Which Anglosphere country is the most cucked?
Which is the least cucked?
Which Anglosphere country is the most cucked?
Most cucked is your country
The least cucked doesn't exist any more.
>pic related
Most cucked Britain
Leased cucked America
UK most, I don’t even know who would be least
This, it goes (from least to most)
Most cucked is Canada, least cucked is probably the US, but most people here are still very, very cucked.
The jewnited sharts of amerimutt
They are so cucked they invented cucking and spread it around the globe like a desease. Even niggers from africa are not safe
>but muh jews
You are the biggest jews. You have more jews than the rest of the world combined. You can populated 4 israels with your jews
bitch please!
Quebec, oh wait it's French
I dunno but now more muddies and jews must die cause of it. MORE MASS SHOOTINGS PLOX!
>inb4 Jews are the next target to save face
I never got to live in rhodesia, but I did grow up in its shit successor state.
pointless thread sage this trash
Obviously aussies are least cucked, otherwise you're a dog cunt. No gun violence, but you can still get em. Everyones good mates, even strangers
I've been saying this for years. The only replay I get is "BUT MUH JEWS".
Your people fought as long as they could. You should be immensely proud of your heritage.
Dont forget muh guns.
USA is literally a big field filled with jew cattle.
Absolutely cucked to no end
>most cucked
>least cucked
I don't think any country is more cucked than Canada
Canada more than USA
Right about Australia
we're all fucked one way or the other
From most to least
UK, Australia, Canada, NZ, and finally USA.
Australia more cucked than Canada? In what universe?
Seriously though how can you say the us is least cucked when it’s like 50% white?
Chink r/o
censorship laws
Only reason Canada is more cucked than the UK is Truedo. Canadians still have freedom from surveillance, a relatively uncensored internet and few violent migrants(muslims). As soon a Corbyn or any other Labour politician gets into power in the UK then they will take the crown from Canada.
It means it terms of freedoms, which the USA has plenty of.
cause even the migrats hate SJWs.
Nah, the US is the root of the problem. Every cancerous post-war left-wing ideology were born in the US.
Look where you are, Ivan. If the US was as cucked as the rest, this site wouldn't exist.
Oh daddy, please pound us again.
Go go goo goo where I poo poo
0.7 turnips were deposited into you feeding pen
anglo then canadian
the Aussies are crazy Australia is the best by far
Which Anglosphere country is the most cucked?
Which is the least cucked?
>UK and Canada competing for top place
>New Zealand and Australia competing for 3rd (Australia coming out on top with the chink invasion)
>America taking an easy last place
pakistan is the least cucked
All cucked in their own way tbqhwyf.
Seems about right.
Be careful though Ausbros & Kiwifriends. You have a lot in common with the UK.
CANADA!!!!!!! Coming from a Quebecois
Is nobody else depressed that this is what has come to?
Arguing about which country is LEAST cucked. Let's help each other become not cucked at all.
tfw hamburger master race
america being the lest cucked is a fucking stretch
Britain is easily the most cucked.
Canada has a poof of a PM, sure, but the entire British culture - laws and all - has been been pussy whipped beyond belief.
how are you faggots not going off the best measure that's out there, which is gun ownership?
US > Pre-ban NZ > Canada > Post ban-NZ > equally shit UK / Aus
Canada or USA is most cucked. Least cucked is Australia but that's not saying much considering how cucked we all are at this point.
Refugees welcome
Americans are the only people that I just can't understand. Even the non cucked people are so fucked up that it's just not worth it
Its pretty bad here over at burgerland but it could be worse