3 confirmed dead and 9 wounded

>3 confirmed dead and 9 wounded
>it was a kebab
>media is silent

where do we go from here?

Attached: kebab.jpg (2197x1463, 338K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lel kebabs can't do anything right.

We just sit back and watch.

BBC memory holed it. part and parcel

Attached: partparcel.jpg (479x720, 53K)

Any pics of perpetrator?

Attached: 1552915409020m.jpg (1024x576, 69K)

Pic is gyro

we vote FVD


the fire rises

Attached: 1552623294203.png (1024x610, 488K)

>3 confirmed dead

Attached: 0ZMqvT_tIdpUxamlHBAYMaLUVJU5pLveyJhtQ2ylSHg.jpg?width=550&auto=webp&s=6bc6def473f5d3489aa354 (550x336, 25K)

thats whiter than me though

Looks like poopy
Also so does dolma
Why is gayreeque 'cuisine" so coprophilic?

and now I'm hungry for a gyro.
fuck you bastards.

Attached: oh-dear.jpg (750x766, 137K)

It's front page on every news site here.

This times 9000.

identify the media bosses, boss fight....idiots

To a little trip in Constantinople

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>where do we go from here?

We shoot them more, we need a bigger killing. 50 was the first shot, to drive the point home we need 100 dead muds.

Preferably in a big European city. Many muds will be "praying" or "protesting". This is a good opportunity to shoot from a rooftop like in Las Vegas.

Attached: l9latzeh2jyz.jpg (479x478, 30K)

Hopefully whatever nationalist party in the Netherlands there is gets a huge increase in numbers after this.

moar protection for mosques. we need to arrest whites and address the problem of white supremacy


amerifats are always hungry

Pussy on the run only managed a subpar three

Chad gets 51 with ease

Day of the RAID soon

What attack?
There was no attack.
I'm so sleepy already.
Very very sleepy.

Aint no place to go, if you're surprised about it being a kebab, media defending it. Welcome to the shitshow my friend.

Attached: ikihe40.png (717x717, 484K)

Seething ^^

ongoing attack of peace. sky reporting on white supremacy

fuck you i wish that worked
i got food poisoning and had a hallucination of virtual racing and then this bizzare as fuck restructuring a building thing
Ugh, just make the world better starting with my gut already

He's mentally ill! Let the authorities do their jobs! Nothing to do with Islam..


>mfw watching Greeks and Turks fighting over Cypriot delight/Turkish delight, gyroi/kebab and oozo/raki.

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> Media is silent

bbc.com/news/world-europe-47611811, google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/03/18/europe/utrecht-shooting-intl/index.html, theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/18/utrecht-shooting-tram-dutch-netherlands

Yeah sure fuckface, how about you wipe all of that greasy cum from your fucking glasses...

But how is this possible? I thought guns were illegal in our fine country! This is unfathomable!

Really pissing me off they keep calling him a white supremacist when he explicitly states he is not and that he is a nationalist.

>check reddit
>high-rated comment says "maybe this is a copycat shooter from NZ"
these are the stupidest fucking niggers in the world

Attached: 1551747072959.png (657x450, 43K)

I thank you for staying in your country.

>media is silent
>top story in every news outlet
poltards have flown right past "retarded" to straight-up schizophrenic.

If you actually look into the gun laws, you would know they're not illigal, far from even, just requires a trail period and annual checkups and the obvious proof of why you want one and background check/paperwork.

Attached: chrome_2019-03-18_15-10-29.png (368x409, 272K)

You mean discount kebab?

That's a blown out Greek feminist searching for her self.

its illegal to carry, I guess you can always claim your going hunting.

Fuck I want shwarma now.
We're not allies you can go straight to ...

in the eye of the beholder, I think you are the coprophilic, a sane person would never see poop in delicious greek food.

kys shit eater

3 isn't much compared to 50 but an awful event RIP

Attached: emir-turkish-embassy-the-turkish-embassy-2910895.png (500x436, 116K)

basically the same food which is unsurprising since your peoples pretty much look and act the same

Wet wapens en munitie
Artikel 28
1 Verlof tot het voorhanden hebben van een wapen en munitie wordt, uitsluitend voor wapens en munitie behorend tot categorie III, verleend door de korpschef in de woon- of verblijfplaats van de aanvrager.

2 Een verlof wordt verleend indien:

a. een redelijk belang de verlening van het verlof vordert;

b. de aanvrager geen gevaar voor zichzelf, de openbare orde of veiligheid kan vormen;

c. de aanvrager tenminste de leeftijd van achttien jaren heeft bereikt, behoudens afwijking voor leden van een schietvereniging.

Hoe kom je aan c; een redelijk belang?

Attached: google_news.png (1159x648, 152K)

As a leftist I'm pissed. This piece of shit is just going to garantuee PVV and FVD votes.
How fucking dumb can you be? Immigrant morons...

a dus

you'd have to have a hunting licence, and hunting licences only allow you to own a double break barrel shotgun(ofc no pump or semi auto allowed).

But as with most of these incidents, the gun was probably illegally obtained.

>I'm leftist
>immigrant morons
Seems like PVV is perfect for you, leftist as hell except for the immigrant loving part.

>Same food
>Doesn't know that gyro is made from pork

Good, FVD landslide win can't come soon enough

C kan door bijvoorbeeld , sport gebruik(schietvereniging lidmaatschap verplicht en moet toestemming geven), voor je werk training(beveiliging), om maar 2 te noemen.

stop being so mad, Yannis

Are Islam Supremacists far right? Or is Islamic Supremacy a leftish position.

Im an SP voter numbnuts. You know? THE FIRST party that was against mass immigration in this country.
VVD and CDA did it, not the left.
I also dont like anti intellectual "tokkies", they always vote against their own self interest. No PVV for me

Maar waarom?

3 people are dead as the result of an incident.
Sky News

Ja maar dat is erg specifiek, je mag niet als doorsnee burger een vuurwapen bezitten, dus in essentie zijn ze gewoon illegaal.

Holy shit, what the fuck do you not get about the word 'maybe', you brain-dead sack of fat. It's a fucking speculation that isn't even that unlikely given that there has been a far-right attack shortly preceding the Christchurch shooting:


Back to your basement, your mommy just finished bringing out the pizza rolls better get em while they're still hot!

I live in Groningen. There are a lot of ''tokkies'' in the south east of our province who actually vote SP. They just want the gibs and don't want to work. In that area, the PVV is actually the intellectual leftist vote.

Religious fundamentalism is like fascism. Also its conservative as fuck. Obviously right wing.
Religious people calling themselves left wing just love to pretend theyre do gooder moralfags.

Actually the one left party I find to be reasonable. I'll keep voting FvD though.

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>burgers are less white then a turk
I'm so sorry.

Virtual signalling should be a crime.

Name is Kostas thank you very much

Als je het vergelijkt met Amerika, ja dan is het illegaal, de regels zijn hier gewoon wat strenger. Zolang je als burger een wapen kan en mag bezitten met goede redenen, zijn wapens legaal, alleen niet heel toegankelijk(vergelijkend met Amerika)

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I thought giros didnt do doner style meat. Looks tasty AF tho.

CNN will try to justify this attack because of kebabremovalistbro. They will do this from now on. Screen this, true...sad!

> media is being silent

> any pic of perp

> oh yeah here's one from the news

>where do we go from here?

Kebab is a based food, raw onion, lemon, cabbage, lamb, bread, simple and nutritious mmm. I regret this food being used as meme name for floppies.

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Gyro is Greek kebab meat. Technically a kebab but I understand the sentiment.

Fuck yourself dolma is fucking delicious.

>als dit en dit
"legaal" wapenbezit is veruit de uitzondering, de regel is dat het illegaal is.

Whitey shouldn't have killed 49 innocent people.

Remember, Muslims only kill after their own have been killed.

Unilateral warfare has kept you losers with no education out of the dark.\

Hint: Europeans+ Americans bomb Muslims and killed 1000k+ civilians in order to stop "terrorism" in the past few decades.

The blood is still fresh.

Not really. It's lack of purpose. A lot of those guys drink, fuck, do drugs. It's LARPing, they never lead far right lives.

99% of kebab made in our countries is nasty as fuck. The meat is out in the open all day in a filthy humid stall.

this. they want us to eat faggot shit

We make it clear to the normies who failed for this crap that this is what would have happened, and will happen by their own policies, and that they have a choice to either stop it, change their philosophy into natsoc stuff, or to suffer their own failures as we will not help them, as they suffer from their own stupidity as it spirals out of control. While they grow old, stupid and useless and their children will inherit a race war (if it wont happen already)

We control a large flow of information warfare right now, as they are immobilized by their own social contagions


and it is up to us, according to our own will to help them, or do tell them to fuck off. Maybe one of us should make this clear to them.

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get comfy
unrironically true

islamic terrorism in the west started after america and the west started their illegal wars in the middle east

sure they used to kill each other... those were the days, dumb fuck amerikis

No clue what's in kebab, but gyro is just chopped pork.
Do roaches eat pork?Isn't it haram or whatever they call it?

>maybe this attack by a brown person on random civilians in a bad neighborhood on public transportation is a copycat of the white nationalist systematically massacring muslims in their place of worship
I stand corrected, looks like you're the stupidest nigger in the world

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Media is not silent. What are you talking about

>where do we go from here?

To War.

Apparently turkman stole the getaway vehicle

rip whitoid burger

Ik zag dit hele gedoe a la "VVD maakt het land kapot" al van mijlen ver aankomen. Jullie negeerden het.

Jan Marijnissen waarschuwde in de jaren 80 al voor de massaimmigratie die de VVD en het CDA door de kamer drukten. Nu wordt gedaan alspf de SP graag buitenlanders knuffelen, dit is helemaal niet waar. De partij gelooft alleen dat het geen zin heeft bevolkingsgroepen tegen elkaar op te zetten. Alleen de rijken hebben daar profijt van.

SP heeft al vaker voor zakkenvullerij gewaarschuwd bij zorgverzekeringen

SP is misschien niet zo sterk meer in de debatten voor de verkiezingen, maar zijn erg sterk in de kamer. Veel problemen die wij op sociaal-economisch gebied nu hebben heeft de SP al voor gewaarschuwd, en is door rechtse en zelfs "linkse" partijen (a la PVDA) genegeerd, zelfs nadat de SP gelijk kreeg.

Ik heb een hekel aan het elitisme dat er de laatste aantal jaren in de SP top is ontstaan, maar over het algemeen is de SP altijd een luisterend oor geweest naar zijn achterban.

>where do we go from here?
To buy some kebab?

dat is een manier van redeneren, is maar hoe je er naar kijkt. Wapen bezit kan legaal en illegaal zijn. Het puur schuiven van, wapens zijn illegaal, op het feit dat je aan eisen moet voldoen om in bezit te mogen zijn van de wapens, zou betekenen dat sigaretten ook illegaal zijn want je moet immers leeftijd x zijn(een eis) om ze te kopen.

Tjah, perspectief, en daar ga ik niet over kibbelen, want dat ligt puur hoe je er in staat.

imagine unironically voting for shekelgrubbing Geert Wilders. the absolute state, vote FvD niggers

Funny as shit. I hope some of those dead and wounded people sent flowers to NZ.

Dat is mieren geneuk, kom nou. Hoeveel % van de bevolking voldoet aan die leeftijdseis voor sigaretten en hoeveel voldoen aan de eis om een reden te hebben voor wapen bezit.

Ik zie het liefst reformatie van de wet wapenbezit zodat je niet een speciale reden nodig hebt dan bijvoorbeeld interesse/zelfverdediging. Vind het niet erg als er dan streng wordt gecheckt en gehandhaafd.

Nah m8, i'm a chef, I know good meat and bad. Kebabs "from Greek shop" successfully eaten 100+, times got the shit afterward, zero. Lamb gyro is my goto energy boost. Was the favoured food of Ghenghis Khans horde, lamb kebab under the saddle was standard equipment next to bow and sword.

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Jacht cursus is het snelste soort schieten duurt een jaartje of twee als je automatische wapens will moet je vergunning krijgen voor het bestuderen ervan voor historische doeleinden