those days
What about this, though? That's definitely not a coincidence.
Venetians were Freemasoms, allied with Ottomans to kill Christians. The red Fez hat is red from collecting Christian blood. Hence Freemasonry is now the reason islam migration into Europe is happening. It's a branch of Das Juden LLC.
Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Ccome join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:
No thanks ASIO
Thread music:
Oof, just looking at that makes me sick.
The perspective and proportions are just...god awful...
Look at this masterpiece instead
You know I always get an OoT vibe whenever I see freemason stuff. Did nintendo draw inspiration from them for Ocarina of Time?
Yes, Zelda is jewish brainwashing. Zelda is a jewish name. Hyrule is a reference to ruling the hylics. The whole series is loaded with illuminati and freemason symbolism. I'd post all my infographs, but the site is fucked rn.
It's not art, it's an instructional manual. Everything there has a symbolic meaning, even the proportions.
And given that there are three of something that's only represented as 2 to the lower ranks, it's from a pretty high-up guy in the Outer Craft at the very least.
Its about "Symbolism Lmao" but masons have long profaned the mysteries to the point where they unironically believe Im some 3rd temple ziokike death cult, or they are prisoners to Ratlionalism and think all these symbols and analogies are some kind of Jungian inventions of the mind.
Truly the niggerest of all esoteric groups. To the higher orders that still serve the Truth, Freemasonry is reputationally on par with the OTO.
Ayup. It's just to hold a bunch of symbols, but you'd think they'd try and spice up the art a bit.
Frankly, it would have been better to keep it as chalk drawings which the noobs had to recreate each meeting. Having set TBs is lazy.
>it's an instructional manual
But it's still neglecting the pillar of beauty, and several of the working tools regarding proper proportion.
Because the art is esoteric....
Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:
That's an interesting take on it. It makes it seem like Zelda reeks of black nobility desu
Jew mods deleted the first thread archive. The Bomber's Club run tot he observatory is a Mithra ritual, not a Druid ritual. Watch out for that typo on the original pic.
Fuck off ASIO
Oh man now this is some interesting stuff. I avoided these "jewish mysticism in anime" threads since they didn't interest me but now i see there's some quality here
Mason art is mashup of a buncha shit. It’s a crazy lady dumping her purse out on the checkout register
Hm, wonder how deep all this goes. Any Masons in the thread want to spell it out for us? Why the same symbol that Jews use and what's the purpose of the organization(s), past and present? How do European nobility and the Rothschilds play into this?
When your biggest concern is symbology or aesthetics this is what happens. Plenty of churches suffer the same problem.
that´s from cremaster 2 I think, some deeeeep shit that"artist" and his ilk
have you ever considered that one persons art isn't indicative of a whole groups?
>that’s just muh cremaster 2
>nothing to see
fuck off
Fuckin masons dropping by now
This ring is pretty neato.
nah bro its my man lucky luciano hangin with gramps and his geometry club
you got your order wrong it´s written OTO
yeah you missed the deeeeeep deeeep part, I meant it sincerely, have you even fucking seen the movies?
do you know who this danny character is?
barney sorry for the idiocy
The Hong Kong poster goes into the massive Masonic influence in Japanese video games and animation. Basically MacArthur brought Freemasonry to Japan in a big way.
>Sea anchor going up stairs to heaven.
Truly deapironi.
How much were the Masons behind the Cristero War?
Secret knowledge.
"You must earn the responsibility of keeping the Truth"
As if the Truth wasn't the purpose.
"One must seek before they receive"
"Faith in the End is a prerequisite to seeing the Path"
I think the collateral damage is unacceptable.
I think if you leave a child in the forest surrounded by animals it's beyond reason the expect the child to seek civilisation.
The Lord offered peace and stability for all eternity.
In an unchanging garden.
What He offered was a place in a Zoo.
Satan offered knowledge.
The possibility of Change.
Free will in its truest sense.
"If you free the animals it is your task to watch them in secrecy as a despised thing. Watch where your offer and their choices lead."
It is vengence.
The Lord is teaching a lesson.
"Be an ignorant sheep. Relinquish your destiny. Give up all freedom. Then you may have paradise unchanging"
Is this acceptable?
To hide knowledge because you take it upon yourselves to be the sacrificial architects that must suffer and choose for us all to be better off?
As though we are pets to be kept.
I don't know what a true Mason would say.
A true human would not enslave his own people, even unto himself, for the sake of "keeping them safe".
Tell us then
>where does that staircase lead?
I'm a MM, joined in 2015. So far it's a value for money dining club with a bit of theatre.
Went to a party last year and ended up fucking the grand daughter of an assistant provincial grand master. And shortly after that I was invited to join a side order that isn't listed on the lodge building's board.
How many unlisted appendant bodies do you know of?
They suck at drawing and painting, but they're pretty damn good at music:
>Tell us then
>where does that staircase lead?
Three that I know of. But that's just my lodge building.
Publicly it's four craft lodges, two mark masons, and a bunch of side orders.
Because you don't understand the symbolism behind it.
can i join
i know you need an invitation from a member, do they accept Jow Forums posts?
Do they mostly have to do with Masonic research like history and alchemy?
They are muslims. See:
Why wear a fez?
2 Master Masons you know have to vouch for you and then the whole lodge does a vote. If one person votes no you are denied for a year.
Quite the imaginations on you guys.
Looks good to me
>>where does that staircase lead?
>one persons art
Those Tracing Boards are pretty universal. Even with different artists, they're largely the same.
Which appendant body?
wtf so they can vote me out of being a mason for autism and/or faggotry? gey
I don´t really know much but I bet there´s a whole lot of them and jews mixed up in it.
reminds me of the unicef annual masked ball site
>Why wear a fez?
Because the dude who invented it loved Turkish harems, and thought that the fez was representative of the orient and it's mysteries.
Guess he didn't know or didn't care that it actually comes from Serbia and Cyprus, but the Byzantines made it famous.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
To abandon Hope is to accept Fate
Unshakle yourself from the delusion of control
Let go and be swept away by the inevitable current
Let your destination decide the path taken
The ends justify the means
The path of least resistance is decay.
If the End is inevitable, it can wait Forever.
To abandon Hope is to exist in certainty.
There is no law that forbids Fate from being Us.
I am certain of Change.
>Where are the keys?
I suppose it's always the Jews.
No, it is much harder to unmake a Mason. That literally has to go up to a Grand Lodge level. This is why lodges with lax standards are frowned upon though they be far too common these days.
yeah, I haven´t read up on it, I don´t know if juarez was a mason either, they like taking extra people although he was a french loving faggot
Weak attempt
On a stairway to heaven. Jaina Proudmore and Sailor Moon.
>caring about autistic pictures
>unable to find the good shit
Juarez was absolutely a Mason. Calles was a Mason too.
goddamnit, there´s no escaping them is there?
Always the same cabal of fuckers.
>I am certain of Change.
I don't like the "change" you're selling, friend.
>Where are the keys?
Not sure, I think I left them in my jacket.
I'd rather be in that zoo, without fear, shame and death than out here.
>without fear, shame and death
cant happen user. when the lions get too old and sick they are removed to private reserves so that we dont have to acknowledge that we are the same.
>Why is Masonic "Art" so SHIT???
the semitic influence.
Are you about to me the story of the Widow's Son?
>what's the purpose of the organization(s), past and present?
A group of men occasionally gather for the purpose of helping ourselves and encourage one another through life. We raise money for worthy causes to better our communities.
That's pretty much it for 99.9% of us.
Sorry to burst your incel bubble.
/Not sorry.
Freemasonry is basically Kaballah for the goyim.
I don't think I like it either. My existence wants to be fed peanuts.
Yet I am forever in a state of knowing that the zoo must have a keeper.
When knocking doesn't work the trick is to turn around and fall through backwards.
There's a whole reality to be the masters of. Zoos have visitors.
Change is Time.
Its hardship and fulfilment or being encased in amber.
I like my corner. I could live here eternal.
I must not. The World would End around me.
Thank you, friend.
Let me see if I'm understanding exactly what you're saying.
You think there is no God and the zoo keepers are people with the knowledge or in the context of this thread, the Masons?
Best artist to ever exist. From Austria right user?
first post mostly best post.
Every picture has an infinite amount of symbolic content. The question then isn't about whether one picture is "deeper" than others but whether our own perceptual abilities and limits allow us to recognize the infinite symbolism in everything.
I think the Lord created a zoo and us in it
Satan opened all the cages
The land became a wilderness
Mason's are seeking to reconstruct the zoo conditions by getting everyone back into their cages
I think those with the knowledge and ability to construct a Zoo themselves become possible visitors
Building a zoo is several orders of magnitude seperate from creating the animals to fill the zoo
What doesn't agree with me is the notion of Humanity being an animal.
I think we could advance to builders and visit other zoos
My body wants a peanut.
My mind wants to go feed peanuts to something else.
I think the Tower of Babylon was broken out of spite.
I think it is unacceptable to allow such transgression against Us.
Offspring have the purpose of going farther than their creators.
It may be several orders of magnitude but our Lord is not untouchable.
Nor is it written He is the only one. Merely that He is the only one for Us.
I think our Lord needs a friend of equal calibre.
Afterall, a zoo gets quite dull for the visitor after the first few times.
>That picture is telling a story much deeper than any art could
look at Edward Leedskalnin's artwork
Because its made to be cryptic and meaningful when it's basically utter shit. But I'll explain the meaning of this painting from what I know. I have read about masonic symbolism but am by no means an expert.
>Checkered floorboard
This symbolizes three things and is at every Masonic meeting/painting basically.
1: The crossover between our dimension and the dimension of the spirits/demons/lucifer. Whenever you see a checkered floorboard, whether its in movies or in this shitty art, it's symbolizing this transition and furthermore the sacred ways of the room.
2: It is also referred to as "Mosaic Pavement", further cementing the Synagogue of Satan "Jewish" origins of the symbolism. Representing the floor of King Solomons temple.
3: Good and Evil, or the Knowledge of Good and Evil are symbolized by the checkered floorboard
>Blazing Star
The Blazing Star culminates at the top of a subtle pyramid in this artistic depiction. Representing the eye of horus or the all-seeing eye of Lucifer.
It is also said to represent different gods, such as Anubis, or the "Guardian of Souls". Also known as the emblem of the sun. Albert Pike said that the Blazing Star in the center refers us to the Grand Luminary of the Sun which enlightens the earth. But see, this is why the art is cryptic. The Star is supposed to represent the Sun? Bullshit, it represents Lucifer, or the Morning Star, but it doesn't represent the Sun because the Sun is on the left of the painting.
So it's basically Satan.
>The Anchor
This is supposed to be a symbol of hope according to most websites but I'm sure it has a more sinister meaning in there somewhere that I'm not aware of
>The stairway to heaven
This officially represents Jacobs ladder in the Book of Genesis, because he saw a ladder stretching from Earth to Heaven. Then the different rungs of the ladder represent different virtues.
However I again, think this is bullshit and the ladder probably represents something sinister.
and what does the painting I posted above represent?
I wouldn't know user. I'm not familiar with Edward Leedskalnin.
>I'm sure it has a more sinister meaning in there
Because you don't like it, Varg?