The world without Negroids & Jews

What would it look like? Imagine.

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Imagine the smell

You'd just find another group of people to hate. lol

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air quality worldwide would increase by at least 30%

You’d hate other white people. It’s what’s been happening for the last 2 thousand years

For example. Chinese and Poos are pretty based. Muslims are the only ones who'd be left

Intraethnic white bantz would be off the charts and we would have fought at least one industrialized world war against Asians.

Maybe. Maybe there'll always be shitty humans. There's dumbass whites on welfare committing crimes and such. But not nearly at the same rate or consistency as other demographics.

Whoever is left would just find another reason to hate each other and want to put them all in gas chambers or whatever other solutions they can come up with to erase them.

When Europe was 100% white we fought amongst regions/tribes/regions

Retards will always make up an out group they can demonize.

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Yeah but once there is nothing left to compare them to then they will be next on the chopping block.

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>no rap music and peanut butter
>no porn and Hollywood
Literally hell

You need a hobby, user. Go outside.

Look at modern rap and say if it worth it.

Dunno about niggas but world without jews would be the world where whities walk around like sheeple that lost their shepherd.

S-shut u-up

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I know user... I know