I mainly just want legal weed, but I don't want all that other ultra liberal shit (feminism, niggers, no work, etc)
Last time I just said fuck it and voted Gary Johnson. The choices were an old crazy bitch, and a TV celebrity. That's shitty. I'm really worried that the next election is going to be either RoboCop or the founder of tumblr, or your vote doesn't matter.
Republicans will never fight as hard for legal weed. Also
Ayden Martin
Jow Forums is batshit crazy over Trump, I came here for less bias and a variety of answers. Hell I almost even went to /b/
Mason Flores
>your vote doesn't matter bingo. weed is eventually going to be legal, whether you want it or not.
Isaiah Lee
So I should just keep voting third party?
Tyler Taylor
Alaskans could smoke weed at home under Palin. Midwest was never not stoned. Texans do what the fuck they want and if it kills them then that's their problem.
If you're out in the country nobody is going to give a fuck anyways, even in rural places murders still happen and police aren't going to put violence cases aside to crack down on people smoking weed. In big cities there are big budgets, which risk being trimmed to safe money if they aren't made to look necessary. That's why the past 40 years steady experiments in medical marijuana all over USA ended with storm troopers kicking down the doors of old ladies with cancer time after time.
During the Obama administration federal thugs were threatening to handcuff docs for telling them not to violate medical records - which is a felony. Huge legal shitstorm up and down California with families being broken up by stormtroopers over what tenants did on land they owned.
Hudson Torres
just keep voting liberal so shit is cheaper for you. who cares about businesses having less restrictions on them. are you a business? are you a ceo? no you're poor and broke. just vote liberal.
im not even a liberal but this is basically what everyone should do if anything at all.
Asher Moore
your vote doesn't matter and never has. the illusion of choice keeps people from going insane when political people are paid for and chosen among themselves. you don't have any power.
if you want a certain way of life you have to live where it is such, aka move.
James Garcia
Regardless of their opinions one way or the other, how much time somebody spends talking about Donald Trump is the new measuring stick for how crazy they are.
Jason Young
dont vote. world will become more liberal whether you like it or not, because market interests thrive on it. that meand more feminism, more niggers, and yes, legal weed.
Joshua Wilson
>I'm a prole, so I'll just vote for prole government!
This is why proledom persists generation after generation.
John Clark
Republicans and democrats have no interest in ultra liberal views. But Democrats sure will lean towards legal weed. So that should make it easy for you.
But I’d say never compromise, vote third party over crazy people.
Carson Turner
I already have legal weed. If your state doesn't then stop electing retards.
Ian Allen
I live in South Carolina and the hardest part about smoking weed is getting it, everyone is afraid of cops and/or a rip off artist. I'd like to go to a dispensary or just grow it at this point
I depend heavily on the success of businesses. I work 4 different jobs and own over a thousand in stocks.
I wish you that were true but it's not anymore. After Hillary and Trump? Those are horrible choices and I know the next ones are just going to be even more extreme
Jace Reed
Extreme in what way. They are both leaning way right. Only because their color is different does not mean they have polar opposite views. Just think...
Eli Richardson
Wasn't Hillary in favor of gun control, birth control from insurance, trap bathrooms and closing the imaginary "wage gap"? Sounds like an extreme left to me
Carter Miller
Now I'm just thinking I should stick with 3rd party. It's highly unlikely they'll ever win, it'll just make it harder for the others to win by a majority, and I'm ok with that.
Benjamin Martinez
Look dude, you lack the empathy to relate to people out of your tribe, but you lack the conviction to try to keep to your ideological exemplar. My moral advice is to vote democrat, but I think personally you just want to vote Republican.
Unless you're a billionaire, democrat is your best choice
Levi Gomez
There's actually a few things that the parties slightly differ on.
Jackson Ross
Could continue voting libertarian.
Jack Cook
This is your brain on ContraPoints,The Majority Report, and TYT, etc. You're like so brave and I mean like [rolles eyes in red-rose emoji] like yaaaaaassss queen and I'm like soooo proud of you and I mean have some freaking empathy [expletives] I'm progressive
Gavin Kelly
Why are you supposed to do something? Why do you feel the need to vote? Do you think an anonimous vote will make a difference agaisnt millions of other votes? Do you think you are a part of the political system if you vote? And do you think you can change anything by clicking a button or writing on a piece of paper? Why make part of something meant to divide people? What gives you the right to maybe fuck up other groups of people? Why don't you ask yourself these questions? Why don't you focus on what's moral instead of passing on the responsability to a government? "Spend less time on presidential races than on horse races"
Caleb Miller
I honestly only knew one of those, and that's by proxy.
Your [ ] are cringy as hell.
All I'm saying is that OP only seems to care about conservative crack downs and force when it comes down on his head.
You don't have to be an "ultra-liberal" to recognize a bigoted stoner when you see one. If the only thing that makes you reconsider the Republican party is that they want you to put down the blunt, then yeah, I don't have a very high opinion of your conscience.
Hudson Nguyen
The election is over a year away, and all the candidates haven’t been consolidated yet, so why be worried now? You aren’t trying to use this board as your personal blog are you?
William Brooks
>ultra liberal shit (feminism, niggers, no work, etc)
the SJW elements of the left are actually just a vocal minority. Politics is seriously about more than captain marvel, ghost buster, video games and black lives matter.
DOn't judge the left on the SJWs. Look up a youtube chnnel called secular talk.
Jack Bennett
We need to open the Jow Forums floodgates wider. I haven't hear enough neo-con gibberish yet.
Xavier Morris
2016 Jow Forums ruined this place. Can’t wait til they do something fucked and get shut down for good.
Julian Wood
Vote Yang you pussy
Gabriel Ramirez
Move to a country where weed is already legal?
Dominic Gomez
There's more to elections than just presidential. If you want legal weed, you should be looking more at your state elections than presidential.
Also, policy issues are so much more complicated than just "feminism, niggers, no work". There's also tax issues, foreign policy, immigration, healthcare, environmentalism among other things. It's your job as a citizen to be well-informed on these topics and make a choice on which platform comes out ahead for you. You well never agree on everything a candidate wants to do, so don't expect to.
Aiden Hughes
As someone who was previously a dem, I have to say that you will be probably better of as republican. Jow Forums has huge boner for that side but it's there for a reason - republicans are mostly just old geezers wanting to keep the system working, but dems are old geezers who want to revolutionize and fuck everything up to rebuild it so they have even more power - and everyone else be damned. A decade ago reps were somewhat shitty, but a lot of the shittiest of them fell off or joined dems while dems got their own homegrown retardation. Coupled with outright obstruction, sacrificing their own citizens and their lives for propaganda and virtue signalling, I cannot support left side of the political spectrum, at least not in US.
Left will fight harder for weed, yeah, but it will also fight hard for so many kinds of shit that you being or not being able to smoke weed will be the least of your worries.