Something is wrong with my empathy. I watched the shooting video and I was afraid of what I would see...

Something is wrong with my empathy. I watched the shooting video and I was afraid of what I would see. I was afraid I'd be traumatized. But I wasn't. In fact, I laughed at different points. It was comical to me that this guy was actually shooting up a mosque. It was like "holy shit OP is actually delivering". The memes and the music didn't help. I'll be honest, it looked almost fun blowing people away to the tune of British Grenadiers.

I know this is a horribly fucked up act. Intellectually I know it and would never do something like this and have nothing but condemnation for it. Those people were innocent pray goers who didn't deserve to be blown away by that guy, or by anyone. I played a ton of video games growing up. Maybe I'm just horribly desensitized. I still have my wits about me. I'm no threat to myself or others. I'm a progressive too so it's not like I have an ideological affinity towards this guy, but I used to believe what /pol believes. Maybe it's just the legacy of that.

But I'm worried my empathy is horribly compromised. What can I do about this? On a related note, I can't cry. I've tried to cry and I just can't even though I'm depressed and need antidepressants.

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You made small giggles or did you like hysterically laugh? My theory by what you said is that you laughed or focused on the memes to avoid shock.
>It was like "holy shit OP is actually delivering". The memes and the music didn't help. I'll be honest, it looked almost fun blowing people away to the tune of British Grenadiers.
You're not talking about how you enjoyed people getting shot or the death of innocents, but the memes. There's a chance im wrong but it really sounds like you did this to protect yourself.

I had some normal laughs in there

>On a related note, I can't cry. I've tried to cry and I just can't even though I'm depressed and need antidepressants.
Do you mean like you don't feel sad? Never crying doesn't seem physically possible, like if youre cutting onions you don't cry even if it "burns"? You should get that checked, there's a chance its not a emotional question.

Physically I can cry if I'm say around onions. I just can't feel sad enough. I think I'm behind sad to numb. But I'm doing alright for myself at the same time. I'm not really suicidal or anything

This sounds like you shielded yourself before you watched the video as mentioned in and it's not weird for people to laugh when something shocking happen in front of their eyes it's a very natural mental preservation mechanism.

Doing something like it is something I used to fantasize about. I almost identify with the shooter. Again, I'd never actually do something like this.

I can't stop watching it either. I've watched it like 20 times now.

Come now OP, that video was funny and you know it. As long as you empathize with real people and come to their aid when they need it you'll be fine. It's no surprise you have less empathy for a foreign race of roaches invading European countries.

I'm no specialist, but Depression doesn't mean you will feel sad. Actually Numbness seems the most frequent "feeling" with depressed people. Do you remember something that makes you sad? or do you remember a moment that you felt sad?

I guess you wouldn't be laughing if your family was in there. It's too bad you weren't in there actually. That would be worth a laugh or two.

Not him but the video was pretty alienating.
The heavy contrast between the choice of music and memes against the violence.
The fact that it was a first person video didn't help

The other possibility for you to like the video so much is that maybe it's one of the few things that breaks your numbness. Its not necessarily because you like what he done, but because it stops your numbness.

It does. It's like memes becoming real. It's what Jow Forums has always wanted to do. He actually did it. It's horrible and fucked up, but it's also memey, significant, and real. In a bad way, it's like we're not all just pissing into the wind but something real actually comes out of Jow Forums.

I agree. I felt anxious while watching it especially during the woman's execution in the street. I suppose they share some small degree of guilt as invaders into our country, but I would really have preferred the people behind mass immigration and globalist corruption instead. Death to traitors and deport invaders.

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>It's no surprise you have less empathy for a foreign race of roaches invading European countries.

Your mind is seriously broken and I sincerely hope one day you reach a point of clarity where you can seek therapy and help from your loved ones. Life doesn't have to be this way, user.

OP, for your own sake, please seek help before you go completely off the deep end.

I know it's Jow Forums and no one wants to take anything seriously here, but I feel like on Jow Forums people are more willing to think clearly than they are on other boards.

There are a lot of Anons on here who started out somewhere like where you are. They grew up mostly on the internet and played video games their whole life. They feel some level of disconnection from mainstream society. They have some form of social anxiety and insecurities. They browse Jow Forums so much and with such immersion that they being to adopt more and more of the warped style of humor and morals that certain people on this site peddle. Without a healthy connection to the real world alongside this, these views enter your brain unchallenged.

It is not normal to feel nothing when you see people slaughtered mercilessly in real life footage. It is certainly not normal to, as the above user has, actively encourage this slaughter and cheer it on like some deranged psychopath. You need to take yourself off this path and regrow your empathy, because there are several different roads this can lead down and not one of them is good.

I've forgot to mention that by the simple fact that you're really worried about your empathy being horribly compromised is actually a good sign.

What do you mean with "It does"? Like it does break the numbness?

It's just so surreal and hilarious that this guy is listening to this upbeat Serbian folk song on his way to mowing people down. There's such a disconnect

>I suppose they share some small degree of guilt as invaders into our country
get some help my dude

It's not a simply Serbian folk song, you know?


Just because I don't support murder doesn't mean I support mass immigration of Islamists. In fact, they should be physically stopped at the borders, or if they enter illegally, placed under arrest and deported. Europe has the right to remain European.

I know it's a song that genocides happened to. But idk the words; it just sounds like a happy folk song to me

You spoke in your first post that you felt it was in some way natural or normal to feel less empathy for the murder of Muslim people.

This isn't normal. And it certainly isn't the thought process of a mentally well person.

I've been slowly self improving and getting myself off this board. I've realized it was making me worse years ago. I only came back because of the shooting. I instantly thought "Jow Forums"

I discovered this board back in 2010. Since I've graduated STEM, gotten an engineer job, lost my v card, and actually made some friends. But on a fundamental level I'm still the same user I always was before self-improvement. And my empathy is still compromised. I can't hold relationships and struggle with irl interactions. I do it anyway and give it my all but I'm deficient in some way

Well, I would argue that it is normal to feel more empathy for a literal brother than it is a non-family member. And in the same way it is more normal to feel more empathy for someone dying in your neighborhood than in Africa. We have a higher obligation to our blood and community than to outsiders. It is called inclusive fitness and is a survival technique.

I didn't find it all that disturbing either. Shit looked like a COD playthrough.

It's no surprise, after all, this site played a role in your formative years.

There's nothing wrong with Jow Forums in and of itself but it's blatantly obvious that there are some pretty damaging psychological effects on young people who started browsing around the same time you did (2008-2012) in their teenage years and kept consuming the off-kilter culture here all the way through and into their adult years. It's no coincidence that so many Anons hold pretty much cookie-cutter political and social beliefs and act like a hivemind, particularly on Jow Forums, /v/ and Jow Forums.

Your empathy sounds fucked to bits so I would strongly recommend therapy. What you need is a trained professional who has dealt with this before and isn't going to judge you as a person for your reaction to this event and footage. This is clearly something you need to work through with someone.

Do you have trust issues?

I'd say I have trust issues.

I've been in therapy before and it's gotten me far but I'm always afraid to open up about this part of me. I'm worried I'll be judged or committed or have my guns taken away. I think probably not.

I've shed the beliefs as much as I can. I actually volunteer with the Bernie campaign actually call myself something of a feminist and an egalitarian. I yearn for political unification of the human race and hope I get to But I feel like I've been programmed on a primal level somehow by this place that I can't undo.

All white people arent your brothers though. That’s not normal to think of everyone with the same skin color as you as your literal family. And you’re not a fucking caveman, quit with the survival technique shit.

Of course they aren't. White people are, however, part of my greater extended family and I have more empathy for people that die in France than in Africa. That is the honest truth and is a reflection of our identity. A commie would tell you a lie about how we're all equal and there's one race the human race but we know that's just not true.

And the idea that we're not animals governed by biology anymore may as well be magical Christian thinking. We are just as much beast as we were 10,000 years ago. Yes, I love my family more than shitskins from Arabia. Big fucking deal.

Lmao yeah all the white people in France are like your cousins 500 times removed. And the Arabs are like 600 times removed. Close family you got there. Just admit you don’t have any empathy and don’t hide behind this muh biology muh struggle ethno-bullshit

OP, you don't have anyone to vent out all this stuff like you're doing here in this thread? Even a psychologist may help. It may not seem like it, but just talking about your problems can help you a lot and im not sure if making threads in Jow Forums will really help you the same way talking to a real person will.

Damn these bait threads are getting annoying.

Yeah, no. Normal white people feel bad when Europeans die from terrorism. When you die in your 3rd world shithole, you don't make headlines. We don't spend all day feeling bad for people outside our race. Sorry.

Normal people feel bad when anyone dies from terrorism. You’re not normal.

I'm really timid about venting stuff of this sort irl

Because you can not see blood, that's why

Oh, yeah? I hope you realize someone is dying from terrorism right at this moment and that you'd spend your whole life being a pitiful sad fuck. We prioritize our empathy. Yes, I think it's bad, but when your in-group gets hurt, we have more empathy, just like family. Surprising? You might just be a retarded commie.

>when your in-group gets hurt, we have more empathy, just like family
They’re not your family. You’re making up these groups in your mind. All the white people across the globe will never know you but you want to pretend that you and them are in this immutable group that must look out for each other no matter what. Please get some help before you sperg out irl and hurt someone.

>Your mind is seriously broken and I sincerely hope one day you reach a point of clarity where you can seek therapy and help from your loved ones. Life doesn't have to be this way, user.

>If you don't want billions of Africans and Islamists in white countries you need mental help!
It isn't me who needs mental help. It's Europeans who are committing racial suicide.

It's the anti-depressants fuckstick

Wrong. That is how culture and race works. Yes, we automatically exclude niggers and sand people because they are not part of 'us', and that is perfectly fine. Especially when they are responsible for a hugely disproportionate amount of rape, murder, and general terror.

Oh okay you’re one of those nutters. White people are perfect and innocent, and non-whites are naturally evil and therefore we should kill them all yeah?

Absolutely not. White people are the cause of mass immigration, liberalism, birthrate-destroying ideology like feminism, and so on. I honestly have a lot of respect for Islam which is a stronger religion than Christianity and actually keeps their word on women and gays. They're not stupid enough to abort themselves out of existence and are just asserting their will over dumb white people.

But the idea that we're all one big happy global family is just white liberal delusion. Yes, white people are my in-group, the vast majority of white people marry and befriend other white people, and that's perfectly normal and healthy behavior. "Absolute equality" and abolishment of race and culture are bullshit.

I laughed to at points too, videos like that never phase me and I enjoy them for some reason. but I think its ok because its not personal, we dont personally know any of the victims so there's no reason for us to feel empathy, but if you laugh at the thought of someone close to you getting murdered, I think that's when you need psychological help, if not though then you're good.

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I don't know if i've helped you OP, but g'night and good luck. If possible seek professional help.

Well, I haven't really gotten anywhere new but it's nice to vent