How to deal with a GF like in pic related?
How to deal with a GF like in pic related?
Break up is coming.
Just fuck her and be happy bro
We fuck once every two weeks at most
Trade her in for one that actually gives a damn
I was an incel before her, I really don't think I can get anyone else
Hahahah dude leave her
makes sense.. she's manipulating and probs cucking you
Damn. I write and do all of these things
For what reason?
I write this to people I’m not interest in.
Not as a gf tho...
so OP is probably fucked
How many times must you remake this thread?
I toughed it out with a girl like this for a few years and she eventually ended the relationship because she felt bad for how unhappy we were making each other. We definitely had our issues individually and as a couple and my own autism triggered some deep issues of hers without realizing it until the final conversation. I'd do anything to get back with her- she's a beautiful woman who has huge potential for this life and I've always encouraged and supported her to reach those goals.
Don't emotionally take, be a giver
That means be a rock. Be supportive, be cool, BE STUFF
You're basically asking "How do I deal with a woman who is not giving me all the lovies and goodies I crave? :3"
like fuck off with that. Stop taking from women and start giving. Who gives a shit how she treats you? If you do then you're doing something wrong.
When has a rock ever given anything? If you want something from a rock you have to fucking take it.
youre idolizing her and putting her up on a pedestal
when the inevitable breakup happens youll be really regretful of this
"thx bud" jesus i hope she's never called you bud
I'm the guy above your post. That's exactly what I was aiming for and was the biggest reason she wanted to break up- I never leaned on her, opened up emotionally, or otherwise showed weakness so I could be her support for any/everything without worrying about stressing me out, but she was craving that stuff from me.
Terrible advice.
It's a metaphor for being so emotionally stable and steadfast that you can handle the weight and stress of other peoples' emotions. You have a lot to offer.
>but she was craving that stuff from me.
She has a duty to communicate her needs. If you knew it; you'd have done it.
k why
Can you please fuck off already and stop spamming your pointless shit everywhere?
Do you literally have no life?
Women are emotional creatures. They really like "fixing" people.
The hottest girls I've gotten liked me because I was depressed and I opened up to them really early on.
Also if you can't be open to them, what's the point?
You need all that from a woman? Sounds like a high price for a relationship with you.
>They really like "fixing" people.
What you're suggesting is a codependent relationship and it's toxic. A relationship where one person expects the other to change (or to change them) is doomed from the start.
that sounds like most girls who don't need to put effort to get attention from men
so most girls
Who said anything about a codependent relationship?
You both lean on each other at hard times.
I hope you like NTR.
The point is to give more than you take, not equal. You're phrasing this like it's something that should be balanced and shared; it should not. The man should need far, far less and give much more in the relationship than the woman.
By not letting one put you on a leash in the first place.
If she doesn't think about you when she's not around you, it's because she's thinking about somebody else.
You don't matter to her.
Calm down
I feel a cool sensation course through my body every time I read those relaxing words from you
Break up with them. It's tough, but you're wasting your time right now and only hurting yourself in the end.
Are you a grill?
No, I'm a guy.
I'm also very successful with women and speaking from experience. I love to give to girls, give attention, listen, think about them, support them in whatever they need. I find pleasure in the giving itself and not the receiving.
Try and shatter this tit-for-tat mindset you have. Let women play the emotional bookkeeping game, they have the final say in that stuff anyway, you should just find pleasure in giving.
Not my GF, but my one female friend is exactly like this. It sucks.
Dump her. She's on her way to dumping you just hit that bitch with a power move and dump her.
I actually agree with that autist for the first time. Stop treating that bitch like she's a prize. Fuck her one last time and dump her. Better be an incel than a cuck. And you will be a cuck if this keep going, assuming you aren't already.
Get a new one.
>she's a beautiful woman who has huge potential for this life and I've always encouraged and supported her to reach those goals
If it's true, but it was relationship with you that made you two unhappy and was rustling her traumatic jimmies, thus fucking with that potential, then you should be happy you're not together rather than desperate to get back.
You’re an idiot if you really think that, I can understand having that feeling because you care about her but there’s better women out there.
In big way it's probably that attitude that is pushing you into being an incel. Improve, do your best, be comfortable and meet people whiel getting progressively less of a sperg and fighting off your thirst - and you'll do fine.
I don't care what bitch I'm with, if I'm giving more than taking then it's not worth it.
Enjoy being alone and your shallow relationships.
It's just how the world works. Obviously I'm not suggesting that you drain your blood. Actually the opposite. You should have a lot to offer; an excess; that you can provide to women, children, and society.
>then it's not worth it.
Literally "waah waah, this grown woman doesn't give me enough! I need more! Its not worth it!"
grow up
In a fulfilling relationship of 3 years my dudes :^)
>dump her
>become an incel
Not really that involuntary.
You can make it better by giving more. This idea of stopping just because you want to play tit-for-tat, the idea that you'll wait to give until you first receive "enough", it stops you from reaching your own potential. You could otherwise utilize 100% of your abilities and really show the world what an amazing man you can be. But instead you choose to limit yourself based on something that you can't even properly measure (emotional giving and taking). The only person you're hurting is yourself.
There are many thing to feel proud about, pat yourself on the back and feel self-righteous. But I don't think that taking from women is one of them.
You will be out-performed, easily, by an altruistic man.
>doesn't filter trips
it's almost like you intentionally want to enjoy this website less
>Know this girl for 2+ years
>Girl was interested in me
>Even dropped hints she wanted to date multiple times
>Ask her out
>She starts acting like OP's pic day one
>Deal with this shit for a month and a half
>Tell her why is she acting like this
>Breaks up with me immediately
Don't even try.
I legitimately have level 1 autism spectrum disorder (Asperger's) and didn't know until after we broke up. Spoke with my parents and they confirmed that I did. Never told me because they "wanted me to grow out of it and do my best in life with confidence in myself as a normal person" but instead they're wondering why I don't have my life together in my late 20s. If they had told me, I could have received the help I need to be semi-normal rather than finding out roughly a third of the way through life.
Had I known this I could have said something in the beginning of the relationship with my prior gf and we'd be able to communicate better. I now know to be specific rather than just say whatever comes to mind and being unhappy with the result. For example, me asking for a drink and she brings some water, but I'd been saving my once a week soda to enjoy with her so I feel mildly upset that she didn't bring what I wanted or want to share a positive experience with me. This small frustration adds up over time across several subjects (ask for a blanket and its texture makes my skin crawl so I don't use it, need a pen and she gives blue ink instead of black, etc) where she feels she's not able to do anything right, feeding on her issues as the unplanned 2nd youngest of 5 kids. Or she asks for a hard drink after a difficult work day and I bring her frozen lemonade or ice because it's a hard drink instead of the alcohol most would know she wanted. Multiply this by several subjects and she's thinking I'm not taking her seriously so I'm unhappy that she's not happy, and I add it to my list of things I can't do right. Meanwhile I have no idea this is bad communication, I just assume it's normal since my parents always made me take care of myself. Now that I know I have this problem, there's a ton of resources to help me seem normal and knowing I have it can explain a lot to her about how my brain works.
haha retard. use your diagnosis to acknowledge autistic behavior and overcome/cope with it, not as an excuse to be immature
>Who gives a shit how she treats you?
fuck women with this mentality. If a relationship isn't about give and take then it's probably shit and she doesn't fundamentally respect you as a man
dont be an incel.
do you actually like this girl? would you be worse off without her because you like her or just because you want a gf?
if you like her, maybe she's not giving you anything because youre boring her, you should try and work on yourself to be able to engage her more and satisfy her so she isnt bored. lack of confidence is always a turn off
if she's just someone you dont think you can do better than who doesnt give a fuck about you, dump her. power move as fuck. you'll find somebody better, dont give up. but again, you need to work on yourself and be able to engage and satisfy girls.
either way, drop the incel attitude and maybe hit the gym
That's how you stay poor. Most people think like you. rich people don't
Poor man
>Yes boss, I'll work hard and make myself valuable. If he needs more from me, he'll have to pay me first!
Rich man
>Yes boss, I'll do it and give it my unconditional best, no matter how much you pay me or how hard I have to work. What ever I produce will be nothing less than my best.
Same with relationships. GIVE 100% no matter WHAT SHE DOES; just give and give and give and give. You don't need "give and take" because you don't need to take before you give. You are manifesting the mindset of a failure and you will REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
Think about my advice longer than 10 seconds and you'll realize I'm right. Or don't and enjoy a lukewarm relationship your whole life.
Also, I'll say it again: I'm not suggesting you bleed yourself dry. Giving should be a pleasure, you should feel SO HAPPY to give to your friends and girlfriend. If you don't then something is wrong with your mentality.
That's exactly what I'm doing faggot. This knowledge is like someone turned the lights on and everything makes sense now. Like if you're staying the night at a relative's house where you're not familiar with the layout and have to piss at 2am. You're blindly shuffling around looking for the toilet/light switch bumping into stuff along the way, then once you've knocked over the lamp your relative turns the light on and you can see where you're going. Doesn't excuse what you've done but does explain why you did it. You still have to pay for the damage, and that's what I'm working on now that I know the lights were off.