(Where were you the #yanggang meme officially died?)
Baked Alaska has released the official anthem of the yang-gang
based baked alaska crashing this plane with no survivors.
This is so BASED fellow yangbangers
there's already a thread up about this, you fucking potatonigger
Didn't even watch is but cringing hard
faggit gang
*When the blunt hits*
That guy’s such a faggot opportunist.
>imagine posting a video here from Anthiome Goinet
fucking kys
Baked Alaska fucking SUCKS so goddamn bad. He's destroys everything he touches like Richard Spencer but is 30 points lower on the IQ scale.
>i need milk...milllllllllllllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk help meeeeeee
he's banging that ashton birdie autist bitch
I couldnt make it all the way to end. Cringe too strong.
Absolutely no surprise the Pedo Yang Gang has this faggots as their leader.
Weaponized e-celebrity
She's fae beyond autistic, she's bi polar schizophrenic.
Does he get inside her piehole. I doubt it
Agree with this but also agree YANG GANG 2020
I know right let's willingly get enslaved over $1000! God Bless America!!!
no u
What a pathetic fucking loser.
And just like that, I'm back on the Trump train
Baked Alaska got lowtax banned on twitter for tweeting that he thought it would be funny to see him a room slowly filling with concrete. Obviously a joke and cartoony visual. Then they banned him too. His is worse though cause hes not allowed to make a new account. Lowtax just made another one the same day.
>(((Baked Alaska)))
Wtf I hate Yang now
#YangGang :D
>That guy’s such a faggot opportunist.
>Agree with this but also agree YANG GANG 2020
imagine being this fucking retarded. you mean he's an opportunist that would do anything for attention or bucks just like Yang? I mean how fucking self unaware can you be? absolutely wrecked by a frog
We're reaching levels of cringe that shouldn't even be possible.
Hell yes, good to have epic memelord black alaska joining the yang gang. Yang 2020 confirmed! We're all getting NEET bux faggots.
This dude is still around?
Anything he is into he makes really uncool. I wonder if Andrew Yang going to adress this level level of cringe.
That whore he's dating that cried over Alex Jones in his video. What an absolute faggot
Here is the election anthem for Yang 2020
Go and register as a democrat voter temporarily, and vote for Yang during the primaries. Then you can switch out of being a dem voter.
i thought that kike faggot was dead lmao
My faggot leftard cousin is obsessed with shit talking Baked Alaska. Apparently he pulled up next to him in traffic one time and Baked Alaska made a disgusted face at him and he’s never recovered. That’s all I have to contribute
Cringy faggot