>Be 26
>Never had a girlfriend. Went on couple of dates but never clicked with anyone.
>All my peers around me are getting married now.
Feeling sort of depressed now. Feels like I'm missing out. Any anons in the same situation?
>Be 26
>Never had a girlfriend. Went on couple of dates but never clicked with anyone.
>All my peers around me are getting married now.
Feeling sort of depressed now. Feels like I'm missing out. Any anons in the same situation?
Don't focus on other people's lives. They're not you and you're not them. I was at my most bummed out when I was comparing myself to young MMA fighters and young fighters because I was their age or older and focused on the fact that I couldn't be like them.
Go date girls from your specific lifestyle/subculture/whatever you're into. Make it happen.
Yes. I’m the exact same boat. Same age as you. I can’t even get dates though. I feel like the most worthless guy who’s prob not attractive enough for an average qt
Pic relate, me. I have no self esteem cause so much rejection does that.
My dude don’t sweat it. You have so much time. I know guys who didn’t get married til 30+. And plus you’ve at least been on dates so you’re not totally clueless.
I think the worst part my friendships with my bros are fading because they are getting married. I feel like we are losing things in common day by day and the only way to keep "up to date" is to also be in the "married club"
Nah that's just part of being older. People aren't the same as who they were like 5-10 years ago. People change. I was friends with plenty of people and they were never married (a lot of them had never even been on a date) and people just change.
>my friendships with my bros are fading because they are getting married
Idk what else you expected. Marriage is a huge commitment. Their duty to their wives and budding families are way more important than ensuring you feel happy.
Our generation is the last in which marriage by 30 will be normal. Good for you for making it this far. You have at least one less problem than them, if not more.
Same boat, difference is my buddies have their shit together. I’m still working shit jobs and they’re programmers and ones already a professor. They’re fat manlets too so I guess the only solution is to be in a good occupation and have had a healthy social life in college
32. Some friends did this all at about the same time, and now the shoe is dropping on the final one of those that is finalizing his divorce. There's bunch of single parent/broken homes going on for their kids. Wow, so much excitement! All so they could feel like they accomplished something early.
I'll be on two dates this week, and going on a vacation with friends in two weeks, where I can do whatever I want, get laid, and not sit at home crying about my failed marriage. Stop worrying.
fyi, it never changes
you will stay single thinking your friends are having all the great things happen to them, and nothing will continue to happen for you.
Except that in about 7 years you'll start hearing them say you made the right decision in not getting married, as if it was your decision, and how jealous they are of you for still having a life, and finances, and freedom, and not being attached to a leech that criticizes your every word and movement and makes your entire life miserable. Shortly after you hear these things, you'll start to see them, and only then do you start to really appreciate the lucky position you're in. You will be in your thirties or forties, with a decent career and income and savings, and the pure and total freedom to travel or live wherever the fuck you want, or go back to college and bang girls in their early 20s again, and there's nothing anyone can say to you about any of it. Then your friends all get divorced, and end up lonely and angry, but with kids that resent them and without any of the savings or freedom you have. It is fucking fantastic.
Remember that modern marriage is fucked beyond repair, so expect them to get divorced or a lot of problems as time goes on and on.
you've got more money
I'm 38, and your scenario played out for me well over 10 years ago.
I don't talk to them very often and see them maybe once a year.
My cat is pretty cute tho
holy FUCK dude its been so long since i seen you man!
i hope you been doin okay brotha
glad to see your face
I’m in my 30s and my friends got kids or divorces and turned into bland ass boring people. Last time I talked to them was at a dinner party where the topic was children, current state of the economy and getting a new item for the house. Fuck that noise. I got 3 cats. Video games and girlfriends. Life is awesome when your not a boring cunt.
>getting married
Almost exactly the same situation. Had a couple incredibly short term things in the past but been alone for 5 or 6 years now. Feel like a dumb teenager trying to figure it all out again now.
COPE desu
Report brandon, he is a faggot
don't fomo into getting tied down.do cool shit that will make your married friends piss green with envy
b-but r/trp said men had higher SMV than women after 25....why can't you find a gf?