Curious about you guys’ take on this - who would Jow Forums vote for in a choice between Bernie and Trump?

Curious about you guys’ take on this - who would Jow Forums vote for in a choice between Bernie and Trump?

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Voting is for faggots

I don't what kind of faggotry Jow Forums is pushing. I am 100% on the Trump Train for 2020. The man is a God Emperor. Suck my dick if anyone tells me I'm wrong. The deep state has been fucking with this presidency since day one.
INB4 "Cringe" or "Boomerposter"
No you dildo sucking faggot, it's the objective reality.


Andrew Yang write in.

Bernie, always vote against the Jew

Only right move, is not to play. People should boycot this circus of lies.

Done with leaders, we all know what we need to do now. Gas the (((ops))).

Bern baby Bern, first independent President.

gas the kikes


obviously blormfh

The only people who'd vote for Trump over Bernie at this point are beta memefags who wanna get anally reemed by Israel. Obviously Bernie.



All the same terrible shit plus $1,000.

>"waawaa im a failure so i have to play make-believe to feel better about myself!"
you are the race hitler was trying to eradicate

>A communist Jew


I don't speak for the /ptg/ boomers or the other nigger lefties who've somehow found their way on here, but the true answer is none. Neither Trump nor Bernie at this point. If they absolutely had to? Trump, but only because he's the furthest to the right, even if he's a kike.

if only!

Bernie because i'm an accelerationist now

Bernie is a commie kike you dumb nigger.

>Meme flag arguing to someone that can actually vote in the US

Nice optics shill.

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meme flag or not, at least im not from eastern europes dirty asshole

Trump because the burn unit has the potential to destroy our economy

Hypothetically speaking, if Trump "failed", is that supposed to make me magically believe in open borders, big government and politically correct authoritarianism, or something? I'm just not exactly seeing what your rational, sensible thought process would be here. I'm pretty sure it's because you don't have one.


I would stay home. I'm only voting for Yang

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"independant" excuse me what the fuck

Brenton Tarrant

>Curious about you guys’ take on this - who would Jow Forums vote for in a choice between Bernie and Trump?
What makes you think there's any difference?

Bernie is actively anti-White.
Trump is passively anti-White.

>non-White Democrat
>Not anti-White
Pick one.

supreme court spots. unless R's come up with the next ron paul to challenge trump he's a lock. you cannot vote for D under any circumstance except in those case where you are in effect giving them more rope to hang themselves with, such as many hardline anti-communists voting for obama on the second term to accelerate that tea party effect. bernie is a commie jew, you don't vote for people like that you expel them from any sphere where they might influence your life. bernie should not be eligible as a communist insurgent for anything but a trip to gitmo.

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Yep. Trump could do better, but compared to actually ruining the country, any improvement is good and anything not Democrat is the only option. Also, he's flipping the judiciary branch, the DOJ and the FBI and deregulating the fuck out of everything.
Calling Qanon boomer bullshit is a psyop meant to prevent Anons from going down the rabbit hole. There is a mass log of proofs. Plans were executed a year in advance to the exact minute.
Go down the rabbit hole from oldest to newest. I encourage all anons to try to explain away everything they see.

>boomers trump and bernie

Andrew Yang will win lad


Trump, just so the Left is Butthurt again

2016 was pure Kino, and remember, we live in a Clownworld after all

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