Everyone: "girls like it when you have hobbies and your own life and don't center everything around them"

Everyone: "girls like it when you have hobbies and your own life and don't center everything around them"

>Me: Whatcha up to?
>Her: Just lying in bed chillin, you?
>Me: Heading to the gym
>Her: Enjoy it.
>*ghosts and blocks me*

Attached: 1552711751415.jpg (750x1061, 154K)

do you know what a rule of thumb is?

whoops seems like you forgot to ask for advice here. go blogpost somewhere else.

Why text her to tell her you're going to do something that prevents you from using your hands and talking to her at all? If you're going to text her to talk, shoot the shit about what you did with your day. Explain you hung out with friends and did shit, and had a life.

you should have told her you were gonna play some Wii fit and then sent her a gym bathroom abs picture

>Everyone: "girls like it when you have hobbies and your own life and don't center everything around them"
>Le Me: gave a closed answer effectively saying I'll be too busy to talk to them, didn't add anything to keep the conversation going after they did

This sounds like someone you just started talking to rather than someone you were dating.


>"Enjoy it"
>I never text back

I wonder why they don't text you after that.

You should have asked her to join you.

Everyone "you have to eat healthy because you will feel and live better"

>Eats one grape
>After one minute starts crying because he doesn't look like Arnie and still feels shit

You're only heading to the gym because you think women want fit men. Therefore you're still trying too hard and stink of desperation.

Is that her in the picture?

>starts a conversation
>doesn't have time to talk
>wonder why nobody wants to talk to you.


Yeah, fr. What do you guys think we're going to say to that?
"No don't go to the gym user, please talk to me."
"OMG what gym, let me come along to a potentially secluded building with massive blunt weapons so you can kill me."

Are women afraid of men now?
Is there a group of women as autistic as incels?

Fearing men is completely reasonable. Statistically, they perpetrate most of the violent crimes and women are weaker than the average men. Not sure why you think self-preservation is autistic.

Thinking that going to a gym with your bf means he wants to murder you is pretty autistic.

It doesn't seem like OP knew her very well based on how she blocked him so fast. Fearing a man you don't know isn't autistic.

>Yeah, fr. What do you guys think we're going to say to that?
talk to them later?
unless you're from a country where "gym" means "an alternate dimension from which no one can return ever"

Wrong, OP didn't ask to talk later after that. He started the conversation and is responsible for maintaining a line that he is interested in talking to her. It doesn't suddenly become the girl's job to reciprocate conversation until they've established mutual interest in each other.
You make your availability and presence known, and figure out if they're interested on the first convo. If you don't do that, you're wasting both of ya'lls time.

And no, any response does not mean they are interested. Stop thinking like a desperado.

But by that logic, women perpetrate the most false rape allegations and fearing women isn't autistic.
The sane alternative is to figure out what kind of person you are dating, if you are in doubt then you create a very visible paper trail, several witnesses etc. Stuff that deter someone from hurting you for no reason.

agree with this, what should OP have said to keep the conversation going?

It's not autistic. You should be very wary of people overall.

No, and nobody said fearing women you don't know is autistic.
>fearing women claiming false rape and not fearing women because it's more likely they will rape you than claim false rape
is autistic.

Also, that's the entire point of the talking and dating phase. You meet her friends, eventually her family, be out together in public places with likely lots of witnesses. All to gague your aggression and intent.

The people who give you advice on dating here are normalfags and are the people you have to avoid OP. Also you seem to have dodged a bullet, that girl sounded extremely demanding if she already blocks you.

>OP continues to ignore girl for likely an hour with no promise of conversation
>Girl loses intrest because there is a more talkative chad that followed through with the "hey I have a life, brb" skit
Nah, girls just know when to hit and quit. Dick is cheaper than pussy.

>most women are demanding without providing anything of value themselves
And you wonder why people here hate women

having this mindset is why youve been lonely and shitposting on this board for the past years

>Implying that the girl was demanding the attention and not just entertaining the conversation
She said 7 words to OP, and OP only invested in 7 of his own.
Can you count?
Do you have a social life where you say 7 words to someone and they give you their banking information or have a child with you? No?

I personally don't, I know you faggots do it as roundabout escapism from fixing your own shit.

I only hate the women of Jow Forums. Or rather, the """women""" of Jow Forums.

>why youve been lonely
Dis nigga doesn't know

Attached: anime-girl-laughing-gif-9.gif (500x269, 1.88M)

>a "woman" saying nigga on Jow Forums

Oh do you want to?
Go on, make an inquiry.

Ew youre such a gross entitled human. Lol im glad youre honest about your perspective but god if this is how your brain works, you may never find happiness

Namefaggotry should be a bannable offense

Fuck off Berry

why cant you women just like me without all the bullshit

jfc stop bumping this

Fuck off Berry

Explain that I've got a life and mine don't alway gravitate toward hers?

He could have easily replied with "I'd rather enjoy it if you were here with me" to save his skin. But user had to be autistic.

>all those unnecessary caps
Stay mad.

Hating all women over a hand full of bitches is self destructive.

>"No don't go to the gym user, please talk to me."
yes? I mean if it's your true feelings why don't you? I mean there's such things as too spoiled but I think people quite like it when their gf/bf actually wants them

They're not dating, Mr. Autismo. He's chatting randos on dating sites.

Lmao texting is awful for trying to score a lay, only text for logistics/to set up a date. Girls need emotional stimulation, which you can't provide any other way other than in person.