what do you guys think? its a reference to nazis as fucking coward bitch rats that can only do pussy sneak attacks on unarmed civilians to propagate their hateful ideology.
All Nazi are RATS. Fucking vermin.
Made a meme
Other urls found in this thread:
why is a Jew wearing a Nazi outfit.
Where even are Nazis? They’re probably in their late 80’s by now.
I just want to watch anime in a white country
Why invade us?
Your flag, motherfucker, show it!
I'm a coward so this image is accurate
Looks exactly like a Jew
dead ass
the symbol of the democrat party is the ass
You describe the jihadists quite well there.
Is not funny nor creative (((memeflag)))
Also are you for the 14 words.
Why did you kill schlomo and dress him in that weird costume?
Meet me at my house anytime, you little bitch. Texas is a Castle Doctrine state.
Why do you post a jew in a nazi uniform?
He was trying to infiltrate their society, like usual.
Is that jew dressed up as a nazi?
you gonna eat that?
hey rabbi what you doing
Your cheap knockoff doesn't meet the standards of the original.
Rats are good and sweet. Delet this.
There are no nazis anymore. Even the shooter acknowledges this in his manifesto lol.
Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Ccome join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:
Oh, well if a rightwing nutjub who went on a shooting rampage says so, then it must be true!
Nice internet image.
Tough guy huh?
>right wing nutjob means nazi
>Cesar Sayoc is a nazi
OP is a fag and can't either can't meme or can't troll. Probably has blue hair or some shit.
nAzI pUnKs FuCk OfF omg look everyone on Facebook and Instagram, Im a brainwashed liberal punk! Hopefully I'll get some pussy because of this
Who gives a shit what you call yourselves? Why do all guilty parties always try to hide from being labeled? The right wing changes its name like every three years at this point.
Definitely a false flag. That's clearly a jew dressed as a nazi
>Picture of a rat in a nazi uniform
Jews can't be Nazis...
lol don't care
nice impotent rage faggot
>makes meme
>types out a blog to explain it
Every fucking time.
fuck off, muslims are demons
So, you're a rattist? Bigot. I hope one gnaws your nose off, cunt.
You are only allowed to post here if your are >= 18 years old.
that's not a jew. thats a fucking coward bitch nazi.
a fucking pussy ass rat that cant fight someone face to face.
That image is retarded. Do you realize right wing celebs were only calling themselves alt right because they hated establishment republicans and "alternative right" sounded fitting to them, before realizing were that term came from and being lumped with Richad Spencer by the media?
Anyway, if the shooter was nazi he wouldn't had killed what would be his biggest allies.
The only good Nazi is a sleeping mouse?
>That image is retarded.
>You're not allowed to record the past! NO! STOP!! We should be allowed to shifty shape like chameleons whenever we get unpopular for being retarded!!!
no, its a dead rat. a dead murdering vermin is good for society.
>the left still cant meme
Lurk moar faggot
this attack had nothing to do with a white man avenging the deaths of other white men. It was simply a false flag created to justify further censorship of platforms such as this that serve to dis-credit the entire system of government in the West and anyone who supports the attack further legitamises the US-Zionist policy for a Greater Israel which is why these people are in the West in the first place.
To be fair, the Nazis are in fact all dead or so geriatric they're basically dead at this point anyway.
You should add in some blood or something so it looks dead. Or give up on trying to meme, it's kind of pathetic.
I don't know, I was taught at school that jews are rats or soaps with legs.
so it seems like a jew for me
Jews are rats, you are a bad goyim
Milo had an article on Breitbart explaining what the alt right was to him, Bannon, Alex Jones, and others before that term was used against them, had nothing to do with white nationalism or racism.
If you don't like context you don't like the truth.
I think my meme is better
No wiggling free, I'm afraid.
>can't fight someone face to face
>his country's intel agency's motto is "By Deception Make War"
kys kike
Kys kike.
You got me
What up cherub, mommy not give you crunches for breakfast. So you gonna tell all the nasty Nazis off on pol? Wanker.
Op you seem stressed out by this shooting. Just sit down, relax and enjoy andy's fresh creamy and dreamy log
Because the nsdap allied with the muslims?
I mean to come to think of it.
Had hitler won, the muslims would still be staying within their own nations.
You can't kill an ideology.
You can kill an organization.
The Nazi Party was an organization.
here's what you look like newfag
>that's not a jew
The why does it look exactly like a jew?
>Obvious honeypot
You’re kidding right?
Oh shit why did this make me laugh
>Had hitler won, the muslims would still be staying within their own nation
Islam is over a thousand years old and yet you still don't understand what its all about. No, they would not leave you alone.
Weak b8, sage
Go eat feces somewhere else, scatfaggot
dont forget to subscribe
>don't forget to subscribe to PewDiePie
There, faggot, FTFY. If you want to say shit at least have the courage to say it straight.
Unlike muslims who strictly target military and government targets you mean? Abd dont shoot up thatres full of civilians and dont drive big as trucks into crowdsnof people?
I made this 2 years ago, r8 it
He turned your shit bait joke into a funny joke.
The left can't meme.