Because from my perspective, this graph does not look sustainable.
Can someone explain how this is sustainable?
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population eventually levels off. Everyone could comfortably live in texas. We have plenty of room.
you can blame niggers and chinks for that.
most vaginas of all time
people think it will level off at some point, probably after chinks progress past the industrial era and experience the same birthrate decline as whites did
the world is very big
Probably going to look like part B here.
The population increases by 1 billion every 15 years that sounds real bad until you realize that the percentage of growth decreases over time and now the world population's growth is not keeping up with the death rate and soon when the older people die off we will see the global population decrease.
You guys aren’t really understanding the current issues the planet faces and not to mention the amount of shit produced that is just dumped and destroys wildlife
Let’s not even bother with concepts with climate change but how about Cora reef destruction, lack of fresh water, general ocean dumping and pollution, as well as deforestation of the rainforests
These things will only accelerate with more people and at some point a lot of finite resources are gonna disappear and probably faster than we can find solutions for them
it's not. india, china and africa all need their populations cut by at least half. india and china especially since they won't stop shitting into the ocean and filling it with plastics
Apocalypse man Michael Ruppert Youtube
It's not. Malthusian collapse is right around the corner
Skip to 4:00
The vast majority of those things are happening in shithole countries like China, India and African states. If those countries were able to manage their resources and/or form a civilized society, then there about be a problem.
However they can't, and the west isn't in a position to babysit them forever, so they're just going to have to die.
Logarithmic growth can have erratic sharp dives depending on the conditions of the niche we live in; we're not bacteria growing in ideal conditions.
Looking a couple hundred years out, I wouldn't be suprised if China sends all their manufacturing to Africa just like the West did decades ago. Either the world is going to stabilize or the environment will crumble under the weight of three separate massive industrialized societies.
Wildlife is gay lol
for ever action there is an opposite and....
don't worry because every 12,068 years the sun produces a nova-like event that will cook whatever side of the earth is facing it. If it's the pacific then it will rain for a long time, if it's Asia then 2.6 billion people get cooked to a crisp, or how about Africa and Europe that would roast 3 billion roasted plus the world gets a rain shower, but the Americas continent would be only a lame 1 billion though.
Its looking like it
I believe in population culling slightly
If being able to eat makes me a homo then make me a Grindr Acct
Check the blue pilled people in the audience
read mankinds history if you want to know the future
Short humanity
The world population numbers are false. How long have we been under 8 billion? Why did we rise from 4 to 7 so fast? This is part of the stupid experiment.
eventually the balance will tip
once that happens the sine wave will plummet
everything in life is a balance
up down
left right
hot cold
Everyday millions of people are born and more are born than die. That is soon to change however.
>World population 1930: 2,070 Million
>World population 1950: 2,525 Million
During WW2 the world's population grew by almost 500 Million... Hate to say it, but a superbug is long overdue. War does very little to reduce population. Somewhere out there is the right combination of DNA and RNA which will reduce the global population to a reasonable level.
If you take this a step further, I would say we are about 40 years from immortality. Once we have achieved this next step in evolution society will start to break down, and the powers that be will unleash the plague. Their spawn will be vaccinated against it and the chosen ones will have a freshly sterilized planet with nearly unlimited resources.
we are our own worse enemy
>I believe in population culling slightly
Population culling won't be necessary, they will just run out of food and water and the west won't be able to give it to them anymore because of the global political situation and the sheer amount of resources that it will require to baby sit them.
thats what happens when you introduce nonwhites to energy abundance, they continue not producing anything but now all of them can eat like they are and so they reproduce more retards that do nothing but make more retards.
he covers it all and was "suicided" for saying it
Pretty sure part A covers that. Doubt that will be the case with humans unless we run out of fossil fuels or get hit by a meteor.
Instead of asking 20 a month for these scrubs why arent they using birth control?
it is not sustainable
What you see there is the climb of a sigmoid function. It's what's going to happen on our planet's human population. Look up population carrying capacity.
Part A looks exponential though
but yes it would look like that
nothing you said is remotely true
The same reason they don't score as high on standardize test.
2 thousand years from now some archaeologist will sift through our ruins and wonder what happened...
>Because from my perspective, this graph does not look sustainable.
It´s not.
>population eventually levels off. Everyone could comfortably live in texas. We have plenty of room.
Pathetic excuse to tell africans and several other groups to have less children. And no supply and demand doesn´t work like that, it´s a ressource question not cramming people into tiny cubicles. It´s also matter of heavily tasking the ecology and lots and lots of other things.
See the main problem is people like you are total cowards that don´t want to tell africans, you can only have 1-2 kids period. And maybe in some cases you shouldn´t have any, if you can´t provide for yourself, because you are so many.
It´s very very clear from pic related who should be told very aggressively to have less kids, and who should be told to have actually a little bit more.
Europeans and people of european ancestry should be told have a bit more kids. Almost everybody else should be told to have less. If you wanted to do something about this.
And if they can´t stop having many kids, you can always sterilize them. They can have 1 kid gets sterilized, then fuck all they want afterwards.
>people think it will level off at some point, probably after chinks progress past the industrial era and experience the same birthrate decline as whites did
See this is the stupidity and bad excuse.
>it levels off it levels off.
Why don´t you just demand it of them instead of sitting and 'hoping' that it will. There´s no indication that it levels off by the personal decisions of these people. It´s their personal decisions that is the issue. They don´t regulate equlibrium birthrates by themselves as europeans. They overbreed till they got a problem. So you need to go in and actually demand that they enact policies in that regard.
It has never been a good thing to be ridiculous amount of people in a country. It reduces quality of life and all kinds of other things.
Want to do a fun experiment? If you live near a densely populated area, look up the density and then go plop yourself down in a traditionally busy area (downtown shopping center, large hospital etc) and count people for an hour. Check that number to people by square mile then try it at a less busy place.
Also find out what the large employers of your area are and how many people they employee. This is easier if you live in a smaller town/city. Keep in mind many people at those places drive there from out of the town/city.
I'm not talking about birth and death rate. I'm saying the numbers are wildly wrong. These experiments don't get into the meat of the issue but they are a fun way to open your eyes. Population count is not done by head count nor by strict birth/death rates.
It won't unless disease fucks us over, which it 100% will. It always does. Our antibiotics can't save us forever.
It's not.
We don't. We need so much food and water to sustain ourselves and there's only so much freshwater on the planet. Transforming salt water to fresh water is extremely expensive for now and if we don't figure out a cheaper (and quicker) alternative, we're gonna be in big fucking trouble in about 50 years with the aquifer under the midwest runs out, which feeds 50% of the world.
You are extremely foolish to think that because those things are happening elsewhere, they don't affect us here.
Do you realize that where I live, which is very far away from China, mind you, scientists have found toxic pollutants in our soil? Do you realize that plastic debris can be found in 99% of all marine wildlife now? Do you think this is a fucking joke? Unless China, India, and most of Africa demand nobody have any more babies and severely fine them if they do for the next 50 years, we--and that includes YOU--are FUCKED.
You're a moron.
You've posted a time series of one variable. There are no hypotheses about anything that can possibly be made with this information.
Oh wait there is one: you're a moron.
>2 thousand years from now some archaeologist will sift through our ruins and make up what happened...
We were supposed to have fusion rocket cargo service to Mars 30 years ago. Instead, we got Cabal Rick.
>1 post by this retard
Here's a little science class for you retards. There's this thing called the carrying capacity. It's how much the planet, or a certain environment, can sustain a population. We have one, but we don't know what the fuck it is. Some estimate we overshot ours by billions, others say ours is artificial because we will always find ways to fit more and more people on Earth. But should we really sit around and fucking find out if our monkey brains are smart enough to come up with ways to feed 10, 20, 30 billion of us leeches? Fucking NO. And that's assuming we can successfully reach those populations without diseases coming around the corner and being like, hey retards, you ready for some mass fucking extinction? And then what will we do with all the bodies? Nobody's gonna want their loved one to be turned into fertilizer to feed their stupid emotive ass, even though it'd be to their benefit if they did.
It's not. The ONLY way modern agriculture and technology are sustainable is with a population under a billion. This is because in order to feed this world with food, energy, and "stuff" you MUST produce waste and toxic byproducts. The amount of this being put out into the world is going to cause a collapse of the food chain eventually.
The vast bulk of humans live in cities and have no ability to grow food to survive. They will starve.
put 2 rabbits in a fenced yard with a limted amount of food and water
eventually they will reproduce until the food and water is gone...
And still not one of them will fuck me
war, cancer, disease is all nothing but convenient means of population pruning which is essential
It's niggers and poos. Only a primitive being would have 10+ kids knowing full well they cannot take care of them and most of them die from aids or infected water because they shit in the river.
some hippie nigger made that thing, doesn't mean shit.
some species have thousands of offspring in order to survive
he gets it
The first two are alright but the rest can go fuck themselves.
it was The Illuminati
And almost all of them die off. Finding Nemo wasn't bullshitting, clownfish lay thousands of eggs and usually no more than 5 survive.
often they provide food for others...balance
so, there's nothing really wrong with abortion.
same as a river floods and cleanses itself the earth does as well...the imbalance will be solved
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Allow me to expound a bit.
In the early 20th century, we discovered a way to artificially create vast quantities of food by exploiting an energy source called natural gas.
It's called the Haber-Bosch Process of nitrogen fixation, wherein air and methane are reacted to form ammonia/nitrates. This single invention allowed for the extreme production of food.
Thus modern ag was born. This is a disaster for man. We've outstripped the ability to maintain ourselves safely. The genetically weak no longer die off and keep the genome healthy.
Government programs hand money out in a way that incentivizes and enables bad genes and low IQ to proliferate over better genes.
In order to grow the massive quantity of crops needed to feed us AND our meat, we need to use pesticides to control bugs and weeds. Pesticides must be persistent unless you wanna be out in the field every week spraying. This means a metric fuck-ton of lethal poison is being sprayed out to control "pests" so we can feed our useless overblown population.
These poisons taint every ecosystem on the planet, even in cave systems. Insect populations and oceanic plankton and krill are dying off, and these are the absolute root of animal life on earth.
The farmland eats up fresh water like a glutinous hog, and many countless hectares of forest and ecosystems are destroyed to make way for food production for humans.
None of this shit is at ALL needed. We could absolutely do as good as we are now with a population of 100m to 1b. We wouldn't have to give up anything, just the number of useless and pointless people consuming and poisoning the damn place.
PS: we're running out of helium, if you don't know why that's a bad thing, you better learn faggot.
a non retard prespective would be a worthless judge about anything let alone yours
It's not. Important resources will become scarce as some point and society will be fucked sideways increased prices.
a simple example is the black plague....
too many people and nature finds a cure
Are you implying we should resort to cannibalism because I ain't down with that shit.
Would it be so bad if we just firebomb Africa?
no but if we keep going that might very well become a reality
Populations actually survive better when they're at about 50-70% of their carrying capacity. The reason being, infection and disease become much harder to spread, and there's usually still enough diversity within the species to keep them all from dying out. Most estimates for humanity's carrying capacity come out to be around 1 billion, so having a population of 500 million is actually perfect. We could have way less than that and still be fine, too, since we're basically the only mammals who have such a massive carrying capacity. (Aside from deer, who are thankfully getting nerfed)
If you read any history about people devoid of food they do resort to eating each others
You should actually aim at India and China. Africa is a big source of population boom but they don't produce nearly as much toxic waste and pollution as those two countries.
Pic related is a river. I know it doesn't look like one, but I promise you there is (extremely toxic, highly polluted) water underneath all of that. Now you can call me a tree hugger, a hippie, a retarded leftie (I'm not leftist) all you want, but does that look safe and perfectly fine to any of you? Does that look like something we should ignore?
Natives achieved this for thousands of years I agree
I know they do, I'm just saying we wouldn't have to consider that if we threatened India, China, Africa, and southeast Asia with nukes if they don't stop fucking all the goddamn time and polluting our waters and environment.
Africa is one of the least inhabited contitnets, start with packed europe
t. retard
Europe is actually pretty okay. They could use a population decrease but despite what a bunch of libtard media outlets say, they consume the most amount of resources but actually produce the least amount of trash/pollution as well. In fact they produce less pollution than California. The entire continent.
since I believe in karma I dont think killing people is the answer...they are killing themselves by no being intelligent enough to understand their behavior and change it
I don't either, which is why I said threaten. They don't have to know we're not serious about it.
humans are to preoccupied with greed and lust to stand back and evaluate the situation
Jow Forumstards too. This thread is nice but I've gotten into countless arguments with braindead retards who genuinely think any sort of pollution is harmless and that anyone who tries to say, hey, can you not litter/not use up so much resources is a Hillcuck or some shit. Like no, faggot, I'm not a leftie, I'm not a Hillcuck, I'm someone with a master's in forestry who makes 120k a year trying to slow down the inevitable demise of our beautiful but abused Earth by humanity's most greedy.
>scientists have found toxic pollutants in our soil?
What of it? You have the majority of the arable land in the world and the organization and technology to clean it up if need be.
>Do you realize that plastic debris can be found in 99% of all marine wildlife now?
Firstly, that's not even remotely true. Second, ingesting plastic debris is not a significant problem for marine wildlife, outside of large krill eaters like whales.
Third, even if all the near-surface marine life die off across the whole globe, that's not relevant to either of our countries, since we have the ability to systematically farm fish and aren't reliant on unsustainable trawling for food, the way that asia and africa are.
youre the retard
Who do you think those asians are producing for when they consume so little
1. Cleanup is extremely expensive and would involve extremely slow methods of doing so.
2. That is 100000% true. Plastic debris shouldn't be found anywhere in our bodies and yet it's every fucking where. It goes to show how things aren't just relegated to one section of the earth. Us being able to farm fish in fisheries does not mean we can or should use the ocean as a dumping ground. A good chunk of the world's ecosystem is dependent on wild fish, which other animals are dependent on, which other animals are dependent on, and so on and so forth.
Nobody except greedy corporations are asking them to, and it's usually to feed places like China and India, so you can kindly shut your uneducated fat mouth.
How frustrated you must get...I'm a historian that leaves the smallest foot print I can ...I despise consumerism and greed...Best I can summarize is this
A sane person appears insane in an insane society
guess which country has environmental regulations and which does not?
Greedy corporations work to sustain the demand of greedy costumers, and greedy constumers live in europe and north america
Now if tou kindlymind, either cull your nation or set a national limit of only 10 burgers per person per day
>What you see there is the climb of a sigmoid function. It's what's going to happen on our planet's human population. Look up population carrying capacity.
Total nonsense. For those who don´t know, the guy thinks it balances out. That´s what he means by sigmoid function. But there´s no indication of that than, well it would be nice if it balanced out or whatever.
There are way too many people in certain countries. It´s not going to 'balance out'. You already having problems because piss poor infrastructure and these things in those countries that have too many people even for good infrastructure.
They don´t stop having too many kids, that is the problem!
>carrying capacity.
Again you are just being dishonest with yourself. There are so many logistical and ecological and ressource problems with being many people. If you look at carrying capacity it´s crap like how many people can say, american people with their current agricultural supply. How many can they feed. Ah ok so you can have more people in USA. No.. it´s not that simple! HAHA. There´s so many things that become a huge problem.
And it´s just cowards that don´t want to tell these people to have less kids in these other countries which are very very obvious who they should tell. And who they should not tell. So they just pretend as if it fixes itself. This is what they pretend. That it fixes itself. It´s totally moronic. And if you point out.
>It probably doesn´t unless you make a policy in this regard internationally.
They get angry with you. It´s as if they get upset if you point out that maybe africans should not have 10-12 kids.
But it´s the same morons who for WRONG REASONS tell europeans, or white americans etc. Don´t have kids it´s for the earth. So they have no problem telling the WRONG people to not have that many kids. But they have a problem with telling africans, indians, whatever stop having 10 kids? Interesting HUH!
That's partially what formed Jow Forums in the first place. Problem is this place is filled with reactionary autists who assume anything promoting not being a cunt to nature is leftie propaganda. As opposed to, you know, basic fucking sense. And yeah, I'm pretty fucking irritated all the goddamn as you can see. I meet these idiots IRL too. There's this one guy who came to my last lecture and afterwards pulled me to the side and asked me "what Illuminati freemason division are you from?" Uh, none, faggot. I'm just a seething scientist this close to unironically wishing the Thanos snap would happen irl.
greedy consumers that they manipulate and control*
Yes, consumers are greedy as fuck too, but Europe is not the problem.
>put 2 rabbits in a fenced yard with a limted amount of food and water
eventually they will reproduce until the food and water is gone...
Man is not rabbits, some ethnicities have decent birthrates for themselves. Others have way too high and don´t properly regulate it themselves. You have to go in and demand that they be lower. And some be slightly higher if need be.
war, cancer, disease is all nothing but convenient means of population pruning which is essential
No it´s not essential you stupid little clown. It´s ridiculous that you think this is essential. No what´s essential is that you enact actual policy to deal with this situation. To regulate birthrates. Either up or down, whatever is necessary for that particular country and peoples. And you ofcourse don´t for instance bring in a bunch of niggers from africa and then tell them go have tons of kids in sweden. No it´s ofcourse the actual swedes who need to have bit more kids for example.
It's niggers and poos. Only a primitive being would have 10+ kids knowing full well they cannot take care of them and most of them die from aids or infected water because they shit in the river.
some species have thousands of offspring in order to survive
Africans and indians are not different species, they are different subspecies of humanity. They are just irresponsible clowns. That should be demanded that they have less.
>he gets it
>it´s the illuminati.
You stupid ass niggers. Just becomes some freemasonic ecolunatics go way and beyond with an extremely low number with that stone, doesn´t mean there´s not a fucking problem with too many people.
Global poverty, people like to talk about that right. Look where it is. In nations that have shitton of people and pisspoor infrastructure. They have low quality of life. Not much to go around to each person for those reasons. You don´t like global poverty do you? Hmm.. but if there were far less of them there would be more for each of these.
In 1400´s there were on all european continent 74 million people.
In 1776 there were in usa 2.5 million people in all 13 colonies.
Do you start to see how ridiculous amount of people we are in some nations atleast?
Do you know what happened. See some ethnicities are good at regulating it. Europeans have been pretty good at self regulating their births over deaths. Sustainable birthrates. Others haven´t. Here´s what happened.
Tech developed to cure peoples diseases. And thiswas and is fantastic. But SIMULTANEOUSLY nobody regulated that ofcourse you should not have ridiculous amount of kids, especially if you can´t provide for them yourself which should be mandatory that you can do that. And even if you can provide, perhaps you should not be allowed to have many either. Depending on population density etc. and how it is in that particular nation.
So basically peoples diseases and things were cured. And so some start having ridiculous amount of kids. And they live longer. They didn´t regulate. Their birthrates. This was where everyone should have DEMANDED that their birthrates be regulated. But it´s not done. This is how you came to this IDIOTIC situation in the first place. And these morons are fucking cowards that can´t even tell an african to not have 10 kids. How fucking hard is it?
I work for a geographic institute, when we worked on a census we had to go house to house counting people, unironically looked like we counted less people than the cities actually had, mainly because of homeless and drugies being harder to count
moron thinks what the media is telling him when you clearly see that the most impoverished countries or continents are expanding their population. lack of resources, poverty is not stopping the population growth. only education and advanced culture does that.