Pewdiepie Mass Shooting?

Since NZ media (and many other) suggest not use Tarrant's name, should we call the Christchurch incident "Pewdiepie's Mass Shooting"? Or "Pewdiepie's rampage"? Or this idea is not new at all?

P.S. Pewdiepie did nothing wrong.

Attached: pewdiepie.jpg (1536x865, 85K)

You are a piece of shit, user. Is that really what you find amusing or entertaining? If so, you need to take a long look into the mirror and reevaluate your life. Being edgy on the internet for attention or laughs is one of the most pathetic things a person can do and reeks of a mental deficiency. I highly doubt you would behave this way in real life or want people you associate with to know you like this kind of stuff, so why bother at all? If you can't control your urges, check into a mental hospital or get therapy.

The person who actually committed this act is the lowest of the low. Worse than niggers who cheat the system and drain tax payer dollars. Worse than inbred rednecks who think car racing is a sport. Worse than furries who jack off to anthropomorphic animals. Worse than skinhead pussies who think they're real nazi's. Worse than violent arabs who blow themselves and others up over a fictional book.

If I had it my way you would be stoned to death and left on the ground to decompose - no burial would be permitted, Antigone style. You honestly don't deserve to exist in our society and i think that you know this deep down. I dare you to share this with your co-workers, spouse, friends, relatives, etc and see what they have to say. Will they be like "LOL user that was funny tell those faggots to chill or go back to tumblr" or would they look at you with a disgusted look on their face and say "That was disgusting user, why the fuck do you have this video?" We both know what the answer is and that you won't actually take me up my offer because you're a faggot

You seem perturbed...

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Asio please

lol TLDR
yeah I say it's PewDiePie or die. That gutter lady found that out by not subscribing.

Was Nelson Mandela really a terrorist?

I don't know why you'd want to ruin his career any more than it already got there.

Fuck off JIOPB

>Naming taboo

100% proof that the jews did this,along with their coconut-headed co-conspirators

Attached: FALSE FLAG NZ.jpg (1006x652, 182K)

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You are really have some problems with pewdiepie, jeez...

But trust ne, pewdiepie did nothing wrong

>Mass murderer likes Pewdiepie
>Pewdiepie likes Sam Hyde
>Sam Hyde is a mass murderer

Almonds activated

Attached: Sam Hyde Revolution.jpg (493x365, 23K)

Pewdiepie was victimized by the guy. You’re a scumbag for attempting to damage Felix’s life more

antifa shooter

is he really jewish? requesting sources.

"That notorious Pewdipie's stream from Christchurch, oh boy... He got only 50 donaters..."

But Pewdipie did nothing wrong!

Veterans Today says he is, but they don't cite any sources.

how about simply BT

Attached: 316px-Bt_bio_image.png (316x577, 227K)


>Pewdiepie did nothing wrong.
I feel like this joke went over a lot of peoples' heads. Damn this is funny.

Youve been copy pasting this is as many threads as possible, give it up already

I heard there was another Pewdiepie in dutch Utrecht today?

Of course not, this was the Facebook massacre.