NZ is cucked forever now thanks to that ausfag Tarrant
The absolute fucking state of NZ
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It's probably like 3 people, MSM shilling for WorldState with half truths as usual
I feel it is the beginning of something much more srs user
Bet you is just a few cats (or no one is actually doing it) to get brainless drones to actually give their shit away.
It's paid actors
The war has already started but some are yet to realise it.
Powerful. They need to chase it with a quart of muslim semen.
Just like in the US the media one paid activist shill will do it and they say everyone is.
Who in their right mind would surrender a gun to the government?
Why not just bury it in the backyard?
I doubt the Kiwis will go door to door, and if they do then that's exactly what the gun is for.
This headline is manufacturing consent.
Probably only a dozen examples of this across the country but the disgusting lying press exaggerates it to try and create this authoritarian moral guilt tripping emotional response in their readers.
What will we do though when leftists worldwide start trying to confiscate guns? Sure we may resist them, but civil war will only make it easier for the Muslims to infiltrate and attack
it's probably just the author. never trust the media, never
>shooters on the loose
>better turn in my guns
Doubt it. Sounds like Kike media wishful thinking.
Can we really afford to take the chance that this isn't just media lies?
My NZ relatives are slavish, stupid, socialist, Freemason/Rotary club drones.
You're right... It's literally 3 random ppl on twitter that they use for their example/article.
nice logic
maybe they also should consider cutting off their dicks because some people use them to commit rape?
Brit here. Kiwis, dont give up your guns. Trust me.
You'll regret it if you do.
1,2,3.....7th post best post!
kek its fucking three people and there are reports that there is mass panic buying of firearms because they just got banned.
crazy white dude threw his life away for nothing holy shit the absolute state of white people!
Considering the actions that politicians are already calling for I wonder if he wasn't actually pro-muslim
seems they were fucking faggots all along and he just exposed them keeping coping
I guess "semiautomatic" means that they just jump off the shelf and start shooting people on their own down there, eh mate?
speaking of which, mind linking me to his channel?
U wot m8
it's not genuine. If it even happened at all, it was a sponsored event and they were probably actors or relatives of government personnel.
No one is so fucking retarded to just give away a rifle worth a good amount of money for indirect praise.
This, Some cunt Chantal making a article over something that half a dozen people did.
>here m8, take my propety please! No, no compensation necessary!
t. australioCuck
He did say in his manifesto that NZ gun rights were a lost cause anyways
Sweet, can we get addresses for these folks? I'd love to stop by and show my "support" for their decision which I'm sure they won't regret.