How do you deal with ungratefulness and negativity?

How do you deal with ungratefulness and negativity?
My boyfriend isn't 'awkward' or anything, he just insults and criticizes 80% of what I do, choose or give to him.

>spend $275 on a bed and breakfast
>I don't even remember what he got me, but it was a regular gift
>he complained the entire time we were there
>he said he could hear kids down the hall
>said the food they served in the morning sucked
>said it was a waste of our time
>said room was too small
>I had to suck in my tears the whole time because that shit's embarrassing

>this week is his birthday
>he said he needed more pants
>don't want to gamble on getting him jeans, went with Nike Throwbacks since thats his style
>got him black converse
>got him a nike sweater
>give him his gifts
> '....ugh I hate swishy pants'
>ok Ill return them
>'I HATE black converse they're so basic like those are the ones skaters wear' (???)
>.....oh ok ill send them back too
>'why did you get me a sweater.... it's going to be summer soon'
>I have to return everything, I feel like such shit
>he told his whole family about it and they all probably think I'm retarded

I couldn't stop from crying and I just feel so helpless, it's been like this from the beginning. I can't get him gifts or do anything nice for him, because I end up feeling like a fucking idiot EVERY time.

He still brings up how shitty the other gifts I have given him are.

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What are his good and redeeming qualities because from this he sounds like an ungrateful piece of shit no offense

What’s keeping you with him? The sex? Because unless he’s the best you ever had you really are just hurting yourself by putting up with his non-stop bitching.

>He can make me laugh occasionally even though he's a big ol' normie
>very worldly, he has been to a lot of countries
>he's a genuinely good guy

He still sounds like a douche

I'm so scared of breaking up with him, it feels like he's all that I have

All my friends stopped talking to me when I started dating him so I only have my family

So he sometimes makes you laugh and he's a genuinely good guy?

I know men who are considered good but still have some very bad qualities, this world isn't black and white. I dated a man who is considered a good friend but he was not a good boyfriend.

I'm not saying break up or anything you know him we don't, but really think it over if he's making you anywhere near as happy as you think. Don't let a guy lower your self-worth and make you feel this insecure and shitty

Adding onto my point after reading this Why did your friends stop talking to you? They didn't like him? Or he didn't want you hanging out with friends and wanted you to dedicate all your time to him instead?

If it's the first, why do you think they don't like him? If it's the latter, this is a major red flag

Thank you, I will remember that.

Is he from the Bronx?

ps: you are not a mind reader this is called gaslighting

Oh shit, so
>he's actually a lot older than me (10 years)
> has 3 kids.

He also didn't like my one best friend, and I honestly felt like he was right.

I was a really bad teenager, and would do drugs and drink a lot with these people.

As soon as I started hanging out with him, I started to better myself and now I am going to school and he is very supportive.

I miss my old friends a lot, but I feel like it is somewhat for the better.

No, but we are in the tri-state area

Just tell him you think he's a dick straight up, and if he doesn't choose to acknowledge how dumb he is then you'll leave.

thanks, lol

There's more red flags here than in China. Why are you doing this to yourself? Girl have some self esteem and get rid of this loser.

Fucking spank his shit. I would have done so, and loudly, at the bed in breakfast.

>he's a genuinely good guy
>he just insults and criticizes 80% of what I do, choose or give to him
>he told his whole family about it and they all probably think I'm retarded

He is an asshole. I'm guessing he acts nice to other people right? He has power over you in a relationship so he can get away with acting like this. The longer you stay with him the worse it is going to get.

I'd say my boyfriend is a bit of a cunt at times and he's much nicer than your boyfriend. I literally never heard him say a bad word about something I decided to buy for him, whether it was take away dinner from a fast food or 200$ birthday gift.

You are honestly better off single than staying in a relationship that makes you feel miserable and insecure. Loneliness has its drawbacks, but it's better than what you have now. Build yourself up as an independent human being, and find someone new that doesn't make you feel like shit

Just meet new friends in school, dummy.

my gf could give me a box of farts and I'd at least PRETEND to like it. Like, what the fuck kind of person doesn't know you are at least supposed to pretend to like any and all gifts?

Here's a handy little trick to keep your man in line.

Next time you give him head, bite down as hard as you can.

I'm trying, I feel like I lost some self-esteem when my friends left me

That's what I feel, but on the flipside, he's allowed to not like things, I just got upset cause he was so rude about it

I know, I think it is the only thing holding me back, I'm just so scared

I have, but we aren't very close yet. They're really cool and always ask why I am upset and stuff, I am too embarrassed to tell them

For our first Christmas together I got a vinyl record delivered to my boyfriend, and they sent him the wrong one. He didn't even tell me he got the wrong one, went out and bought the one I wanted to get him (I wrote him a letter where I referred to the album I originally meant to buy him). He told me after a year.

Have you talked to him about it? I mean outside an argument. Not while emotions are already up.

I used to have a problem with sounding condescending. I never meant to, it was just in my tone and speech style, and I had no idea when it was occuring because people generally don't tell you that shit. They just shit talk later.

I couldn't fix it until my partner actually told me what an issue it was and we agreed that she would point out every time I did it. It actually completely changed the way I thought and spoke over time because I was willing and needed someone there to actually help because I simply couldn't here it myself.

I am leaning hard towards break up with that dumb bitch. But if you want to help him I've got two solutions:
1. Set aside time, say you need to talk, tell him how he sounds, that it's a problem, and that it needs to stop or you're leaving, and you'll help him.

2. Nothing like a good dose if magic mushrooms to make someone realise what an assfuck they are. Try that out. Results guaranteed.

Update: I talked to him, and he had suspicions that I was still upset.

I told him I have been crying a lot still, and that I feel helpless and really hurt when I try to do something nice for him and he insults/belittles the things I do.

He uninvited me to a family birthday dinner, and I just said,
>What's the point of our relationship?

I hung up, lol

He called me back, and I am invited again. I think I am going to have to end this, soon.

Thanks, guys, for all your wisdom

My God.
Yeah this dude needs to lose someone to get it.

Get yourself a meetup account. You'll find plenty of new friends that way.

Just fucking block the asshole and move on. Honestly. It's not even worth breaking up with a man like this.
>"I have an issue with this behaviour"
The fucker is 10 years older than you, yet he's literally 5.

I hope you were hooked on some kind of horrible drug when you decided to date this guy. Ghost his ass and move on.

Agreed, OP is dating a child.

Yeah, this guy has it right. He sounds like somebody whose parents took it wayyyy too easy on him. You can't fix that spoiled-brat entitlement, you shouldn't take it personally, and you shouldn't put up with it any longer. Life's too short for that shit.

He sounds like spoiled manchild.

OP here, and this is late in the thread but he called me again just now and apologized, and said he was acting like "a little bitch."

He said I can hold this against him as much as I want, but that he is grateful to have me in his life and to even have gotten a gift.

He also said that he would've felt worse if I spent all that money and he would have to lie about not wearing them.

Don't let him gaslight you

Time to break up with him, and from the other info I've seen, this sounds like a strange relationship

The best way to deal with an ungrateful boyfriend who doesn't appreciate you or the effort you give him is to dump him. It's been proven that being around someone who constantly complains and is negative is bad for your own mental and emotional health. He doesn't even have the maturity to TRY to practice a little couth - he just blurts out whatever autistic rants that pop into his head without considering how rude it is or how it'll make you feel.

This little shit doesn't deserve you, sis. There's a prince out there begging for someone like you to come into his life. Dump him. You deserve to be with someone who will worship the ground you walk on and bend over backwards to make you happy. Trash this fuckboi, throw him and his swishy pants out the door and say good riddance.

OP knows damn well what to do but doesn't have the courage to act on it. She prefers to remain a victim because it gets her sympathy pats on the head from others.

>"B-but he makes me laugh when he's not busy insulting me. He's not all that bad! Who will watch his children if I go?" (Dating single parents is like playing someone else's saved game, btw. You getting her sloppy seconds.)

Sure, he's gaslighting you into a mental and emotional box of his own design and sure, he's estranged you from anyone who may not agree with how he keeps you under his thumb, but you least he makes you laugh sometimes. That's worth putting up with all this frustration and manipulation, right? Sure.