You can raise your daughter a patriot and the bean goblin anchor baby spawn will beat her for it, and they think it's funny. This their coexistence, this is their diversity.
Public schools are white concentration camps
Then they feed white kids processed foods that are stored in estrogen filled plastic bags, and tell them to load up on carbs and that fats and red meats are bad. Public school ruined my life.
FYI, the COMMUNIST PARTY USA lists Public School as their GREATEST contribution to the American people. Really makes you think.
Notice the adult that looks on but just walks by.
Live in a nice neighborhood and public schools are actually good.
>Nobody paying attention
>Not even her "friend"
Holy shit, whites are beyond cucked, if it was a nig or a spic instead their fellows would help, truly a blackpill of what the future looks like
do more than talk about it then
Whites are letting it happen to them
that is why i will homeschool my kids and teach them christianity, real history and national socialism. keep your kids out of that hellhole. they WILL turn your kid into an sjw atheist and he/she WILL sleep around. remember, en leau parentis. in place of parents is the schools motto. they literally want to take your place in your childs life
also full video is here, post full length
no they are not, i live in a rich white neighborhood and it is still a nightmare
not rich and white enough then. I had a very good experience and opportunity despite being a piece of shit edgy teenager but that's different.
the opportunities arent the problem, they will brainwash your child into being a sjw or a tepid kosher conservative. and if you want your daughter to stay a virgin dont send her there
The government wants to take the place of your parents, regardless of where you are at in life. They want to be your father and give you a curfew and all kinds of shit. It's a MESS.
You forgot to mention about bullying done by niggers and spics against white kids
and her friend who didn’t even react as she was attacked, she just sipped her water.
wat a reliable ally!
If you care at all about your children, you don't send them to public school, which is basically daycare for pavement apes.
This is why you tie your hair back and keep a scissor in your pocket.
Daniel 2:43 King James Version (KJV)
43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Which is why that guy said to live in a white only area
Teach your children how to fight. This is what you get for letting your kid sit on their ass playing nintendo.
Sure you do...
How about, you be a responsible fucking parent and take your kids out of kike school.
not in europooristan
nintendo is our only escape from this shithole.
I do too and he is right. Sure the graduates will go to a fine university and join a fraternity but they are still obsessed with drinking, smoking weed, Juuls, sex, and nigger music. My city is 25% white though so that could have something to do with it. I am sure most of america like this though
In schools that are in neighborhoods where everyone is in the professional class, there is no difference between public and private school in regards to academics.
false. they have been busing-in "disadvantaged students" to "diversify" the public schools since the late 80s.
There is more to picking a school than academics
You think kids in private schools don’t smoke weed, vape, and listen to rap??
And private schools give vouchers to inner city kids. What is your point?
happened to me, it was awful.
they wont get mine. ive known my gf since we were toddlers and we were both homeschooled.
Americans are delusional about their public school because MUH CLASS REUNION. Also they only want the schools there for football. Sad world.
>there's no difference between taking welfare and giving it, either way you still make $600/month
Sure bud, keep telling yourself that.
If you want your kids to learn theology, send them to private school obviously. If you live in a good neighborhood and think they are otherwise superior, nope
median household income in my hometown was $72,000 when i was going to high school and yet it was PACKED with spics who stole things from the white students and bragged about it openly. there weren't many fights because we had a lot of security guards but kids would lose phones, ipods, wallets, etc. on a daily basis to these rat thieves and it was a (((liberal))) faculty so they rarely ever got into trouble because it would be racist if they did. rich liberals love having these rats in their towns so they save more money by hiring them to work for 5 bucks an hour. and they never have to see the squalor they create because in order to live in their communities it costs a million dollars minimum for just one house.
thats what i was trying to say, they will turn your kids into wigger degenerates, but at least theyll have muh college degrees.
>Notice the adult that looks on but just walks by.
That indeed is the strangest thing. It appears the boomers have completely lost it.
You're being a dumb nigger right now. Your school is not the same as kid's today's school. Whites are less and less the majority, so eventually no matter where you go, if you use any public service you will have to tolerate niggers.
>sending your kids to public schools
You know you fucked up, right?
>Notice the adult that looks on but just walks by.
It depends on the private school, but they are way more sheltered
Maybe some do but not the majority.
But why nobody reacts?
>go to link
>read some comments
This guy is mega cucked and he knows it its hilarious. He called the Bureau of justice statistics a far right think tank
Yeah, they do. Go look at those top boarding schools in New England. They give you a full scholarship if you’re poor. Republicans always cry for school vouchers.
Private schools are not required to teach about the holocaust. Public schools are starting to push LGBT shit while private schools are not going to do that. There are still segregation academies in Mississippi of all places with no niggers that attend. Just because your Jew York private school sucks doesn’t mean the rest of the country has that problem
probably true, it's fairly evil to lock them in with those non-white savages, whom by the way, the school authorities have incredibly lower expectations for and will get a slap on the wrist compared to the whites.
I wonder who could be...
Depends where you live, the public school in my town is really good but I live in a christfag town in the south where blacks and whites get along.
I would have my kids homeschooled if they didn't go to an all white school.
white bois sit there do nothing
It’s true, I went to a very rich public school and it’s full of degenerates. Private school kids aren’t this bad
Her parents can sue the school and send her to a safer, whiter school where she won't have these problems.
This is assault and the school has failed in their duty of care.
Private schools aren’t boarding schools. Good luck finding an all white public school
I went to a private school and can promise you there is no significant difference when controlling for income.
So is the real problem that rich kids our degenerates?
Good luck finding an all white private school anywhere relevant
This is why I never had kids... not wealthy enough for gated private school, and not going to put my children through this subhuman dystopia. Good job Soros, you won
No, the problem is that kids from lower income backgrounds typically have terrible home lives and are usually bad kids as a result
I don’t care much about your relevancy, your capitalist money first mindset is what has caused all of the problems. I will gladly enjoy my life free from the degeneracy of cities
>comments lean right wing
Oy vey shut it down. Clearly a raid
So did I, and yes there is a huge difference.
This is absolutely HORRIFYING.
Imagine the gripping fear, the lack of unity and cohesiveness among White people that FUCKING SHIT SKIN minorities are not afraid to beat you up in front of your group.
Sheer boldness of these Animals, imagine trying this anywhere other in world you would be flattened with ground.
WHITE PEOPLE will you really let each other down because!!! What is fuck wrong with you!
Where is non written rule to fucking stomp living shit out of these Upitty Niggers, these people don't deserve to be argued with, they don't deserve time to understood, the only thing if you ask me they deserve being brutally removed and their families (yes and their little sub human children,yes children buhuuu)
your grasp of english seems to be the real problem
You should be teaching your kids more than just your preferred politics. I feel like stream lining them into becoming nazis will deter them from becoming nazis. Just saying.
Why go to school to listen to some bitch with a ba when you can learn from the best instructors in the world online?
>Why don't these bois assault a girl and go to jail?
Cops and faculty won't care if it was justified, that's for the courts to decide.
Depends on how you define "good."
I went to a wealthy asian public school. Was very rigorous, really good and involved teachers.
Education was still meh due to the state curriculum, and ths social setting was hell. Seeing bug people and hearinf chinese all day really wore on me.
If they did in this country they'd be expelled parents fined and possibly worse
When i was in primary school i called the only nigger a "chocolate boy". My mum was called into a meeting with the headmaster and social services threatening to take me and my brother away from her since she must be an evil racist teaching me evil things. The only way she got out of it was by "proving she wasn't racist".
Imagine what they'd do to you if you actaully hit one of these beautiful diverse people.
Because they're all mexican
Did you miss the “controlling for income” part of my statement?
>Personal responsibility
Locked thread. The absolute state of reddit.
Thank you. If I saw that shit in a lunchroom as a kid I'd either step in and shank the goblina or be lost in the world of Pokémon on my 3ds
Why not both?
Whites don't care at all, they keep sending their kids to public school so they can have free daycare and 8 hours break, followed by the 8 hours of child sleeping, means they only have to be a parent for 8 hours a day. Usually, I'd have 3-4 hours of homework, so slice that number in half, and white Americans practically spend 4 hours parenting a day and call it "difficult to raise children" yeah no shit, it's difficult when you allow OTHER PEOPLE TO RAISE THEM.
We're talking about 12 year olds who are told to trust their school authority.
>no one gave 2 fucks
lmao white people
Well it's kind of true, if I lived in zogmerica I would definitely homeschool
I am sick and phone posting fuck off
I view everyone who sends their kids to public school as a piece of shit poor faggot who can't take responsibility for their fucking. Trailer trash, all of them.
>the chad Latina vs the virgin white girl
>will support her race
>strong enough to protect her children
>will actually have children
>not a pussy
>no fucks given
>the time for arguments is over
White people are pathetic. Fight back or get replaced. Honestly I’m rooting for you guys but when I see videos like this it makes me embarrassed for you.
My 11 year old knows how to box and straight up conceal carries IDGAF.
White people are so easy to pick on and beat up. Such a weak race.
Homeschool your kids. Then you don't need both parents working. It's not that hard and it's they only way your kids will actually learn anything. Public schools are toast. Have been for a few decades.
ok boomer, school is a place to have fights
trigger alert. chill bro. it was just a joke
Why not simply beat back?
i take it back. no joke
>i am sick
you fuckin poosy
She probably was told to wreck some random quiet shy white girl to get into a cool spic gang. Pretty based actually. Redpilled the white girl.
The globalists, roll out the commies (patriarchy theory) and Islamist (intellectual jihad) on the coastal cities first.
Nintendo is for soi boys
>What is a Mexican lunch lady?
I'll be sure to recite that when I'm pissing on the ashes of your entire family you fucking shit skin.
Raised by liberals probably
yes. Public school is a prison day care. Children are locked in under armed supervision for 7 to 8 hours a day. Kids are not permitted to leave the premises for any reason. School have full responsiblity from the moment they leave home for the bus stop to the moment they get home, making them huge liabillities for the school. The guidance counselors are bribed by colleges and universities; they get a stipend based on applications. The athletics department is a mafia that bleeds the district and other departments dry of money. The cirriculums are taught in a way that if you fall behind in a single lesson you are left behind for the rest of the year. Science says teenagers need more sleep than adults and that people only pay attention for 30 minutes a day, but none of it is applied to the process of public schools. I fully support public school reform.
I learned more from Jow Forums in 2 years of intense lurking than I did in my 14 years of public education, including University
"The target groups" all belong to the lumpenproletariat. Westerners are in the middle of a China-tier culture revolution but they haven't noticed it yet.
No, the white girl said America needs border control. The assailant was an anchor baby.
>Locked thread. The absolute state of reddit.
This is what happens when you give users a name.