
Hey fellas what's your opinions on Hindus. Do they bother you in your country?

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Most fresh off the boat Indians don't bother me, but their american born kids are annoying as fuck. All the indian girls at my uni are hardcore feminists with #blm in their social media profiles. The men are no different.

stinky little scamming cunts. i fucking hate Indians.

what uni?

i dont even have travel anymore to get that crammed ghetto shithole feel anymore so yeah theyre fine i guess

smell like poopoo

hindus = ass
sikhs = based



No I think that's because all Uni Girls are hardcore retarded feminists

Honestly I can't stand em. It's nothing political, I just haven't met any that I liked and I've met a LOT I didn't like.

it's more a foul concoction of shit, curry powder, body odor and urine.

indians fucking stink.

why are incels so annoying?

No problems except a lot of the ones who move here are wealthy and had servants so they act like spoiled assholes.

No issue really, but they are annoying.

As long as you're not Christian, Muslim, Kike or Atheist, you're alright in my book

University of Nottingham

Hinduism just seems obviously fake, but followers still worship it knowing that it's bullshit. It's very far fetched. As for Hindus, there are three Indian restaurants I eat at regularly and the owners are very nice people. They are either very eager to talk or just seem happy that you are enjoying their food.


They are fucking based about the nz shooting.

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your using a US flag tho


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Last one

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poo poo stinky

As far as Indians in the work place. Holy fuck they are annoying. If you ever have an Indian manager they are going to be on your ass 24/7, and try to get EVERYONE fucking fired or laid off so they can get ahead. We had one Indian IT executive who is responsible for over 300 dismissals that I know about. He axed whole fucking departments and brought their work into his own, then found reasons to dismiss and terminate that work in house.


They own a lot of hotels in this country. They do a really shitty job running them, they're greedy as fuck, and they're incredibly rude dirty people. Honorary Jews.

Everyone hates Muslims except the left cunts. And Hindus have been very forgiving to them but these bitchy low is fucks who still believe that BS Quran old age non sense book. I hope you whites kill them all, go ahead we are with you.

We need to deport them as much as any other insect cunt in this country, they scheme almost as much money as Chinese students and the government does jack all because they don’t want to seem racist.

I have nothing against in Hindu’s in India though, they seem based as fuck.

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I generally like them, never met one in person who bugged me. Keyword: in person. The religion is very philosophically deep which I dig. Honestly I don't have many problems with pajeets


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Religion where they swim in a shitfilled river and make literally pies of cow shit

Self explanatory

Bitch lasagna.

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Nah bro I love Hindus.

I'm a white New Zealander and I like Indian people and most Indian culture.

we hate them, going deep into the roots, they dont do anything useful. Not contributing to world peace.

Whites - Hindus - Sikhs need an alliance to remove kebab. I'm all for putting aside any differences with the Indians to unite in the destruction of a common enemy.

Nice people, Nice currys will visit again.

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If I had a magic machine that would instantly erase all Jews, Niggers, Spics, or Pajeets, but could only use it once, I would push the Pajeet button before you even finished explaining how it worked.

If muslims was an option, I'd push that one instead, but I would hesitate.

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He was a terrorist. He literally terrorized a lot of people who were not, soldiers who would not be terrorized.

They're much better than churkas in every regard, so I'm good with them.

You're a Pajeet shitskin with a wierd religion from a third world country

There are way too many of them and they abuse the visa system. Ones I’ve met have been nice generally, but always smelled of armpit and spices. As long as their numbers are kept low, they’re alright.

The difference is if you white guys catch Indian scammers, ordinary Indians would mostly agree that the scammer Indians are at fault.
This is not true for the scenario of catching scammers from other groups like Chinese, blacks, muslims... they will always think this was because of racism instead of righteousness

>muh wipeout pajeet, jewz are ok

Shallom Sholomo o/

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You ever heard of Karl Rock? I think he is a honorary Indian now

honestly lads this scammer shit is real. i just got a call from a stock company asking for my credit card and bank details so that they could ""invest"" on my behalf.

Fuck off. India/Indians is the one single country/group responsible for most of world peace.

Dislike is normal and can be changed, it's just an opinion.
Hate however, can't be changed.

So it's normal to feel dislike, normal human being will dislike people from other races, but as time goes by, people won't care. It doesn't hurt at all if people dislike you.

The same situation can't be applied to moslems though. The feeling is hate. People should already know why.

Sorry man. You really need to use some brain nutrients. Sometimes we hate others because the circuits in our brains are fucked up and we don't realize it at all

thats why living in an ethnostate is great, this question doesnt concern me at all

yes, and it's
one of the designated shitskins came here for education. took bachelor's degree, took master's degree and THEN he sued the university for the "poor quality" of the studies
>sure, we're not top notch... but how did it take him 6 years and graduation to find that out?
you're fucking filth, like the rest of the shitskins.

What are you on about? Gandhi was a sham holy man with pedophile inclinations, and India itself is full of rapacious street shitting thugs. Not to mention the fact that India is currently holding its finger on the trigger in terms of war with Pakistan. Honestly, hope it happens. If nukes start flying maybe two birds will be knocked out with one stone.

Gypsies are the descendants of indians and i fucking hate those miserable cockroaches, my country is full of them

there are plenty of foreign students in my city's universities and in the last couple of years I've seen particularly a lot of Indians. from what I know they mostly study in our Pharmacademy. Seem like pretty nice guys.

He seems cool.

I watched India smash New Zealand in a 20/20 cricket game a month ago, I would say at least half the stadium was Indians. It was really fun. We got robbed by a bad umpire decision and Colin DeGronholme was said to have given an LBW, Indian team didn't really appeal and let it slide, umpire ruled the wicket anyway. My mate and I got angry about it and just went and got drunk with some Indian dudes at the stadium for the rest of the match.

i like hindus they don't stink as they say

Hindu nuffin.

The pak India fight goes on because pakis are being brainwashed from childhood about evil HIndus out to get them. If at any time, a paki leader/PM/President wants to make peace with India (recently nawas sharif, in the past so many others)and forget all past grievances, the pak military some how will take him/her down and replace the minister post with the next puppet. They have a military controlling the country, getting rich by keeping the war machine with India alive, taking aid dollars from daddy USA and enriching the military families who control pakistan, sending their extended relatives to settle in Canada .. while they rob paki citizens the opportunity of development, of making peace with India, of just stop being a terrorist university and just focus on developing the land and human resources.

Watch videos about paki former ambassador Husain haqqani expose the pak govt and military tactics. Not sure you can get it from this video. But just watch some of his videos and you will get a good idea.

In modern and older times, India has never invaded and conquered land from any other country.

The message of Gandhi has changed the world to be more peace loving

I don't deny he had problems in his personal conduct, but tell me how have you influenced the world to be more peaceful ...and that you do not have any flaws in your own character.

Your personality is so infinitesimally tiny compared to someone like Gandhi

Basically ok, but way too many of them now, and many of the uber/tax drivers/ IT people and shop assistants are extremely impersonal and indifferent, and always on the phone to someone when they should be focusing on the service, ie driving

Please complain to uber my man..
Many Indians still do need white supervision. So just complain and get them to value their job more.

I don’t think his message took root, given the circumstances. But keep believing your national myth of it makes you feel better.

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Never met one but Im sure they are pleasant people.

not as based as sikhs. back to your designated shitting street, pajeet.

They have their own country. Why do they come to ours? Like fuck, everybody got self determination after WW2 with jewmerica pushing decolonization. Freedom from whitey, the oppressors, yet here they come running right back looking for either employment opportunity, education opportunity, or just the gibs from whitey.

Hindus are a great people. Whites and Indians all descend from the same ancient people. Semitic peoples and religions are the scourge of the earth. Anyone not a Semite or under their Abrahamic influence is a human being and a friend of mien.

you have to go back cunt

Only ever saw one at my old workplace. Nice guy, infuriating dialect. Everyone ridiculed him tho, since he always smelled like a mixture of sweat and curry.

Never saw one IRL actually.

poo's are basically shit covered jews

>way too many of them now
>implying that few shitskins would be OK to have in a white country

I've met some great Hindus but I wouldn't want to do business with them based on some of the bad habits they have as customers. You cannot haggle down the prices at a corporate store. Hindus are the worse in my area about this and it makes them look miserly. Also seem to lack the social awareness or etiquette about waiting in line for service. If I am clearly helping someone else I can't drop what I am doing to answer your every question. It's really fucking rude and when the other customer having a bad day eventually snaps on a Hindu for pulling this shit I will agree with them.

>Never met one
>Im SURE they are pleasant people.

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Only when they shit in the street.

pajeets are so ashamed of what they look like they draw themselves as white people.

poo's don't look anything like that

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