Children should be a privilege

world IQ is dropping because all kinds of retards nowadays have children
i admit that i am not suitable for being a parent so i will never have them

Attached: a-mother-and-father-with-their-children.jpg (700x466, 35K)

World IQ is dropping because of climate change, air pollution and destruction of nature.


what is the relation between those two

all schools must be privatized, this wall make people think twice about having kids since they will either have to pay for a school or pay for home tutoring.

People with an IQ below 90 should be paid by the government to get voluntarily sterilized.

kids are a huge financial burden for anyone, but that is not what i wanted to say

only high iq people should have kids, there should be parenting tests too


also, if kids are born with disabilities, they should be euthanized

CO2 levels cause cognitive decline. If you live in a dense, air polluted city, you are working at 90% of the mental capacity you would be at in a rural area.

Hmm so this explains geographical voting patterns in America


mandatory sterilization should be implemented via the entire water supply until you've earned the right to have children (i.e. you finished a degree in a pragmatic job market).

Proof of sustainable income should be required, otherwise we'd just have Tyrone and Tyrese having 6 niglets living on welfare (and those niglets will do the same.

Abortion wouldn't really issue anymore if we took the necessary precautions.

If anything the "right to reproduce and create offspring" would be the new debate.

This would also make sure that crazy batshit women can't leverage the courts against men anymore as well as go a long way at eradicating the nanny state.

big brother or not, this shit needs to be done.


temporarily yes, not permanently

Big government niggers are retarded. Don't feed the niggers and all the problems go away.

> high iq
Any non-shit couple near or above 100 points is fine (about 15% of the brazilians population, huehuehuehue).

>Mass race-mixing
>Roasties giving birth at age 45 more than ever
>IQ's dropping like a rock

Shocking development, I must say...

Was about to argue with you but you’d have to be retarded to make a decision like that, so good job on being self aware buddy.

for not wanting kids?
who normal would ever want kids?
they are nothing but burden

idk, Nordics?

We should just make junk food more affordable and ubiquitous. increasing the BMI of stupid people will make them sterile.